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Any one got a couple of Trillion to spare

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  • Any one got a couple of Trillion to spare

    We have heard all the figures


    What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
    Last edited by braden; 03-19-2009, 09:35 AM.

  • #2
    Very Soon all that cash will buy you 1 tin of soup!
    Its going to be a bumpy ride everyone! be prepare


    • #3
      Tin of soup.

      Probably not my dear bodkins, in my opinion you're over-dramatising things. I'm sure that cash will hold it's value a little better than that. I mean, who knows, you might be able to barter for 500g of rice with that much money..
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #4
        What we are seeing now is a cyclical economic effect that has happened many times. The stock market was WAY overinflated for the economy it was indicating. Globalization and offshoring have cause the US to go into debt so we can keep buying stuff. If you want a better economy then buy domestic. Just like when the manufacturing left because of economic advantages, it will come back one day when it becomes cheaper to produce things here.


        • #5

          Is anyone feeling TRICKLED down upon yet?

          My definition, break the word into two parts:
          TRICK as in "it was a Trick"
          LED (past tense of LEAD)
          as in "to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance."

          Is your dance card full yet? Have you had your fill of being TRICKLED upon?
          Therefore we have: You were led into the trick, you were TRICKLED ..

          Ok, use the dictionary's definition:
          to flow in a thin gentle stream .. do you feel the stream yet?

          Have a good day.
          Last edited by Vortex; 03-19-2009, 12:14 PM.
          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


          • #6
            Originally posted by redeagle View Post
            What we are seeing now is a cyclical economic effect that has happened many times. The stock market was WAY overinflated for the economy it was indicating. Globalization and offshoring have cause the US to go into debt so we can keep buying stuff. If you want a better economy then buy domestic. Just like when the manufacturing left because of economic advantages, it will come back one day when it becomes cheaper to produce things here.
            Its not just the US my friend this is a World problem and the last time this happen was in the 1930s crash.(people die)
            This one is BIGGER, and with the pound/dollar being printed to create hyper inflation, People NEED TO WAKE UP and see what the small group of people are doing to US,with the increase in the power of the goverment over YOU because of the so-called 9/11 we are in a bit of a pit and people dont now it.
            The only way out is the freeman movement and free energy if you have a understanding of these two things YOU are VERY POWERFUL.
            But thats the long run and people need to get ready of the sort term first and thats food, water, power(heat light and stuff).

            At this point I see everyday as perfect because i diside it is so!
            I DONT NEED BITs OF PAPER to change that


            • #7
              Originally posted by Vortex View Post
              Is anyone feeling TRICKLED down upon yet?

              My definition, break the word into two parts:
              TRICK as in "it was a Trick"
              LED (past tense of LEAD)
              as in "to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance."

              Is your dance card full yet? Have you had your fill of being TRICKLED upon?
              Therefore we have: You were led into the trick, you were TRICKLED ..

              Ok, use the dictionary's definition:
              to flow in a thin gentle stream .. do you feel the stream yet?

              Have a good day.
              The government and the banksters have been giving us the golden shower for some time now. Is this part of the trickle down theory?


              • #8
                I have a trickle down my leg theory? but that a hole new ball game


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                  Its not just the US my friend this is a World problem and the last time this happen was in the 1930s crash.(people die)
                  This one is BIGGER, and with the pound/dollar being printed to create hyper inflation, People NEED TO WAKE UP and see what the small group of people are doing to US,with the increase in the power of the goverment over YOU because of the so-called 9/11 we are in a bit of a pit and people dont now it.
                  The only way out is the freeman movement and free energy if you have a understanding of these two things YOU are VERY POWERFUL.
                  But thats the long run and people need to get ready of the sort term first and thats food, water, power(heat light and stuff).

                  At this point I see everyday as perfect because i diside it is so!
                  I DONT NEED BITs OF PAPER to change that
                  Well said mate, this is not a "cyclical storm". We wil be right in the Shi*t very soon coz all the Govenments all over the world are trying to "bail out" their countries by borrowing more money and... wait for it, PRINTING IT!!

                  Yes thats right, the US Federal Reserve anoounced today its gonna buy TRILLIONS of dolars in US bonds, and they are simply going to PRINT IT!

