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Keppe Motor

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  • #16
    my initial testing

    Hi everyone,

    I have somewhat resolved my torque measurement issue involving my small digital scale (sample rate issues).

    I am posting here my first (mostly) complete data:
    The torque data comes from a small digital scale (-+ 0.2g)
    The current comes form a shunt = 5.1 ohms. No correction was made for the power dissipated by the shunt, so there's some more to add to the output efficiency.

    Load: 2 grams @ 2.33 inch torque arm
    Voltage: Pulse 16VDC
    Current: approx 75% of 0.196A Peak = 0.147Aavg
    (see picture - classic R-L inductor charge curve)
    Pulse Duty Cycle: approx 13%
    Motor Speed: 1001RPM

    Input Power: 0.30576 Watts
    Output Horsepower: 0.000163022 H.P.
    Output Equivalent: 0.124615 Watts

    Efficiency: about 40% (without shunt power figured in)

    I think this is all right but any input is appreciated.



    Ch2 is the 5.1 ohm current shunt


    • #17

      Originally posted by Spearmaster View Post
      Got my Keppe motor running tonight. So far I've adjusted the rubber magnet ring up to 780rpm and still going. The little 9V has been running it for nearly an hour with no drop in voltage. I haven't done any testing yet for current draw or performance.

      Is this a lot like the Bedini Window motor?

      Congratulations Spearmaster. Now the fun starts ... trying to figure out if this motor is unique in any way compared to Bedini and Newman. It looks like a Cole/Bedini window motor but so do variations of Newman motors.

      Oh well, happy experimenting,



      • #18
        No OU

        Originally posted by gmeast View Post
        Congratulations Spearmaster. Now the fun starts ... trying to figure out if this motor is unique in any way compared to Bedini and Newman. It looks like a Cole/Bedini window motor but so do variations of Newman motors.

        Oh well, happy experimenting,


        Your figures sound about right. When I worked for John Bedini's company, I built a small dynamometer and measured the efficiency of every motor in his shop. His Window Motor produced torque at about 45%, MAX. This is to be expected, due to the open magnetic loop, and massive leakage flux in the design. The best SG motor I measured could produce mechanical energy at about 28% efficiency. But the SG also recycled about 90% of its electricity, so the combined output of the SG was COP>1, but the window motor was not, because it had the bi-polar Cole switch, and no electrical recovery.

        Nice model.

        Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

        Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
        Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
        Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


        • #19

          Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post

          Your figures sound about right. When I worked for John Bedini's company, I built a small dynamometer and measured the efficiency of every motor in his shop. His Window Motor produced torque at about 45%, MAX. This is to be expected, due to the open magnetic loop, and massive leakage flux in the design. The best SG motor I measured could produce mechanical energy at about 28% efficiency. But the SG also recycled about 90% of its electricity, so the combined output of the SG was COP>1, but the window motor was not, because it had the bi-polar Cole switch, and no electrical recovery.

          Nice model.

          Thanks Peter,

          I just visited the Keppe Motor Club and one of their engineers/technicians just posted instructions showing how to connect a neon tube across the reed switch to recover the field collapse. Well that's not spectacular at all but is a use of this energy ... but does not qualify as 'recycling' in my book.

          I guess the thing that has always cast doubt about all of the energy 'recycling' arrangements (including Bedini's), IS the final analyses of these systems ... the indirectness.

          When I talked to John on the phone years ago about my SG motor his comments were like "...well now do you see it...?", "...see what's happening...?, "...OK, there it is...". There what is? I left that incoherent conversation disappointed, and for me all interest in his work (pretty much) ended there.

          Even the Keppe motor folks have a different version of the motor they're touting (Ver 3) than the one you see in my posts (Ver 1) but aren't releasing any details. But they now claim to be going 'open source' !

          Oh well, it never ends. The best to you Peter. Thanks for responding,

          Last edited by gmeast; 04-18-2009, 02:44 PM.


          • #20
            first test

            My Keppe motor started running at approx 780rpm with a freshly charged 250mAh 9V battery. It ran for a total of eleven hours and forty-five minutes before dropping to 650rpm. Any other tests I've done with the same battery on fan chargers and solid state chargers have run for forty-five minutes MAX before dying completely. The Keppe motor ran nearly twleve hours and was still running when I shut it down and still showed 8.8 volts. Not sure what the torque values mean and I haven't measured the current draw yet, but on the surface, the run time seems impressive.

