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Power grid is being hacked

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  • Power grid is being hacked

    I would like nothing better than seeing transmission lines replaced by home power and for more than one reason.
    Cyberspies penetrate electrical grid: report | Reuters

  • #2
    Replace your home power? Yeah, I'd like that also.
    Remember knowledge is power, don't panic.

    The government has been hard at work trying
    to make the power easier to take down, I meant protect,
    by creating National CONTROL over it.

    Makes ya wonder.. What's been going on .. Don't IT?
    Let's REVIEW what has been happening...

    Dec 1999 a PDF file
    Complex Interactive Networks and Complex Interactive Networks and
    Systems Initiative:Self Self-Healing Infrastructures
    Joint innovative research
    · EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute is an independent, nonprofit organization,
    EPRI has more than 900 patents to its credit, OH REALLY sounds like profit to me )
    · Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering
    (ODDR&E)/Army Research Office (ARO)
    They didn't even bring in the Department of Energy, they do have Balls.
    tools/techniques that enable large-scale and interconnected national
    infrastructures to:
    self self-stabilize stabilize self self-optimize optimize self self-heal
    Appears to have been created in 2003, is a Power Point File Title of Report: A Possible Terrorist Attack on the Electric Power Grid?
    Work Funded by EPRI/DOD/ARO, ANL/DOE, SEL
    Complex Interactive Networks and Systems Initiative: Self-Healing Infrastructures
    This time they got the Department of Energy (DOE)

    "No known effective method for national grid control"
    Joint research initiative
    •Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering
    Solicit proposals from university consortia for innovative research (8-12 years) •Army Research Office
    Long-term goal: To develop tools and techniques that enable large-scale national infrastructures to function in ways that are
    Self-healing, sounds good don't it, like the Banking System, I'm all for that!!
    Seems the Government was asking for Total National infrastructure Control ..
    Wonder Why?

    Safeguarding U.S Power Grid Posted 17th August 2005
    NSF’s 2005 Cyber Trust program. Cyber Trust, the focus of the science foundation’s cyber-security efforts, was designed to create a system that guarantees the reliability of computers and networks underlying the nation’s infrastructures, even in the face of cyber attacks.
    Seems like this problem IS and ISN'T as problem now..

    Sep 19, 2007Global supercomputer leader Cray Inc sells computer to Department of Energy's (DOE) ...
    Cray have obtained promising results in testing the massively multithreaded architecture on several PNNL-developed applications, including one that constantly monitors the state of the power grid. "Electrical power grid modeling and analysis are critical to DOE," Nieplocha said, noting that "speedups achieved on a developmental system at Cray's lab in Seattle were better than ever reported for this application."
    With a 3 year old "guarantees the reliability" security system and a supercomputer for PROTECTION.

    April 10th, 2008 Hacking the Power Grid
    Hacking the Power Grid
    Cracking a power company network and gaining access that could shut down the grid is simple, a security expert says, and he has done so in less than a day. ... The company called off the test after the team took over the machines. “We had to shut down within hours,” Winkler says, “because it was working too well. We more than proved that they were royally screwed.”
    A news story dated 3/25/2009 has expired at CNBC .. It's not news any more after a couple weeks.. This is a NEWS web site, right?
    Expired story Government lab tests 'super' power cables for NYC can be viewed at google cached web page (mentions terrorists)
    Government lab tests 'super' power cables for NYC - News Wires -
    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


    • #3
      reply to Vortex

      Originally posted by Vortex View Post
      Replace your home power? Yeah, I'd like that also.
      Remember knowledge is power, don't panic.

      The government has been hard at work trying
      to make the power easier to take down, I meant protect,
      by creating National CONTROL over it.

      Hi Vortex,

      I totally agree this is the worst thing that the government could do to our existing power grid it was never made, designed or engineered to do what there wanting to do. There is examples every where just look at any major storm when the power goes "off" all users still have things on and may have turned more things on by accident. Then when the electricity is turned back on by the utility company huge current surges happen taking out high voltage fuses on poles to blowing up transformers from the immediate loads, causing bigger problems yet.

      If you live in the United States a quick way to save money on a electricity bill is to "Balance" the amperage or electrical loads so the amperage draw is equal on each leg of electricity that passes through your watt hour electrical meter used by your utility provider.

      The way the watt hour meter operates is the amperage or load is divided into two power legs or phases 120 volt line to ground circuits, each of the two being metered on a home 3-wire system (utility transformer or power lines to utility watt hour meter base). If one leg or phase of the 120 volt line to ground is at 40 amps and the other 120 volt line to ground is at 80 amps your pay for the 80 amps the higher of the two. If both 120 volt line to ground legs or phases are balanced at 60 amps per leg or phase ..... right you pay for the 60 amps ..... not the 80 amp high leg or phase on a unbalance 3-wire system.

      Always any modifications to your electrical service system should be done by qualified person or electrician.

      There are many homes that used a type of wire called 12/3 NM or 14/3 NM or Romex wire with or without a ground wire (red, black, white) and may be used inside of a electrical circuit breaker panel for two 120 volt circuits this is allowed by the NEC code, and the red and black wires "MUST" be on separate phases or legs to share the neutral or white wire.

