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New Energy Technologies the MAGAZINE

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  • New Energy Technologies the MAGAZINE

    A posting by sucahyo sent me looking for this find.
    Thank sucahyo for this find. .

    New Energy Technologies was a printed magazine published by
    Faraday Lab Ltd in 2001-2005 ISSN 1684-7288

    All issues are in ENGLISH ...
    Published a total of 23 issues available for downloads at New Energy Technologies magazine

    The following posts list the contents of the 23 issues:
    Why list the contents here?
    Gives this forum's search a way to find the contents of these issues
    and allows the entire world a means of finding these issues by the contents being listed here.

    contents #1
    * An Experimental investigation of the Physical Effects In a Dynamic Magnetic System. V.V. Roschin and S.M. Godin (New energy source. Reproduction of Searl's permanent magnet system, 7 KWtts version. Weight loss, i.e. the antigravitation effect is about 35%)
    * Torsion technologies are XXI age technologies. Acad. Anatoly E. Akimov (Practical application of the technology for industry, telecommunications and medicine)
    * On New Energy and Political Authority
    * Calculation on the effect of many-cavity structures by Prof. Valery F. Zolotariov (This effect is a basis for V.Grebennikov's antigravitation system. De Broglie's matter waves, application for aerospace systems.)
    * Quasi-Superconductive Technology for Electric Power Transmission. Prof. Dmitry S. Strebkov (Single-wire power transmission, modern version of Tesla's experiments and its industrial application. Calculations and design, 100 KWt system)
    * Water is the Basis of the Future Energetics. Prof. Phillip M. Kanarev (Theory, design and experimental results on high efficient plasma electrolysis. 1000% effectiveness of the process)
    * Over-unity Patent of 1877 by Pavel Yablotchkov
    * The fundamentals of the new principles of motion, P. Sherbak
    * Design of an engine for free space based on the pondemotor effect. Acad. Gennady F. Ignatyev. (The Poynting vector describe the propulsion force of 60N. It is created in electromagnetic system, which can be used as drive of spacecraft)
    * The Experimental Gravitonics. Ph.D. Spartak M. Poliakov and Oleg S. Poliakov on new gravitation effects, produced by means of ferromagnetics and gyroscopes.
    * The Physical System of Artificial Biofield. Dr. Alexander M. Mishin (Data on Ether wind detection and its properties)
    * Experiments on Change of the Direction and the Rate of Time.Dr. Vadim A. Chernobrov (Description of Time Machine operation principles and results of the experiments)
    * On Some Properties of Physical Time and Space.Prof. Dr. Albert I.Veinik (Experiments on advanced propulsion and energetics based on Veinik's chronal theory)
    * The Causal Mechanics. Review on research work of Prof. Nickolay A. Kozyrev
    * Spin (axion) field generator, Alexander Shpilman
    * On the eve of the sixth revolution in physics, Dr. Atsukovsky

    contents #2
    * Acad. Oleg Gritskevitch's Hydro-Magnetic Dynamo. More than 1500 KW prototype. Theory and description of results, 20 years research work. Patented discovery in energetics.
    * Testing of small prototype to investigate Searl's Effect, S. M. Godin and V.V. Roshin
    * Kozyrev-Dirac magnet monopole emanation. Dr. Ivan M. Shakhparonov.
    * New conception of physical world, Dr. Nikolaev. (Longitudinal magnetic interactions)
    * A new energy source. Information about discovery made by Acad. Valerian M Sobolev, Volgograd.
    * Research on the capacitance converter of environmental heat to electricity, N.E.Zaev. (Experiments on new energy. Charge and discharge of non-linear capacitor produce extra power).
    * Rythmodynamics of amplitudless fields, Dr. Yu.N. Ivanov. (Spider-effect. New methods to get antigravitaton effects)
    * Longitudinal waves in vacuum: creation and research. Dr. Kirill P. Butusov.
    * Theoretic basis of the Searl's effect, by Dr. Rykov
    * Advanced energy and propulsion systems based on chronal reaction method, Alexander V. Frolov
    * Gravitation and Ether by I.Hayrullin. Experiment.
    * New experimental data from Dr. Mishin on Ether and antigravitaton effects. Discovery of The Center of The Universe.