                  Our money will be worthless in a few years... The whole financial system relys on Credit which becomes Debt to feed the beast. Thats why the current Economic Crisis started, the Credit dried up... its like a snake eating its own tail

                  It was inevitable that this would happen. The economic system needs constant GROWTH to keep it from imploding. But CONSTANT GROWTH just isnt sustainable.. and it cant go on forever

                  As long as we give the Fed the power to create money out of thin air, then things like this will continue to happen

                  YouTube - Peter Schiff on CNN World February 1st, 2009
                  YouTube - Peter Schiff Cut Off By CNN for Speaking Truth
                  YouTube - Peter Schiff debating Steve Forbes
                  it gonna get much worse before it gets better
                  Last edited by shlodo; 03-19-2009, 01:59 PM.
                  "If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." - Albert Einstein



                  • #10
                    No, No redeagle had it right .. it's a cyclical UP/DOWN UP/DOWN ..
                    What A RIDE it HAS (past tense) been.
                    The Trouble Is, this worldly roll-a-coaster, UP/DOWN,

                    has just run out of TRACK

                    The dominoes are all lined up.. what country will push them over?

                    Bill Hicks - It's Just A Ride
                    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                    • #11
                      This is a rather lengthy post. And I appologize in advance if i offend anyone with it. In short it says that we have to learn to live with what we have at any given time because the views about the bottom dollar won't last forever, but once people are happy again with what they have the jones's buy something new and somebody has to match it or beat it. Such is life. Also the is NO middle ground for free energy applications. It is global or bust And the people with money and power will still control it because not everyone will know how to use the systems or be able to afford them for that matter. I have nothing against the free energy movement. Yes we need to reduce the waste in our system. But this is a situations that you have to win the war before you fight the battle.

                      It is high time we got to play in the sand box but don't forget little billy gets to play next and you can't keep the sand for your self or he won't have any to play with. Cycle yes...fair no. You get to play with money for a little while but eventually it's someone elses turn and there's not enough for everyone to play at the same time.

                      Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
                      Its not just the US my friend this is a World problem and the last time this happen was in the 1930s crash.(people die)
                      This one is BIGGER, and with the pound/dollar being printed to create hyper inflation, People NEED TO WAKE UP and see what the small group of people are doing to US,with the increase in the power of the goverment over YOU because of the so-called 9/11 we are in a bit of a pit and people dont now it.
                      The only way out is the freeman movement and free energy if you have a understanding of these two things YOU are VERY POWERFUL.
                      But thats the long run and people need to get ready of the sort term first and thats food, water, power(heat light and stuff).

                      At this point I see everyday as perfect because i diside it is so!
                      I DONT NEED BITs OF PAPER to change that
                      You are absolutely correct I never said it was just the US. I'm just saying that this itsn't the first time that the markets have been over inflated. And it won't be the last. And if you look back at the 1930's you will see that is all started out of panic and people ran to the bank to pull the money out and the banking system collapsed. As far as the offshoring of manufacturing that goes the same for any country that imports more than it exports. For a currency to keep it's value it must remain within it's governing borders. So far the recession we have seen in the US is far from that of the 1930's. You don't see anybody that can stand on their own two feet begging to like the bacon grease off the frying pan.

                      Time healed then and it will heal now...but yes you are right the only way to stop it is to create independence from the economic system. As long as we have governments that want to play the banker in monopoly you will have to pay taxes, you will have to work, and you will be subject to the rises and pitfalls of the economy. In the end it's about how deep the billionaires can line their pockets. And as long as its cheaper for them to stop better technology than to retool and make it themselves then that's what is going to happen. And even if you can build a free energy device, you have to get the parts from somewhere. If you want solar, somebody has to build the panels.

                      I learned in one class that a computer keyboard has two things that we will never have in life: escape and control.

                      And you mentioned that some will have to die because of the economy. Who's gonna decide who lives and who dies? The total global wealth is not shrinking but the population is outgrowing it. A concrete slab in the middle of town can't grow corn. Currency is only part of wealth. I'm just tired of people complaining becase they can't afford the biggest tvs and the fastest cars. Paper currency is nothing more than credit written down on a piece of paper, just like any other negotiable instrument.

