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Solar Energy = Inefficient

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  • #16
    It depends on yer perspective too. I find $1 a Watt for sunlight landing on the yard for free a bit much. Fossil fuel power production is a One-Way street => they make it, we buy it. Solar panels even when they are on our property, they're still the same One-Way production.

    I think more in terms of like the Weather Cycle that just keeps spinning. Gravity, also locked in a cycle. Solar is one-way, coming from an external sun, but the devices we use, they could be make to run in cyclical fashion.

    It isn't that solar panels are bad, or wrong, it's just they fall short for me. They use precious metals that are running low in supply. That's not really a cyclical solution; that's a dead end solution. Whether it's Peak Oil or Peak Metals, same difference to me.


    • #17
      Reducing+HomeElectrical+++Usage+to+65+%+Right+ Now+Today+May+9+2k9+3YearCountdown2012

      Three Year Countdown <>

      There's two incredibly wrong design flaws in today's homes that have caused us to be dependent on foreign crude oil suppliers. Here's a sensible blueprint for salvation to escape the coming Wrath that is already increasing:

      #1 is the circuit box needs to be reworked so that if the clothes washer is running the refrigerator or stove won't run, and if the stove is being used the hot water heater won't run til the stove is turned off. The current circuit boxes were designed from an assumption crude oil-generated electricity would always be CHEAP. We found out different so an adjustment is called for soon, either a new circuit box design; or an add-on to the circuit box would be fastest as opposed to replacing every circuit box in America.

      #2 is the hot water heater running just as soon as the water temperature drops below the heater element setting... because what happens is the water heater element keeps turning on all through the day constantly expending ENERGY ALL DAY LONG expecting any minute to get asked to wash the car. I already posted my answer to that => Save $3-$4oo a Year > Water+Heater+Taped+Pipe Slows Thermostat NOW Lowers Electric/Gas Bills Runaway Carbon+Footprint Costs Wrap+Pipe doityourself Tankless but CHEAPER which in a nutshell is to set the hot water heater element setting way down to around 65-70 degrees so the heater runs much less then to add a high temperature heat tape wrapped around the exit pipe bringing hot water into the home. It could be equipped with a sound sensor to trigger it on the second any hot water spigot (faucet) is turned on anywhere in the house. In doing that the hot water heater has been converted into the equivalent of a TANKLESS WATER HEATER FOR THE ENTIRE HOME. Presently the home water heater is stabbing the monthly electric bill for approximately 25-35%.

      A smallish Wind-Solar unit sitting in the yard or atop a house should not have a problem generating 30% of the remaining electricity required by a home. As a general rule Wind and Solar alternate through the day, many times the Wind getting it up at night time or, when it turns cloudy and the sunlight drops. Wind alone isn't enough. Solar alone -with the present inefficient devices available- isn't enough. But the two combined into a synergetic alliance + fixing the circuit box and the water heater + adding on a storage capability where the solar-wind combo unit could be storing electricity to cover peak home usage (in the evening), there just isn't any good reason why homes and apartments couldn't be taken off the Main Power Grid 6-12 months from now, no reason at all.

      And yet I would not disconnect homes from the Power Grid. I would keep the powerlines active as the Backup Power. Taking that a tiny step further, all the homes in every nation on Earth not just American homes could be trickling electric current back into the Main Power Grid system, into the community City & Township substations, and being routed into industry & government buildings, filling street light needs. The Main Power Grid could be scaled down considerably. So what's the difference?

      As it stands now the national power grids are Jim Dandy terrorist targets but in converting the nations to HOME-GENERATED POINT-OF-SERVICE ON-SITE POWER that situation ceases to be. When hurricanes or tornadoes knock out electric power and snow/ice storms and if the solar radiation spikes hard in 2012, NO PROBLEM: HOMES AND INDUSTRY REMAIN POWERED UP.

      America could be strong again once we stop suckling from a shared bottle|barrel|Alaskaoilpipeline of sweet crude that puts hundreds of thousands into an early cancer death grave and creates dead zones in the oceans where no living sea creatures can exist without going extinct. In fact, it is within our reach to lower these dangers to near zero PLUS reduce the nation's overall carbon footprint PLUS eliminate the fossil fuel dependence that is draining the Economy, to do all that PLUS become stronger than at any previous time in American History, all within 2-3 years time.

      It isn't that the laws of nature don't exist; they just clobber us when we ignore them just as the Hopi Indian prophecies said we white caucasian dummies would do. American Power was set up to make electric companies and investors fat paychecks not defend against invading hordes of terrorists or deal with a more violent climate destroying entire State power poles in one evening. Whatever happened to the atheists? They know the weak get culled from the herd.

      We're being culled from the herd as long as we refuse to smarten up. Look at the beehives and the ants and the bats, the geese who have the sense to fly together in a flock. In the name of Freedom and Freedom of Choice we chose to "do it our way" and our way sucks rotten eggs. Freedom has a ceiling above which the needs of the many have to reign.