    Issue #3 November - December 2001
    o Time is a Mystery of the Universe, Dr. Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov, St.Petersburg, Russia
    o Experiments with a man in the Time Machine. Dr. Vadim Chernobrov, Moscow, Russia
    o Time is a physical substance, Dr. Kirill P. Butusov, St.Petersburg, Russia
    o Experimenting with time, Prof. Velimir Abramovich, “Time Institute”, Rotterdam, Holland
    o Practical application of time rate control (TRC) theory. Alexander V. Frolov, Russia
    o Irving Langmuir and atomic hydrogen. Dr. Nicholas Moller, Greece
    o Hydrogen energy. Studennikov V.V., Kudymov G.I, Russia
    o About strange effects related to rotating magnetic systems. M. Pitkanen, Finland
    o The transdimensional’s lifters experiment. Jean-Louis Naudin, France
    o On the great constant 137.036. Dr. Anatoly Rykov, Russia
    o Inertial propulsion drives. Boris D. Shukalov, Russia
    o Technical design of antigravitational spacecraft “Silver Cup”. Eugeny Kovalyov, Latvia
    o Gravito-inert mass. J.A. Asanbaeva, Republic Bashkiria
    o Propulsion from relativity effect of inertial force. Takuya Ishizaka, Japan
    o Physical properties of axion fields. Influence of axion field on hardness of pearlitic cast iron. Alexander Shpilman, Kazakhstan.
    o On the significance of conical shape of rotor in Clem’s generator.
    o On history of cold nuclear fusion in Russia of 1960s. Review.
    o Letters from our readers

    Contents of Issue #1 (4), Jan. - Feb.. 2002

    * Tesla, "time control" and other aspects of Tesla's research work, Prof. Velimir Abramovic, Rotterdam.
    * Ball Lightning: description and experimental proposals, Ivan Tshinarev, Tver, Russia.
    * On possibilities of vortex energetics. News about experiments by Acad. Gritskevitch O.V. and Lisniak S.A., Vladivostok, Russia.
    * On general nature of forces and new methods to produce propulsion force by Dr. Eugene Sorocodum, Moscow, Russia.
    * Future Energy Technologies, Dr. Thomas Valone, Washington, USA.
    * Inductive conversion of heat energy to electrical energy, experiments with magnetic materials to get free electric energy from magnetic materials by Nikolay E. Zaev, Moscow, Russia.
    * There are no secrets in inertialess motion and antigravitation, Dr. Anatoly Rykov, Moscow, Russia.
    * Antigravitational wing, Ponomarev D.V. and Shibeko R.V., Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia.
    * Radio-telescope in Pulkovo receives the signals from the Center of the
    * Universe, Dr. Alexandra A. Shpitalnaya and Dr. Alexander M. Mishin, St.Petersburg, Russia.
    * Tetra-space co-ordinates, Josef Hasslberger, Rome, Italy.
    * To the question of multipolarity, Frolov A.V., St.Petersburg, Russia.
    * Gerlovin's theory of activation, review of some experiments on the "structure activation" of matter.
    * Parametrical generation of alternating currents by N.D.Papaleksi.
    * Work, which can be produced by means of electrostatic field. Some classical effects in free energy interpretation.
    * Letters and advertisements

    Content #2 (5) March -April 2002

    * Over-unity electromagnetic transformer. MEG by T.E.Bearden and F-machine, Alexander V. Frolov
    * Fuel less energetics, N.E.Zaev.
    * Symmetrization of Maxwell-Lorentz equations. Experimental methods to generate longitudinal waves in vacuum, Dr. Kirill P. Butusov
    * Heat Vortex generators, Dr. Eugene Sorokodum.
    * Experimental investigations based on the model of electromagnetic solitary waves (solitons), Mikhail V. Smelov
    * N.Kozyrev's ideas today, Dr. Shikhobalov.
    * Kozyrev on possibility of decrease of mass and weight of the body under the action of Time active properties, Review of experiments.
    * Longitudinal thermomangetic effect, Dr. Alexander M. Mishin.
    * An introduction to gravity, Lew Price and Mart Gibson.
    * The physical model of experiments made by E. Podkletnov, V. Roshin and S.Godin, Anatoly Rykov
    * Scalar Wars
    * The problem of electron and superliminal signals, V.P.Oleinik
    * Letters and advertisements

