I don't know what to say... I'm blown away.
I would have thought someone would have
told me I didn't need ANY FUEL to run my
internal combustion engine !!!!!!!!!!!!!
No special Spark Plug or Spark required, it seems.
Please tell me it isn't so... Wake Me Up and tell me I'm dreaming.
Source: New Energy Technologies the MAGAZINE issue #23 page 77
Article Autothermia Natural energy
Prof. E.I. Andreyev,
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Is this real or am I dreaming?
Comments PLEASE
Does this mean we have be buying AIR to run in our ICE?

I would have thought someone would have
told me I didn't need ANY FUEL to run my
internal combustion engine !!!!!!!!!!!!!
No special Spark Plug or Spark required, it seems.
Please tell me it isn't so... Wake Me Up and tell me I'm dreaming.

The fuel-less combustion mode was provided by air procession and carburetor
setting to lean mixture without any changes of the engine’s construction.
The fuel-less air combustion mode (autothermia) requires no constructional
changes of an internal-combustion engine while the energy production process
PTHK is the same as during standard combustion using fuel as an electron donor.
During autothermal combustion, air electrons are used, this is why fuel is not
necessary. In order to provide for the autothermia mode, it is necessary only to
set some auxiliary systems and equipment elements.
Air moisture load is an important factor. In summer, at a temperature, for
example, +25C and a relative humidity of 50%, air moisture load is 10 g/kg
(tem grams of water in the form of vapor per a kilogram of air), i.e. it is 1%,
according to mass. At the same temperature and relative humidity of 100%,
air moisture load (of saturated air) increases to 20 g/kg, i.e. to 2%. In
summer, air is dry. Its moisture load decreases by 1-2 orders, i.e. to one
tenth and one hundredth of a percent. In moist air, not only molecules of
nitrogen and air oxygen giving electrons decompose to atoms but also
moisture. A water monocrystal is a chain of molecules connected by
connection electrons: during its decomposition, 3,760 electrons are released
at once (an electron per each molecule). During water molecules
decomposition, another two electrons are released per each molecule. So, it
is three electrons per molecule or, which is the same, an electron per 6
atomic mass units. During petrol decomposition, it is approximately an electron
per 4 atomic mass units. As we can see, fuel and water are almost the same,
according to efficiency of their use as fuel for combustion. Air is behind them
because, during its decomposition, approximately 16 amu per an electron
which became free energy generator are released. However, both air and
water, unlike fuel, contain a sufficient number of oxygen atoms and,
therefore, they can combust spontaneously because their plasma contains
everything which is necessary for PTHK: both oxygen atoms and electrons.
setting to lean mixture without any changes of the engine’s construction.
The fuel-less air combustion mode (autothermia) requires no constructional
changes of an internal-combustion engine while the energy production process
PTHK is the same as during standard combustion using fuel as an electron donor.
During autothermal combustion, air electrons are used, this is why fuel is not
necessary. In order to provide for the autothermia mode, it is necessary only to
set some auxiliary systems and equipment elements.
Air moisture load is an important factor. In summer, at a temperature, for
example, +25C and a relative humidity of 50%, air moisture load is 10 g/kg
(tem grams of water in the form of vapor per a kilogram of air), i.e. it is 1%,
according to mass. At the same temperature and relative humidity of 100%,
air moisture load (of saturated air) increases to 20 g/kg, i.e. to 2%. In
summer, air is dry. Its moisture load decreases by 1-2 orders, i.e. to one
tenth and one hundredth of a percent. In moist air, not only molecules of
nitrogen and air oxygen giving electrons decompose to atoms but also
moisture. A water monocrystal is a chain of molecules connected by
connection electrons: during its decomposition, 3,760 electrons are released
at once (an electron per each molecule). During water molecules
decomposition, another two electrons are released per each molecule. So, it
is three electrons per molecule or, which is the same, an electron per 6
atomic mass units. During petrol decomposition, it is approximately an electron
per 4 atomic mass units. As we can see, fuel and water are almost the same,
according to efficiency of their use as fuel for combustion. Air is behind them
because, during its decomposition, approximately 16 amu per an electron
which became free energy generator are released. However, both air and
water, unlike fuel, contain a sufficient number of oxygen atoms and,
therefore, they can combust spontaneously because their plasma contains
everything which is necessary for PTHK: both oxygen atoms and electrons.
Electrinos with a high start speed (~1016 m/s) give their
kinetic energy remotely (electro-dynamically) and by contact (during clashes)
to surrounding atoms and particles and turn into photons (energy-less electrino)
themselves and go from the reaction zone into space at the speed of light (~108 m/s).
This energy liberation process is called a phase transfer of the highest kind (PTHK).
kinetic energy remotely (electro-dynamically) and by contact (during clashes)
to surrounding atoms and particles and turn into photons (energy-less electrino)
themselves and go from the reaction zone into space at the speed of light (~108 m/s).
This energy liberation process is called a phase transfer of the highest kind (PTHK).
Article Autothermia Natural energy
Prof. E.I. Andreyev,
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Is this real or am I dreaming?
Comments PLEASE
Does this mean we have be buying AIR to run in our ICE?