            Seems I've heard another story about a school girl motor than ran for a long time with a single 9volt. Hmmm.



            • #21
              Gonna try to send a picture of my Keppe motor. You may notice that I plagiarized gmeast's winder for this motor. Thanks gmeast .


              Attached Files


              • #22
                gmeast's winder

                Originally posted by Spearmaster View Post
                Gonna try to send a picture of my Keppe motor. You may notice that I plagiarized gmeast's winder for this motor. Thanks gmeast .


                Hi Spearmaster,

                Ah yes! The winder is a very worthwhile effort. It probably didn't take you long to build it either but certainly saves time and makes a neater job. I see I was still lazier though by adding the counter. There's no way I could have kept track of 500 turns per stator half. At first I was going to do it by weight, but I sprung for the $32.00 counter instead.

                Nice work.

                Thanks for sharing,



                • #23
                  Keppe Motor Club

                  Is anyone here registered on the Keppe Motor Club. It's a forum for motor replicators. I visited there this morning, read some posts and just went back to find the forum disappeared ... not the site, just the forum-all of the pictures, posts, replies, etc. The memberlist is up but I can't PM anyone.

                  The site is:

                  Foro gratis : Keppe Motor Club

                  Very strange indeed.


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by gmeast View Post
                    Is anyone here registered on the Keppe Motor Club. It's a forum for motor replicators. I visited there this morning, read some posts and just went back to find the forum disappeared ... not the site, just the forum-all of the pictures, posts, replies, etc. The memberlist is up but I can't PM anyone.

                    The site is:

                    Foro gratis : Keppe Motor Club

                    Very strange indeed.
                    OK - now it's back up ..... sorry for the alarm,

                    Last edited by gmeast; 04-20-2009, 02:42 AM.


                    • #25
                      Reality Check

                      Hi Keppe enthusiasts,

                      There has been criticism by some on the Keppe Motor Club forum that there has been deception ... claims of OU but is not. My posted tests showed the Ver. 1 Keppe Motor to be about 40% efficient (electromechanical).

                      Someone posted a letter to and the following is Keppe Motor's response. Take from it what is meaningful to you.



                      I hope the following information can clarify some aspects of your inquiries.

                      The Keppe Motor 1.0 was never intended for practical applications. It is the simplest version possible of the Keppe Motor (1 pulse, low voltage, easy-to-find ferrite block magnets, etc.) and it was intended for introduction of the principle behind this new technology based on Keppe’s Disinverted Physics, and its efficiency is actually low as you have said.
                      Nevertheless, much progress has been done since the first model was constructed (February-2008) and part of it is in the version 3.0. This manual gives you conditions to build (and improve by yourself) a Keppe Motor with enough output power to substitute a 50-60W conventional induction motor (squirrel cage) saving from 70 to 90% of the electric energy consumed by it.

                      However, perhaps some clarifications about low power induction motors are necessary here.
                      The 50-60W induction motors found especially in domestic fans are very inefficient, ranging from 3 to 20% efficiency at most. Actually you can regard them more as “tea-heaters” than motors themselves. This means that, from 60W they consume from the grid, they produce no more than 10W in average of output power. There are practical reasons for this low efficiency and if you want to have a more efficient fan for example you need a better motor, which costs much more and is more complicate to build. These low power induction motors are used for cost reasons and because they are easy to build, which make them attractive to the market.
                      Nevertheless, when we speak about energy savings, they may be consider “blood suckers” of the grid and we need other alternatives.
                      Here is exactly where the Keppe Motor enters the scene. The Keppe Motor is able to do the same mechanical work with 70 to 90% less consumption of energy, even though its efficiency is not high.

                      A practical example:
                      A renowned manufacturer here in Brazil manufactures 60W domestic fans with 3 speeds. The first speed is 560 rpm and consumes 49W, the second speed is 850 rpm and consumes 62W and the third speed is 1085 rpm and consumes 70W.
                      These figures (speeds and consumptions) were measured in our lab with accurate equipment.