    Content #3(6) May - June 2002

    * Large-Scale Shakharov condition, David Noever and Christopher Bremner
    * Matter as a resonance longitudinal wave process, Alexander Frolov
    * Physical Principles of The Time Machine, Alexander Frolov
    * Time Machine Project
    * Kozyrev-Dirak radiation, Ivan M. Shakhparonov
    * The Electrical Vortex Non-Solenoidal Fields, S. Alemanov
    * Physical Mechanism of Nuclear Reactions at Low Energies, V.Oleinik, Yu. Arepjev
    * The Evolution of Lifter Technology, T. Ventura
    * Reality and consciousness in education and activity, A.Smirnov
    * Old new energy, Y. Andreev, A. Smirnov
    * On the influence of time on matter, A. Belyaeva
    * Life without diseases and ageing-preventive electrical bio-heater features, A. Belyaeva
    * Technical report, on Belyaeva’s high efficient ceramic heater, Sh. Mavlyandekov
    * Fundamental properties of aether, A. Mishin
    * Effect of Magnetic Blow Wave Field on Wine Systems, I. Shakhparanov and others
    * Nikola Tesla and Instantaneous Electric Communication, V. Korobeynikov
    * The Unitied Gravitation theory, I. Kuldoshin
    * New Sources of Energy from the Point of View of Unitary Quantum Theory, L.G. Sapogin, Yu.A. Ryabov, V.V. Graboshnikov
    * Antigravitation Force and antigravitation of matter. Methods of its creation, A. K. Gaponov
    * The capacitor, which has energy of atomic bomb (Review of A. Gaponov’s research)

    Content #7

    * Gravitonics is Electronics of the XXI Century , Spartak M. Poliakov, Oleg S. Poliakov
    * Experimental Research on Gravitational Propulsion System. Review
    * Beamship Technology: A Re-working of Early 20th century Discoveries, Russell Anderson
    * Commercial Antigravity, Tim Ventura
    * Action without Reaction. New Gravidynamic Paradox, Yuri N. Ivanov
    * New Possibilities of Vortex Electric Power Devices, Stanislav A. Lisnyak
    * Investigation of Electric Energy Transmission Processes in non-Metallic Conducting Channels, D.S. Strebkov, A.I. Nekrasov, S.V. Avraamenko Microcosm, Universe, Life, Alexey G. Shlienov, Ernest L. Petrov
    * Hypothesis of a Theory of Everything, Jack P. Gibson
    * The Charge and Mass of a Photon, Dzabrail Kh. Baziev
    * The Homopolar Motor: A True Relativistic Engine, Jorge Guala-Valverde, Pedro Mazzoni, Ricardo Achilles
    * Weight Reductions Generated by Bucking-Field Permanent Magnets, William C. Simpson
    * Advanced Nuclear Waste Decontamination Technologies, Mark Porringa
    * Experimental Investigations of the Radioactive Isotope Half-Value Period Changing in the Local Volume ofCause-Effect Relations, Igor A. Melnik
    * Tilley Electric Vehicle
    * The Problem of Time: Force as the Cause of Change in the Course of Time, Valentin P. Oleinik
    * Time and its Physical Relationships, Andrew Michrowski
    * Time as Phenomenon of the Expanding Universe, Michael H. Shulman
    * The Experiments on Thermo-Gravitation. Review
    * Letters to the Editor

    Last edited by Vortex; 03-19-2009, 03:04 PM. Reason: I forgot to credit sucahyo
    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."

  • #2
    N.E.T. Contents #8 - #15

    Content #8

    * Frolov’s Asymmetrical Capacitors
    * Electrokinetic Apparatus by T.T.Brown
    * Patent by T.T.Brown
    * Nikola Tesla’s Later Energy Generation Designes, Oliver Nichelson
    * Highly Efficiency Electrolysis, Alexander V. Frolov
    * New Results of Development and Testing of Single-Wire Electric Power System, Prof. Dmitry S. Strebkov, Eng. Stanislav V. Avramenko, Dr.Aleksey I. Nekrasov, Eng. Oleg A. Roschin
    * Shauberger’s Engine? by Eugene Arsentyev
    * The De Aquino ELF Gravitational Shield, Tim Ventura
    * Ferrites and Ferromagnetics Free Energy Generation, Nikolay E. Zaev
    * Key Concepts for the Conversion and Control of Gravitational Energy, Glenn M. Roberts
    * Analysis of the Additional Energy Formation Processes in Vortices and Vortex Heat Generators, Dr. Alexey M. Savchenko
    * Kuldoshin’s Transformer, Review
    * Disappearance of Inertia Force Mechanical Resonances and Free Energy Work, Arkady P. Kuligin
    * F-Machine, Vyacheslav I. Boryak
    * LUTEC magnet motor-generator
    * Prof. Korotkov
    * Books
    * How to Build SOLIDmSTATE Electrical Over Unity Devices, William Alek
    * Seminar "TIME", Moscow State University
    * Vortex DC motor
    * News
    * Valerian Sobolev’s Discovery. Review
    * Letters from Readers
    * Review on the Tilley Electric Car Recharger Promotion, Eugene F. Mallove

