This concept is one I started working on about a year ago, and picked up again after getting inspired by Peter's mechanical engine. It involves a mechanism with two axis of rotation. The large lever (primary) rotates in one direction, and the smaller (planetary) wheels, on the perimeter, rotate in the opposite direction, at a higher rotational rate. The multiple I'm presently using is 3 to 1.

If you've ever been on a carnival ride called the Sizzler, you'll have a better idea of what this machine does. As the primary turns, the planetary wheels are connected to a stationary sprocket (mounted on the support structure) via a chain. Each planetary has its own drive sprocket which is rotated proportionally to the speed of the primary. I have a 14 tooth sprocket on each planetary, and a 42 tooth sprocket as the stationary, which equals a 3 to 1 ratio.

What this does is to vary the angular velocity of any given point on the circumference of a planetary, with respect to the axis of the primary. As this point on the planetary rotates, it travels in two directions in relation to the axis of the primary. If you were standing at the primary axis and looking out toward the planetary, you would see the point first go right to left and then back left to right.
This means that the point on the planetary circumference increases its velocity for 180 degrees of rotation and then decreases its velocity for 180 degrees, with respect to axis of the primary. This can be a useful thing.
What I'm trying to do is to generate centrifugal force from the planetary in the direction of primary rotation. To do this I'm using two pendulums per planetary. These presently consist of 8 oz lead weights connected to the axis of the planetary via a length of motorcycle chain. I also have two 5 inch diameter wooden discs that act as "guides" for the pendulums. These help to accelerate and decelerate the pendulums throughout their cycle.

The cycle of the pendulum is the key to this mechanism. What I want is for the pendulum to be fully extended (maximum radius) and swinging at maximum velocity in the direction of primary rotation. I also want the pendulum to be at minimum radius and traveling as slowly as possible in the opposite direction.
Lets go back to the arbitrary point on the circumference of the planetary (Remember, the planetary is rotating in an opposite direction to the primary). As this spot rotates through 360 degrees, it passes two significant points; one of maximum velocity and one of minimum velocity. The point of maximum velocity is when it passes closest to the axis of the primary. The point of minimum velocity is 180 degrees from here at the spot furthest away from the axis. If you drew a line from the primary axis through the planetary axis and beyond, both the maximum and minimum velocity points would be on this line.
At the point of maximum velocity, the speed vectors of the primary and the planetary both add together. As the spot moves beyond this point, it begins to slow down. If the weight of the pendulum happens to be on this spot, it keeps traveling forward. Now it has broken contact with the guide, and is expanding its radius. It's arc has started at the point of maximum speed and continues in the direction of primary rotation. The radius is ideally at maximum length before the pendulum is parallel with the direction of primary rotation. This will impart the most energy in the desired direction.
As the pendulum continues its arc, it imparts centrifugal force to the axis of the planetary. This force, while the pendulum is swinging between the maximum and minimum velocity points, will add to the velocity of the primary rotation.
As the pendulum approaches the minimum velocity point, a combination of centrifugal force generated by the primary, and spent energy will tend to slow the pendulum with respect to the primary velocity. The pendulum will sort of hang straight out and away from the primary axis while the planetary rotation catches up. Once the planetary guide comes around and hits the pendulum chain, it starts to pull the weight back in towards the primary axis again. This decreases the pendulum's radius as the chain wraps around the guide. Velocity is again increased as the weight rotates towards the maximum point where the cycle repeats itself.
I realize this description is fairly mind numbing and I salute you if you made it this far. I like to write these things out because it forces me to iterate all the minutia involved with operation. I often get new ideas, and more important, spot flaws. I see a flaw in my present design that would preclude any significant energy developed in the centrifugal phase of the planetary rotation. The problem is that the pendulum isn't fully extended at the point of maximum velocity. If the pendulum increases its radius after that point, it will slow down while doing so. As power is developed as the square of the velocity, slowing down is not a good thing.
So I’ll come up with a new design for the planetary. I’ve also bolted the whole thing to the concrete floor since taking these pictures ,and reinforced the jeebers out of the upright posts. The whole thing shakes pretty good when it gets going which zaps all sorts of power. I’ll try and update this thread with a little less convoluted information from now on.