                      The torque tests revealed that the mechanical output power in these three speeds were 1.3W for 560 rpm, 5.6W for 850 rpm and 12.1W for 1085 rpm. With these results we obtain the following efficiencies for this conventional motor (squirrel cage induction motor):

                      First speed (560 rpm) → efficiency (η) = 1.3/49 = 0.0265 or η1 = 2.7%
                      Second speed (850 rpm) → η = 5.6/62 = 0.0903 or η2 = 9.0%
                      Third speed (1085 rpm) → η = 12.1/70 = 0.1729 or η3 = 17.3%

                      As we can see, the efficiency of this motor is very low.
                      When we substituted it for an equivalent Keppe Motor, the consumptions dropped dramatically as follows:

                      First speed (560 rpm): from 49W to 3.9W, therefore η1’ = 1.3/3.9 = 0,333 or η1’ = 33.3%
                      Second speed (850 rpm): from 62W to 15.2W, therefore η2’ = 5.6/15.2 = 0,368 or η2’ = 36.8%
                      Third speed (1,085 rpm): from 70W to 33.9W, therefore η3’ = 12.1/33.9 = 0.357 or η3’ = 35.7%

                      Some comments about these results:
                      1) It turns out clear that efficiency is very different from energy savings in relation to the conventional motor, that is:

                      The efficiency of the Keppe Motor (in the simplest version) is less than 40% in the three speeds, nevertheless it saves (49-3.9)W=45.1W in the first speed, (62-15.2)W=46.8W in the second speed and (70-33.9)W=36.1W in the third speed.
                      This gives 45.1/49 = 92% energy savings for the first speed, 46.8/62 = 75% energy savings for the second speed and 36.1/70 = 52% energy savings for the third speed.

                      This data leads to the conclusion that the Keppe Motor saves between 75 and 92% energy within the work range between 49 and 62W of the conventional motor and this is pretty much in accordance with what has been claimed so far.
                      The energy savings begins to drop below 70% around 950 rpm and the data confirms that when we get 52% energy savings for the fastest speed of 1,085 rpm.
                      2) The efficiency of the Keppe Motor in its simplest version is fantastic, even if it is below 40%, because of the constructive impossibilities to build an equivalent low power conventional motor with low cost and such simplicity.
                      3) The Keppe Motor can achieve much better efficiencies (about 50%) if it works with a second coil and better yet (about 70%) if works with the second coil and domestic voltages (127 or 220Volts).
                      4) However, it must be said that the principle applied to the first motor (the 1.0 version motor) has already led the Keppe Motor team to achieve overunity results. Nevertheless it requires the use of the “Electromagnetic Turbo System”, which is a system designed by the inventors to use the capacity the Keppe Motor has to work as an electric generator to retro-feed the coils.
                      With this EM Turbo System the Keppe Motor can reach efficiencies as high as 150% (we mean Efficiency, Output/Input superior to 150%, not energy savings in relation to other motor!) at 150Volts, with 60W mechanical output. This means the Keppe Motor overunity consumes 40W and produces 60W at the present stage of development.

                      The Keppe Motor Manual version 3.0 does not bring the EM Turbo System, nevertheless it gives the schematics of the optical switching circuit and the circuit with relays we still use in laboratory (easy to build) attached to the coil to make tests for many pulses. With this motor 3.0 you will have 10W output power to run fans or any other practical application (remember: 10W is output power, not rated power). The Keppe Motor version 1.0 has just some milliwatts of output, but 3 or 4W output are enough to run a fan!!! In other words, 10W can easily do some useful work for you with very low electric consumption!
                      A hint: if you get this manual version 3.0, try to wind a second coil around the first and add two more pulses to see the result. You’ll start to see that the principle behind the Keppe Motor can easily lead to an overunity motor.

                      In regard to the Keppe Motor overunity, the Association STOP the Destruction of the World (holder of the patent rights) is taking care of the certification and will make it available in proper time.

                      Hope to have been of help.



                      • #26
                        Version 3.0

                        Has anyone been able to order the manual for the new Version 3.0 Keppe motor? I have checked on, but they only have the Version 1.0 available for sale.



                        • #27

                          Originally posted by Spearmaster View Post
                          Has anyone been able to order the manual for the new Version 3.0 Keppe motor? I have checked on, but they only have the Version 1.0 available for sale.

                          Hi Carl,

                          Well, the Keppe motor manual Ver. 3 costs $250.00 and they don't have the motor kit... just the $250.00 manual ... I was shocked at the price.