    Contents #9
    November-December 2002

    * Some Experimental News, A.V. Frolov
    * On the Possibility of Controlling of the Course of Time, V.P. Oleinik, Yu.C. Borimsky, Yu.D. Arepjev
    * Spontaneous Polarization of some Glasses and Inexhaustible Energy Source of Direct Current, L.G. Sapogin, Yu.A. Ryabov
    * New Fuelless Space Power Engineering, V.D. Dudyshev
    * Electrodynamic Explanation of Ball Lightning, S.B. Alemanov
    * Nature of Torsion Fields, V.V. Uvarov
    * Matter, Space and Time in Conception of Aether Field, A.M. Mishin
    * Patent Experts Now are Between a Rock and a Hard Place, V. Sharov
    * Reidar Finsrud’s Perpetual Mobile in Norway, John Pasley
    * Physical Quantum Vacuum is a Source of Electromagnetic Energy, P.M. Shalyapin
    * What is Instantaneous Electrical Communication, V.I. Korobeynikov
    * Investigation of Single-Wire Electric Power System, D.S. Strebkov, S.V. Avramenko, A.I. Nekrasov, O. A. Roschin
    * Fuelless Monothermic Engine (Invention by Y. Volodko)
    * On Viktor S. Grebennikov Discoveries. Review
    * Experimental Study of Properties of Time. Review
    * Bedini Generator, David Mason
    * Article Update for An Introduction to Gravity, Lew P. Price
    * The CIP Engine Principle, Robert L. Cook
    * The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman, Michael Williamson
    * What is RQM Technology? Review
    * Experimental Data on Time Control by Acad. A.I. Veinik
    * The Space Power Generator by P. Tewari. Review

    Content #10

    o Testatika. Review of well-known electrostatic system.
    o Cold Fusion by Plasma Electrolysis of Water. Ph.M. Kanarev, T. Mizuno
    o Cold Fusion: What is it and what does it mean to science and society? E. Storms
    o Technical Introduction to LENR-CANR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions). E. Storms
    o It started in 1989… (History of Cold Fusion Development). P. Hagelstein
    o A Science Tutorial (Cold fusion). T. Chubb
    o LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) Experiments.
    o On Electrogravitation. A.V. Lemeshko
    o Avalanchedrive Propulsion Device. M.L. Filho
    o Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles. P. Behr, G. Schneider
    o Unusual Permanent Magnet Motors. T. Valone
    o Hydrogen Energetics. A. Pashova
    o On the Longitudinal Electromagnetic Waves. A.V. Frolov
    o Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies. T.C. Loder
    o Commercializing the “Searl Effect”.
    o Interesting Publications of the Last Year.
    o “Lifter” Project
    o New Electric Fire Technology. V.D. Dudyshev
    o New Effect of “Cold” Evaporation. V.D. Dudyshev
    o Conceptual Hurdles to New Millennium Physics. D. Reed
    o Resonant Phenomena Occurring in Alternating Current Circuit. A.V. Frolov
    o Books Review

    New Energy Technologies #11 March - April 2003

    * Minato Wheel. E. Vogels (Sweden)
    * Mechanism of Drive-Free motion. S.A. Gerasimov (Russia)
    * Production of Ball Lightning in Laboratory Environment. Report by A. Pashova (Russia)
    * Electric Discharge Produced into Air Half-Space. G.D. Shabanov, O.M. Zherebtsov (Russia)
    * Free Energy. A.V. Frolov (Russia)
    * Some General Properties of Matter and Energy Sources. E.D. Sorokodum (Russia)
    * Commercial Exploration of Space. Review by O. Leontyeva (Russia).
    * Prospects of Hydrogen Energetics. Ph.M. Kanarev (Russia)
    * Heater Producing Healthy Effect. A.L. Belyaeva and others (Kirghizia)
    * Inertial Propulsion Device. V.E. Senkevich (Russia)
    * Unlimited Accelerated Nonreactive Motion. Review.
    * Revolutionary Current. S.K. Baliyan (India)
    * Tilley Electric Vehicle. Review.
    * Trends in the Application of Motor-Generators. A. Akau (USA)
    * Electric Vehicle in Russia. Review by A. Pashova (Russia)
    * The Richard Clem Motor and the Conical Pump. R. Koontz (USA)
    * Spontaneous Flow Heat Pump. J.-L. Brochet (France)
    * Registration of Gravitational Waves. V.N. Petrov (Russia)
    * High-Energy Hyper-Low-Frequency Electric Field. Yu.V. Ivanko (Ukraine)
    * To the Question of Work Made by Electrostatic Field. A.V. Frolov (Russia)
    * Comments to Electro-Reactive LIFTER News.
    * Letters from Readers.
    * Advertisements