      Do we as individuals alone have the power to stop incoming asteroids or meteors? No, that's the government's job and we know it. That's because there's a ceiling rule in effect. When that day comes when all hell starts dropping from the sky we won't have time to commission a Study, draw lots, give every company imagineable a portion of the money "to be Fair" to every single company. Democracy has a ceiling or it becomes a free-for-all contest for handouts. When our head bumps into it there better be a stronger ceiling above it. Strengthening that ceiling had better be some better solar devices, better wind devices and Gravity Wheels inside the homes and apartments that are shielded from spiking solar flare radiation waves.

      Only by doing these things can we walk through the coming furnace.

      Otherwise we won't last when the Beekeeper turns on the blowtorch to our hive after deciding we aren't producing enough honey. It appears it has happened before. Maybe it has and maybe it has not. I would prefer not being the first time or the last but the One who Made us has the right to un-Made us at His discretion. If we're going to continue being stupid (aka living according to decade's old rules that no longer apply) then maybe we lose our right to exist too.

      Maybe we abdicate to the next homo sapiens.

      Maybe our Rights came with an exclusionary clause
      or two that we have violated to live in this Ponzi Scheme Rockefeller and J. Paul Getty World. We painted ourselves into this jail (that we can easily undo with the few tweaks in this post) <> now we have to paint ourselves out of it and it probably should include plenty of buckets full of prayers. One thing is abundantly clear though: we do not have 15-25-50 years to think about it. We squandered that time discussing Monica Lewinski's dynamic hold on President Clinton while his expert team of presidential physicians were letting him deteriorate towards a massive heart condition that damn near killed the man.


      • #18

        My conclusion with all this is our devices don't works properly look, I've a FAN on my room 120 volts, on slow speed consumes 60 watts... Then WoW, how can this induction motor SUCK 60 WATTS, a simple Bedini SG pulling 60 Watts can be a BEAST POWERFULL..... Above all bacause we can recover 80% energy from him in the worst case. I'll try to get a cheap plastic chinese FAN from the yunk and by modding it by installing a Bedini SG to system to replace his induction motor.

        Fan system only need speed and no less torque.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


        • #19
          AC electric current is Destructive &lt;&gt; DC current induction motors last longer

          @patmac: Yep, I have been saying that for years. Thomas Edison told the truth. Our homes and many to most home appliances need to be running on DC current. The reason for that is based squarely in the difference between AC and DC. AC CURRENT IS DESTRUCTIVE CURRENT FULL OF RIPPLES (rip current sine wave/sinoidal). DC is steady non-destructive current.

          That is why the original DC light bulb he made is still lit in some museum.

          Tesla invented AC capability and that was for the transferring of electricity over long distances by using telephone pole-mounted electrical "step-up" transformers, but once that current reaches a home it should be converted to DC current before entering.
          DC washer & dryer motors last much longer than using AC motors.

          In New Jersey some years ago they started seeing more people having cancer who lived near the street corners of city blocks. This is well-documented. They realized there was not any good reason why people living toward the center of a city block should have less cancer except that at the street corners was where all the power lines criss-crossed.

          The culprit was all that AC was transmitting magnetic induction waves out into the people. AC is destructive to human flesh and cells. Fluctuating magnetic waves are harmful to the delicate cell structures. We need to lose AC current near people. This is why I have been putting so much time and effort into developing the Gravity Wheels.

          Having a power source in each person's home running off steady Gravity Energy means the power does not need to be transmitted over long distances! We could go back to living intelligently using Thomas Edison's non-destructive DC current. Home-generated electricity is the ultimate convenience because it's a convenience that is healthy for us, healthy for the planet too because the metals used in the motors are getting a full lifetime of use.

          Mechanical Engine:

          Gravity on Fire:

          End of World Energy-Poverty:


          • #20
            smarter use of power is required

            a fridge cools the back gets hot=heat pump
            send wast heat to hot water water
            hot water tanks cool radiating heat insulate them way better dont have the thermostat set any hotter than the temp you shower
            use energy efficant light globes
            insulate your homes better
            dont turn the heater on put on a jumper
            dont turn on the air conditioner open a window
            build passive solar design homes
            use lcd tv screens
            solar hot water every degree the sun heats it thats one free degree
            solar hot water bang for buck great
            insulation great value
            solar voltake cells yes but fix the other things first
            dont forget how much energy it takes to make those things and how maney years you hove to operate them before you repay this energy


            • #21
              Excellent Post Ray!

              @ray stewart: Take the refrigerator heat idea a step forward Ray. Bring the water heater some feet closer to the refrigerator. Then redesign the entire home to a reinforced tornado damage-resistant kitchen-bath core where the family can be safe from tornadoes as they pass plus use less heavy wiring and copper/pvc pipe <> save some bucks on construction.


              • #22
                solar living

                yes living on alternate off grid power makes you look at your energy usage very carefully
                every one should do this for at least a year then i am shore they would have more respect for the energy they consume


                • #23
                  Any schmatics on interconnection? Solar

                  Planning on looking into solar install to our home. Anyone have any practicle experience with real world residential solar installations?
                  My needs run from 6 to 8 kv monthly so that is my baseline
                  "But ye shall receive power..."
                  Acts 1:8