                          (what they emailed me):

                          The purchase site is:
                          Keppe Motor: Buy now the Keppe Motor KIT or Manual

                          WORLDWIDE LAUNCH! The New Motor Manual from the
                          Keppe Motor Team
                          (Keppe Motor 3.0 is equivalent to a 50-Watt induction motor)

                          The Energy of the Universe – the basis for the technology of the 21st century

                          The STOP the Destruction of the World Association is pleased to announce the latest invention from the Keppe Motor team: Keppe Motor 3.0.

                          This comes on the heels of our current Keppe Motor manuals and kits which have been well received worldwide. These previous versions have been very successful in explaining and demonstrating the principles of the Norberto Keppe’s “New Physics” – the book that is transforming technology.

                          Now we announce our latest innovation. The Keppe Motor 3.0 uses 70-90% less energy than traditional low-power induction motors and is readily adaptable for practical applications.

                          Our first products, the Keppe Motor Manual 1.1 and the Keppe Motor KIT, introduced the new cutting-edge technology emerging from the New Physics of Norberto Keppe. These products were developed to explain and demonstrate the scientific principles and philosophy behind Keppe’s work.
                          The Keppe Motor 3.0 is a significant step forward. This is a power producing motor that uses 70 to 90% less energy than today's traditional motor technology. This high efficiency is possible because of Keppe’s disinversion of Physics, and these new principles have allowed the Keppe Motor scientists to design new technology motors that capture the natural scalar energy that exists in space.

                          Click here to see the Keppe Motor in action:
                          YouTube - SOLAR -PANEL POWERED KEPPE MOTOR ARRIVES


                          • #28
                            Version 3.0

                            Hi Greg,

                            What do you think you're going to do about that price? They offered to sell me the manual for $220.00 since I had already built and tested Version 1.0, but that's still a pretty large chunk. I think you can get the same deal if you write an email to and tell them what you've done.

                            I'm not sure what their strategy is at this point, but it seems they feel the chances of getting manufacturing deals are pretty slim and they want to collect all the money they can up front. Unfortunately, I'm thinking this might end up being prohibitive.

                            What are your thoughts?



                            • #29
                              Keppe 3.0

                              Originally posted by Spearmaster View Post
                              Hi Greg,

                              What do you think you're going to do about that price? They offered to sell me the manual for $220.00 since I had already built and tested Version 1.0, but that's still a pretty large chunk. I think you can get the same deal if you write an email to and tell them what you've done.

                              I'm not sure what their strategy is at this point, but it seems they feel the chances of getting manufacturing deals are pretty slim and they want to collect all the money they can up front. Unfortunately, I'm thinking this might end up being prohibitive.

                              What are your thoughts?

                              Hi Carl,

                              AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Those are my thoughts. Yes, I will try to negotiate some sort of discount too. I posted enough stuff on the Motor Club forum in support of the thing. I think they'll grant me some sort of discount. I did get a private e-mail from the STOP folks in New York thanking me for my input .... out of the blue ... imagine that? STOP has all of the patent rights to the motor technology as I understand it. They may be trying to get as much from the sale of the manuals to start some manufacturing ... just don't know.

                              How is your testing coming?


                              Last edited by gmeast; 05-01-2009, 12:57 AM.


                              • #30
                                Hi Greg,

                                Actually, I just got back from a one month trip to my brothers place in South Carolina, which is where I built the Keppe motor. From there I went to Canton, NY - up on the Northern NY border by Canada to help Rick Friedrich with his Bedini Monopole presentation and workshop for the Bedini Fan motor at the Sustainable Energy Fair at Canton - SUNY, which was a great event BTW, then back home here to Louisiana a couple days ago to unpack all my stuff and start over again. As far as testing, for now I'm just going to believe your numbers and the numbers from the Admin at Keppemotor. The only testing I will do will be on a regular 110V fan that I have here to see if I can duplicate the Admin's findings.
                                One of my short-term goals is to put together a quick presentation for my EE brother, who seems to have a problem with the whole concept of Radiant Energy and high efficiency. Hopefully, the new Version 3 Keppemotor will fit the bill for this endeavor.

                                Here is a question; In your estimation, what are the differences and/or similarities between this Keppemotor and the Bedini Window motor? I haven't built a window motor yet, so I don't have that first hand info.