    Content # 3 (12) May - June 2003

    * Works on the Designing of Time Machines. Vadim A. Chernobrov (Russia)
    * Control of Temporal Parameters of Physical Processes. Alexander V. Frolov (Russia)
    * Etherodynamics as a New Field of Physics. Vladimir A. Atsukovsky (Russia)
    * Electromagnetic Gravitational Interaction Vadim Ya. Kosyev (Russia)
    * Medium For Existing of Matter in Nature. Anatoly V. Rykov (Russia)
    * Adams Motor. Sergey S. Abramov (Russia)
    * Field Transformation in the Model of Extended Space. Dmitry Yu. Tsipenyuk (Russia)
    * Joe Flynn’s Parallel Path Magnetic Technology. Tim Harwood (USA)
    * Flynn Laboratory Photos
    * Flux-machine and Its Analogies. Review
    * Russian Patents on Alternative Energetics.
    * Gravitational Spaceships. Gregory R. Uspensky (Russia)
    * On Velocity Of Drive-Free Motion. S.A. Gerasimov , V.V. Stashenko (Russia)
    * Electromagnetic Self-Action. S.A. Gerasimov, A.V. Volos (Russia)
    * Uranium Photoaccumulator. Anton I. Yegorov (Russia)
    * Global Energy Prize (reportage)
    * Teleportation. Alla V. Pashova (Russia)
    * “Mass Defect” in Home Conditions. Prokofy V. Sherbak (Russia)
    * Aether as Unified Field. Alexander M. Mishin (Russia)
    * Global Energy. Philip M. Kanarev (Russia)
    * Fusion Processes Of Molecules Of Oxygen, Hydrogen And Water. Philip M. Kanarev (Russia)
    * Plasma Energy Power Generation. Bruce A. Perreault (USA)
    * News
    * The Marcus Device Controversy. Tim Ventura (USA)
    * Systems of conversion of thermal energy to mechanical one. Review
    * I. Prigozin
    * Letters

    Contents New Energy Technologies magazine #13 July -August 2003

    + Single-Wire And Wireless Electric Power Transmission. N.V. Kosinov and others (Ukraine)
    + The possibility of almost complete transformation of thermal energy into mechanical one. S.N. Doonaevsky (Russia)
    + Inventor Club. Review. Vector Propulsion Engine (Electromagnetic Version). A. S. Tukanov (Russia)
    + Inertial Dynamic Generator. S.N. Schmidt (Russia)
    + Latent Potential Energy of Electrical Field. V.D. Dudyshev (Russia)
    + News
    + Energy from Air. M.P. Beshok (Russia)
    + A Parade of Gravitational Aircrafts. V.A. Chernobrov (Russia)
    + Energy from vacuum. Review
    + Meeting of Nobel Prize Laureates in Saint Petersburg
    + Perpetual Motor With Magnetic Control Elements. Review
    + Who Needs The Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion? I.B. Kalugin (Russia)
    + Fuel cells. Edwin Cartlidge (USA)
    + Free Energy. Thomas F. Valone (USA)
    + Secrets of Nicola Tesla’s Experiments. S.S. Makukhin (Russia)
    + Alternative Cold. Review
    + High-Efficiency Technology of Magnetic Cooling. E.N. Tishina (Russia)
    + News
    + Interference Disc Electric Generator. Alan L. Francoeur (anonce of the future article) (Canada)
    + Howard Johnson and his Motor. Review
    + Bogomolov's Centrifugal Generator. V.I. Bogomolov (Russia)
    + News
    + Magnetic Motor. A.V. Vydrin (Russia)
    + Anomalous Hydrogen Reactor “Omega”
    + Gravitational Shielding. Harald Chmela (Austria)
    + Conception of Magnetic Gas

    Contents # 5 & 6 of 2003 (14 & 15)
    It is a special Christmas issue, 152 pages