If you've ever been on a carnival ride called the Sizzler, you'll have a better idea of what this machine does. As the primary turns, the planetary wheels are connected to a stationary sprocket (mounted on the support structure) via a chain. Each planetary has its own drive sprocket which is rotated proportionally to the speed of the primary. I have a 14 tooth sprocket on each planetary, and a 42 tooth sprocket as the stationary, which equals a 3 to 1 ratio.

What this does is to vary the angular velocity of any given point on the circumference of a planetary, with respect to the axis of the primary. As this point on the planetary rotates, it travels in two directions in relation to the axis of the primary. If you were standing at the primary axis and looking out toward the planetary, you would see the point first go right to left and then back left to right.
This means that the point on the planetary circumference increases its velocity for 180 degrees of rotation and then decreases its velocity for 180 degrees, with respect to axis of the primary. This can be a useful thing.
What I'm trying to do is to generate centrifugal force from the planetary in the direction of primary rotation. To do this I'm using two pendulums per planetary. These presently consist of 8 oz lead weights connected to the axis of the planetary via a length of motorcycle chain. I also have two 5 inch diameter wooden discs that act as "guides" for the pendulums. These help to accelerate and decelerate the pendulums throughout their cycle.

The cycle of the pendulum is the key to this mechanism. What I want is for the pendulum to be fully extended (maximum radius) and swinging at maximum velocity in the direction of primary rotation. I also want the pendulum to be at minimum radius and traveling as slowly as possible in the opposite direction.
Lets go back to the arbitrary point on the circumference of the planetary (Remember, the planetary is rotating in an opposite direction to the primary). As this spot rotates through 360 degrees, it passes two significant points; one of maximum velocity and one of minimum velocity. The point of maximum velocity is when it passes closest to the axis of the primary. The point of minimum velocity is 180 degrees from here at the spot furthest away from the axis. If you drew a line from the primary axis through the planetary axis and beyond, both the maximum and minimum velocity points would be on this line.
At the point of maximum velocity, the speed vectors of the primary and the planetary both add together. As the spot moves beyond this point, it begins to slow down. If the weight of the pendulum happens to be on this spot, it keeps traveling forward. Now it has broken contact with the guide, and is expanding its radius. It's arc has started at the point of maximum speed and continues in the direction of primary rotation. The radius is ideally at maximum length before the pendulum is parallel with the direction of primary rotation. This will impart the most energy in the desired direction.
As the pendulum continues its arc, it imparts centrifugal force to the axis of the planetary. This force, while the pendulum is swinging between the maximum and minimum velocity points, will add to the velocity of the primary rotation.
As the pendulum approaches the minimum velocity point, a combination of centrifugal force generated by the primary, and spent energy will tend to slow the pendulum with respect to the primary velocity. The pendulum will sort of hang straight out and away from the primary axis while the planetary rotation catches up. Once the planetary guide comes around and hits the pendulum chain, it starts to pull the weight back in towards the primary axis again. This decreases the pendulum's radius as the chain wraps around the guide. Velocity is again increased as the weight rotates towards the maximum point where the cycle repeats itself.
I realize this description is fairly mind numbing and I salute you if you made it this far. I like to write these things out because it forces me to iterate all the minutia involved with operation. I often get new ideas, and more important, spot flaws. I see a flaw in my present design that would preclude any significant energy developed in the centrifugal phase of the planetary rotation. The problem is that the pendulum isn't fully extended at the point of maximum velocity. If the pendulum increases its radius after that point, it will slow down while doing so. As power is developed as the square of the velocity, slowing down is not a good thing.
So I’ll come up with a new design for the planetary. I’ve also bolted the whole thing to the concrete floor since taking these pictures ,and reinforced the jeebers out of the upright posts. The whole thing shakes pretty good when it gets going which zaps all sorts of power. I’ll try and update this thread with a little less convoluted information from now on.