                      Now i am by no mean discrediting the "free energy" machines that have been invented over the past centuries, but commercialize the production and it's no better than a wood fired power plant. give it away, and you wipe out the GLOBAL economic system. If anybody has the guts to do this, if you'll pay for the parts and pay me to do it, I'll help build them. But I will ask this how are you going to pay for it if currency becomes worthless because nobody is willing to buy energy or oil from the grid anymore.

                      Basically we have two choices, build it back up from what we have. Or start from scratch. Neither one is pretty. Change is inevitable starting fresh is impossible. Ask yourself if you want environmental sustainability or economic sustainability. Because we can't have both.


                      • #12
                        Just my $ .02

                        Hi all,

                        You are right, we are being trickled by a small group of people and that goes much further then most people realise.

                        It starts with the financial system, which is *not* being controlled by the government and certainly not the US government. For starters, the FED is *not* a public c.q. government operation, it is a consortium of *privately owned* banks, owned by amongst others the "robber barrons", the Rockefellers, the JP Morgans, etc.

                        If you "follow the money", you can see that these guys spend the money *they* print at "projects" aimed to control humanity.

                        "Wall Street" funded Hitler: WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER, by Antony C. Sutton

                        "Wall Street" tried to overthrow Roosevelts government and replace it with a fascist government: Business Plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        The Bush family, the same ones who made it "head of the CIA" and even "President" made their fortune over the backs of Auschwitz slave workers:

                        And what's more, Hitler had a Waffen-SS Muslim devision, for which the soldiers were recruited by the so-called "Muslim brotherhood", an organisation of fascist extremist Muslims, arab Nazis:
                        The Role of Muslim SS divisions in Yugoslavia's Holocaust

                        These guys were on the CIA's paylist for years:

                        Someone who has a pretty good clue about what is going on, is Lyndon Larouche. See for example:

                        Larouche also published the story about how Africa is being plundered by neo-colonial free-states, disguised as "wild park":

                        To get an idea of the mindset of people like the Rockefellers:
                        Chinopoly: in a game of political stratagem, China is using Western capital and know-how to further empower and enrich Communist Party members, but its commitment to communism may bring its downfall | New American, The | Find Articles at BNET
                        Returning from his Beijing visit with Mao and Zhou, Rockefeller declared, "The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history." Mass murderer Mao's "social experiment" had by that time taken the lives of up to 64 million Chinese.

                        Talking about China:
                        China's All-Seeing Eye | Naomi Klein
                        "With the help of U.S. defense contractors, China is building the prototype for a high-tech police state. It is ready for export."

                        And another interesting insight into the minds of those who think they have the right to control humanity:
                        Schiller Institute- Kissinger's 1974 Genocide Plan- NSSM 200-Exposed Join Food For Peace Movement

                        "On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” The study falsely claimed that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) was a grave threat to U.S. national security. Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as national security adviser (the same post Scowcroft was to hold in the Bush administration), was put in charge of implementing the plan. CIA Director George Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture."

                        Now look back at that EIR article on the WWF....

                        So yes, we have a problem. We are being governed by a system behind the scenes that prominently lifts its middle finger at humanity, almost literally by means of the obelisks stolen from Egypt that are placed in the three global centers of power: London, Washington and Rome:
                        Dissecting The New Age: The Trinity of Global Empire

                        "The aforementioned city-states listed above are sovereign, corporate entities not connected to the nations they appear to be part of"

                        One more thing. There were two US presidents that tried to break the power of the banks, the Fed: Abraham Lincoln and JFK. Both of them were murdered.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by redeagle View Post
                          You are absolutely correct I never said it was just the US. I'm just saying that this itsn't the first time that the markets have been over inflated. And it won't be the last. And if you look back at the 1930's you will see that is all started out of panic and people ran to the bank to pull the money out and the banking system collapsed. As far as the offshoring of manufacturing that goes the same for any country that imports more than it exports. For a currency to keep it's value it must remain within it's governing borders. So far the recession we have seen in the US is far from that of the 1930's. You don't see anybody that can stand on their own two feet begging to like the bacon grease off the frying pan.
                          The problem is that the *system* is defective by design. Money is created out of thin air by private companies, against the US constitution by the way.
                          Now consider this. Whenever someone goes to a bank for a loan of $100.000 to buy something that's worth $100.000, a debt is created worth $200.000 - the amount lent *and* interest of 4% over 30 years.
                          *THAT* is the problem, because it is the root of inflation and the bankers know that very very well. Because of this root problem, over time lots of air builds up in the financial system. That has to get out. So, the bankers *intentionally* mess up the stock market every know and then (remember, the Fed is *private* bankers, so they can print any money they want to manipulate the stock market) to let the air out, placing the burden on the public.