    * News from our company
    * Novogilov's motor, Y. Novogilov, Russia
    * Self-action in the case of magnetic rotation, S. Gerasimov and others, Russia
    * Capillary motor, I. Olshansky, Russia
    * Gravity-heat energy system, V. Sukhanov, Russia
    * Modern perpetual mobile, Review
    * Free energy and antigravitation, (spin wave lasers), Ines Espinosa, USA
    * Mechanical analogies, Y. Ivanko, Ukraina
    * Cell of fine-plasma electrolyses, Ph. Kanarev, Russia
    * Smith Generator, Review.
    * Strategy of Over-unity Devices Marketing, R. Wood, USA
    * Hutchison effect, Mark Solis, USA
    * Heat energy conversion by means of non-linear dielectric, A Ries and others, Brasil
    * Gates motor, A. Akau, USA
    * "Cold electricity", A.Akau, USA
    * Gravity conversion rotary device
    * Torsion technologies, China
    * News
    * Antigravitation, B.Smith, USA
    * Electric levitation, MacLeod, Canada
    * Perpetual mobile, V. Likhatchev, Russia
    * Interference Generator, A.Francouer, Canada
    * New Paradigma of Time, D. Reed, USA
    * On the rotating permanent magnet system, A.Frolov, Russia
    * Inventor's week, USA
    * Patents on inertial drive topic
    * Bogomolov's experiment with spring drive, Russia
    * History of perpetual mobile
    * Tesla
    * Perendev company, Review
    * Internet pages
    * Matveev's electrical generator, Russia
    * News
    * The most interesting of 2003
    * Hydrogen power engineering, Review
    * News
    * Electric discharge as part of the over-unity device, Review
    * Subscription form

    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


    • #3
      N.E.T. Contents #16 - #

      Contents #1 (16) 2004

      * Torsion Technologies Are Technologies of The XXIst Century, A.E.Akimov, Russia
      * Antigravitational Platform And Experiments With The Effect of Multi-Cavity Structures, Review
      * Potapov’s Vortex Heat Generator, Yu.S.Potapov
      * Fuelless Air Combustion, Alexander V. Frolov, Russia
      * Free Energy Generator Based on Mechanically Changed Capacitance, Zoltan Losonc, Hungary
      * Society for Development of Free Energy Technologies (GFE, Germany)
      * “Confined B-field” Homopolar Dynamotor, Jorge Guala-Valverde and Pedro Mazzoni, Argentina
      * Analysis of Measurement of The Electric Energy, Consumed By A Hydroelectric Heat Generator, F.M. Kanarev, Russia
      * Conversion of Environmental Energy, B.M.Kondrashov, Russia
      * The World of Free Energy, Peter Lindemann, USA
      * LUTEC (Free Energy Generator), Australia
      * Pulsed Direct Current for Light Circuits, Gary Magratten, USA
      * Patent Applications on Thermo-Gravitation, Russia
      * Electrogravitational Engine, Russian patent
      * “BREEZE 5000” Wind Energy Installation, T.A Pungas, Russia
      * Silicon-Based Power Engineering, review
      * A Method of Extraction (Restitution) of Energy, V.F Markelov, Russia
      * Asymmetric Capacitors, Alexander V. Frolov, Russia
      * Force on An Asymmetric Capacitor, Thomas B. Bahder, Chris Fazi, USA
      * Working Principle of Frolov’s T-Capacitor, Zoltan Losonc, Hungary
      * Precession Free Energy Generator, V.I. Bogomolov, Russia
      * On The Way To A New Astronautics, A.V. Perfiliev, Russia
      * Energy Converter, Review

      Content #2/2004 (17)
      • Minato Magnet Motor, J.Dodd, USA
      • Thermomagnetic Engine, Yu. Novozilov, Russia
      • Effective Energy Conversion, Yu. Novozilov, Russia
      • News from Prof. Kanarev, Russia
      • U.S. Will Give Cold Fusio Second Look, K. Chang, USA
      • Life After The Oil Crash, M. Savinar, USA
      • Movement from nothing, P.Ball, USA
      • Vortex Heat Generators, review by N. Ovtcharenko, Russia
      • A Thermogenerator and a Water-Heating Device, R. Mustafaev
      • Energy generator, G.N.Ryabusov, Russia
      • Ethanol provides break through for the hydrogen economy, S. Clifford, USA
      • To the stars, W. Scott, USA
      • Many Faces of the Electron, A.Akau, USA
      • Luxeon III Star Light Fixture System, G.Magratten, USA
      • Vortex Heat Generators and Other Inventions by Yu. S. Potapov, A. Frolov, Russia
      • Vortex Heat Generators of the RUFIKO Company, Moscow
      • Anti-entropy Processes, review
      • “Global Energy – 2004” International Energy Prize
      • Tesla & Schauberger Technologies, F. Germano, USA
      • Electron’s nature, L.Price, USA
      • The Magnetic Field Rotator
      • A device for converting potential energy into mechanical, A.I.Doronkin, Russia
      • A Manual for Designing Ether-based Engines and Devices of Inner-ether Energy, G. Ivanov, Russia.
      • How To Calculate the Efficiency of a "Perpetuum Mobile" Correctly, V. Korobeinikov, Russia
      • Minto’s Weeel, review
      • Commercialising the “Searl Effect”, review
      • Original ideas of William R. Lyne, notes from editor
      • Newman's motor
      • An exhibition “Road To Hydrogen”
      • The Waterjet Turbine, Edward Neurohr, Germany
      • The Use Of The Effect of Homopolar Transfer of the Mass Charge in an Electric Field, V. Dudishev, Russia
      • Is a Revolution in the Fundamental Sciences Possible? V.Andrus, Ukraine
      • In Memory of Eugene Mallove
      • Esoterica as a Catalyst for a New Era in Physics and Scientific Inquiry, D.Reed, USA

      Contents #3 (18), 2004

      • Commercialization of alternative energetics, Alexander V. Frolov, Russia
      • Potapov’s molecular engine and water vortex heat generator
      • New Products: Autonomous electrostation with molecular engine
      • Magneto-hydrodynamic motor, S. Gerasimov, Russia
      • Inertial drive, E. Linevitch, A. Ezov, Russia
      • Plane Earth as electromotor-generator, V. Dudishev, Russia
      • High efficient method to obtain hydrogen and oxygen from water, V. Ermakov, Russia
      • Inertial generator, V. Gilchuk, Russia
      • Chemo-electrical gravito-electrolysis by V. Studennikov’s way, A. Makarov, Russia
      • Sun water pump, Yu. Novozilov, Russia
      • Semiconductor electromagnetic energy transformator, A. Zerniy, Ukraina
      • Prof. Alfred Evert’s research, Germany
      • Prospects for Breakthrough Propulsion from physics, M.Millis, USA
      • Phenomenon of direct transformation of magnet field energy, V. Dudishev, Russia
      • Electrostatic generator, USA patent 4,897,592
      • Vortex drive, Alexander V. Frolov, Russia
      • Magratten’s magnet pulsed DC motor-generator
      • Over unity propulsion of zero potential casing asymmetric capacitor system, Nassikas A.A.
      • On the nature of electrical force interactions, Alexander V. Frolov, Russia
      • New products: Water vortex heaters, prices and technical data
      • Antigravity Secret, Tim Ventura, USA
      • Information about CD “NET 2001-2004”

      Content #19 (4) 2004

      * Alternative energy. Yu.S.Potapov
      * Fuel less motor by Kondrashov
      * New about Tilley car
      * Bessler machine
      * Water instead of oil. N.V. Kosinov
      * Nature of time. L. Price.
      * Magnet motor. A.E.Rumin
      * Transformation of magnet energy. V.D.Dudishev
      * Celvin drop machine. Yu.N.Novizilov
      * Vortex technologies. A.Akay
      * Time control by means of scalar waves. G.Roberts.
      * Electromagnetic engine by Ignatyev
      * Electromagnetic drive. R.Cornwall
      * Magnet motor. A.A.Kalinin
      * Global energy sources. Ph.M.Kanarev
      * High efficiency electrolysis by Stanley Meier
      * Water vortex heat generator (product for sale)
      * Autonomous power plant (product for sale)
      * Magnet motor TS2000
      * Ball lightning. N.G. Shabanova and G.D.Shabanov
      * Antigravity research
      * Time control experimenal device
      * Perpetuum mobile of 18 m diameter
      * RQM device
      * News from Faraday Lab Ltd

      Contents #1 (20) 2005

      * Vortex heat generators. Yu.S. Potapov, Russia
      * Methods of hydroelectric blow and cavitation conversion heat and types of energy, V. D. Dudyshev, Russia
      * Energy saving, D. Dudyshev, Russia
      * Methods of electric energy getting from natural atmospheric electricity, V. D. Dudyshev, Russia
      * Revolutionary discoveries, inventions and technologies designed by Professor Dudyshev, V.D. Dudyshev, Russia
      * News from Integrity Research Institute, Thomas Valone, USA
      * Four-dimensional resonance, A.V.Frolov, Russia
      * Multi-Rotor Homopolar Device, S. Godin and V. Roschin
      * Akoil company products, Russia
      * Environ Energy Company
      * Half-ton levitating ring is key to work, MIT, Columbia begin new energy experiment
      * Perendev Magnetic Motor update
      * Thermolevitation, S.A. Gerasimov, Russia
      * Remote influence of rotating objects on semiconductor gamma-ray detector, I.A.Melnik, Russia
      * The Bowman permanent magnet motor, Eric Vogels
      * Possible electric propulsion Systems for flying triangles, R.Alexander, A.Whaley
      * Bioelectromagnetics program
      * Energy inventions advocated by Integrity Research Institute
      * An ether-based engine as the best way of space sailing, G.P.Ivanov, Russia
      * The Evolution of Lifter Technology, T.Ventura, USA