                          And that's the whole purpose of the credit-crises. The bankers knew al along that would go wrong, because they intended this to happen.

                          Remember one thing: in the end, it's not about money. Money is just a number. It's about who *owns* your house and the companies you work for. Once you get a real crisis, that would be the bankers..
                          And that's why we have a crisis right now. It has nothing to to with panic or anything. It's all about power.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by redeagle View Post
                            Now i am by no mean discrediting the "free energy" machines that have been invented over the past centuries, but commercialize the production and it's no better than a wood fired power plant. give it away, and you wipe out the GLOBAL economic system. If anybody has the guts to do this, if you'll pay for the parts and pay me to do it, I'll help build them. But I will ask this how are you going to pay for it if currency becomes worthless because nobody is willing to buy energy or oil from the grid anymore.
                            You are thinking in the wrong direction, just like all those people that complained when sewing machines were to replace hand-craft.

                            Wealth has nothing to do with money or "paying". Wealth is created by *production*. Whatever means you can use to produce wealth using less resources means that you can produce more wealth. And that is real wealth, real goods. Not just a number on a computer. The more you can save on resources, the more resources you have left to do new things, to create new wealth.

                            The economic system should be just a means to divide the wealth we produce amongst the people. The current system is far from that, it is a system designed way back in old Babylon to enslave people and steal their wealth. It is broken by design.

                            If we want a chance to get rid of that horrible system, we have to break the power of the elite. We have to break the power of the oil companies and the bankers. That means we have to make sure every human being gets access to free energy, which I believe is possible, and these monopolies and cartels can be put out of business, which would be a blessing for mankind.

                            And maybe that will be hard. Maybe it will even cost millions of people their lives, but even that will be a hell of a lot better than continuing with a system designed to enslave people controlled by an elite determined to "reduce" the global population down to about 1-2 billion people, an elite which leads the people into one war after the other for no other reason then to fill their pockets and to keep the people dumb enough not to ask questions:

                            NWO Speech
                            "The U.N.'s 1994 Global Biodiversity Assessment Report, envisages a 70% reduction in world population to 2 billion people."


                            the Council on Environmental Quality made recommendations based on the Report, called "Global Future: A Time to Act." They suggested an aggressive program of population control which included sterilization, contraception and abortion. In August, 1982, the Executive Intelligence Review published a report called "Global 2000: Blueprint for Genocide" which said that the two aforementioned Presidential reports:

                            "...are correctly understood as political statements of intent- the intent on the part of such policy centers as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the International Monetary Fund, to pursue policies that will result not only in the death of the 120 million cited in the reports, but in the death of upwards of two billion people by the year 2000."

                            Pentagon Plans Forced Population Reduction in USA

                            Pentagon Plans Forced Population Reduction in USA

                            Some very bright thinkers and so-called humanitarians and New Age industrialists (*“such as Maurice Strong*”) are linked to some highly influential bodies such as the Bilderberg Group, The Club of Rome, The World Wildlife Fund etc. The Globalists who are pulling the strings on our elected officials like so many marionettes want total control of the whole world, and they’re rapidly bringing about a complete end to the sovereignty of all nations. They are rapidly trying to force us into a dictatorial world government, and they fully intend to kill off large numbers of us via premeditated genocide. Beyond that, they fully intend to inject us all with an injectable microchip so that they can control our thoughts and actions because what they want is a psychocivilized society of mind controlled slaves. Their plans have been totally exposed in the books of Cathy O’Brien, and Brice Taylor, both of whom escaped the CIA’s MK Ultra Mind Control program.


                            • #15
                              Enron anyone

                              Maybe with all these trillions to throw...

                              Why not ressurect Enron too!
                              "But ye shall receive power..."
                              Acts 1:8