      New Energy Technologies #2 (21) 2005

      * Brief review of energy machines-engines, Yu.S.Potapov, Russia
      * Alt – Science in Russia, T. Ventura, USA
      * Oil: How much is left? W. Zebuhr, USA
      * Innovation company of “Nornikel”
      * Review of companies producing and selling vortex heatgenerators (VHG), Helena Artemieva, Russia
      * Phenomenon of electric current rotation. G. Kasyanov, Russia
      * «Perpetual motion machine» or «again about magnetron” V.I. Korobeynikov, Russia
      * Remote Influence Of Rotation On Radioactive Decay, Igor Melnik, Russia
      * Aether mechanics, V. Toporov, Russia
      * On basics of potential dynamics, E.I. Linevitch, Russia
      * Hypothesis of heat transformer. V. Filippov, Russia
      * Perpetual motion machine of “the second kind”, S.N. Dunayevskiy, Russia
      * Resonance methods of electric energy transmission, D.S. Strebkov, Russia
      * Unitary Quantum Theory And A New Source Of Energy, L. Sapogin, Russia
      * Hydrogen energy, Review, Svetlana Shlenchak, Russia
      * Aether-Energy-Generator, Alfred Evert, Germany
      * Steven Krivit’s Cold Fusion, USA

      Issue # 3 (22) 2005

      * Excessive energy in molecular reactions, A. Sterling, A. Akau, USA

      • News about Perendev Motor, A. Sterling, USA
      • Gravity engine, A.N. Sakharov, Russia
      • Paradoxes of gas structures, S. Geller, Russia
      • Vortex liquid heaters, S. Geller, Russia
      • The discoveries of John Keely, Review, E. Artemyeva, Russia
      • A water-lifting device, V.V. Marukhin, Russia
      • An anti-gravity platform of V.S. Grebennikov, Review
      • Gravity Driven Generator, Russell Lee
      • Membraneless Fuel Cells, Review, S. Shlenchak, Russia
      • Hypothesis of I.O. Yarkovsky, Sizov A.V. , Russia
      • Flying Platform, S.A. Gerasimov, Russia
      • Company News: Cycclone Magnet Engines (Review)

      New Energy Technologies issue # 4 (23) 2005

      • A role of alternative energy in the development of Russia
      • The invention of the atomic hydrogen furnace, W. R. Lyne, USA
      • Vortex tubes in the innovation process, A. I. Azarov, Russia
      • Artificial tornado, A. I. Azarov, Russia
      • Vortex fuel less power engineering, A. V. Frolov, Russia
      • Gravity-inertial engine, A. Chernogorov, Ukraine
      • Diagravitic effect, W. S. Alek, USA
      • Rotary electric motor from Japan
      • The lessons of history of the law of energy degradation, Yu.I.Volodko, Russia
      • Needle electrodes, A. V. Frolov, Russia
      • Mini heat power plants, Yu.S.Potapov, I. G. Kalachev, Russia
      • The law of electric circuit, Ph. M. Kanarev, Russia
      • Welcome financing, Ph. M. Kanarev, Russia
      • Permanent magnet motor, S. Kundel, USA
      • Thomas Bearden’s principle
      • Influence of aether density on the rate of existence of matter, A.V.Frolov, Russia
      • Vortex heat generators produced by AKOIL company
      • Honda’s more powerful fuel cell concept with home hydrogen refueling
      • Autothermia, E. I. Andreyev, Russia
      • The last issue of the “New Energy Technologies” magazine. Review

      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


      • #4


        • #5
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          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


          • #6
            Very Nice find Vortex

            Thank you for posting this.


            • #7
              Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
              Very Nice find Vortex

              Thank you for posting this.
              for thanking me... it made me remember I forgot to
              credit sucahyo .
              A posting by sucahyo sent me looking for this find.
              Thank sucahyo for this find.
              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


              • #8
                Agreed, great find!

                I noticed #23 (the last) has a nice summation of the best articles in the other issues at the end.


                • #9
                  This still your find Randy, nice find and great idea for posting the index .


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the find !
                    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?