      Open Source Experimentalist
      Open Source Research and Development


      • #4
        From about 1987 there began an underground education wave that taught that it was alright to cheat or just ignore problems. When things got bad, no fear the feds would step in and clean it all up. (RIGHT!) What the hell is the income source of the feds anyway? Do they sell cookies, make widgets, (soon will build cars thought), who are the feds? The feds are meaningless people that can not make it in a real a competing world. The feds spend your money and mine.

        Now if we were taught that we could reap the harvest without investment for as long as we liked and there would be zero consequence, then guess we are where we all let it get to. Sick and tired of everyone talking about the federal government coming to the rescue. ITS you and me..............

        When do we all say enough?????????


        • #5
          Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
          Hi Vortex,

          I totally agree this is the worst thing that the government could do to our existing power grid it was never made, designed or engineered to do what there wanting to do. There is examples every where just look at any major storm when the power goes "off" all users still have things on and may have turned more things on by accident. Then when the electricity is turned back on by the utility company huge current surges happen taking out high voltage fuses on poles to blowing up transformers from the immediate loads, causing bigger problems yet.

          If you live in the United States a quick way to save money on a electricity bill is to "Balance" the amperage or electrical loads so the amperage draw is equal on each leg of electricity that passes through your watt hour electrical meter used by your utility provider.

          The way the watt hour meter operates is the amperage or load is divided into two power legs or phases 120 volt line to ground circuits, each of the two being metered on a home 3-wire system (utility transformer or power lines to utility watt hour meter base). If one leg or phase of the 120 volt line to ground is at 40 amps and the other 120 volt line to ground is at 80 amps your pay for the 80 amps the higher of the two. If both 120 volt line to ground legs or phases are balanced at 60 amps per leg or phase ..... right you pay for the 60 amps ..... not the 80 amp high leg or phase on a unbalance 3-wire system.

          Always any modifications to your electrical service system should be done by qualified person or electrician.

          There are many homes that used a type of wire called 12/3 NM or 14/3 NM or Romex wire with or without a ground wire (red, black, white) and may be used inside of a electrical circuit breaker panel for two 120 volt circuits this is allowed by the NEC code, and the red and black wires "MUST" be on separate phases or legs to share the neutral or white wire.

          Humm.... Maybe you learn something every day. When I look at the old style meter diagram I see two coils (third not needed for my point) and each comes off a 120 leg of the 220. Now if I remember right the transformer is 220 center tapped and the center (neutral) is also ground at the transformer. Now the way I view the coils is that they are additive. If you draw 10A from one leg and 20A from the other leg, you do turn the meter at a recording rate of 30A.

          Now I am not an electrician so bare with me here, but I did use an amp probe on my entrance in a study I did for myself and what I just stated was what I saw in what was taking place. I did this over time knowing what each leg was drawing and what the start and end meter reading was after the test?

          Where did I go wrong?


          • #6
            Hi Glen,
            Thanks for the info on the meter, there. I'll have give that an eye-ball ..

            I still had one of those documents I linked to open and I saw a word I
            was not sure of the meaning. So I looked it up.
            Do yourself a favor and start looking up definitions of words ,
            EVEN if you believe you know what that definition is,

            Your eyes will become open and see.....

            This is the last sentence of the Dec 1999 PDF in my previous post.
            Enable these infrastructures to help address the trilemma of population,
            poverty, and pollution.
            The word trilemma means.
            One of two things:
            Of 3 bad choices, ONLY 1 can be saved (selected) and the other 2 forgotten.
            OR of 3 choices, 2 are saved and 1 is forgotten.

            So the last sentence means of these three: population, poverty, and pollution
            One can be saved (selected) and the other Two must be forgotten
            Two are saved and One is forgotten.

            And I thought not inviting the DOE was bad..

            This is only a FYI .. without knowledge, you can't make informed decisions.

            .. keep ..
            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


            • #7
              If you live in the United States a quick way to save money on a electricity bill...
              Shut the garbage off and work on your FE device....



              • #8
                Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                Humm.... Maybe you learn something every day. When I look at the old style meter diagram I see two coils (third not needed for my point) and each comes off a 120 leg of the 220. Now if I remember right the transformer is 220 center tapped and the center (neutral) is also ground at the transformer. Now the way I view the coils is that they are additive. If you draw 10A from one leg and 20A from the other leg, you do turn the meter at a recording rate of 30A.

                Now I am not an electrician so bare with me here, but I did use an amp probe on my entrance in a study I did for myself and what I just stated was what I saw in what was taking place. I did this over time knowing what each leg was drawing and what the start and end meter reading was after the test?

                Where did I go wrong?
                Hi DrStiffler,
                The residential 240 volt 4-jaw meter uses CT's ( current transformers ) there is no center tap transformer in the old style 5 dial kilowatt hour meter, if you turn the meter up side down ...... the meter runs backwards, thus sealing tabs for no tampering with the utility meter configuration.

                The current balancing should be done with two clamp on AC amp meters to get as close as possible to a balanced load during simulated worse and best case night time normal home operations, 240 volt loads do not apply they are balanced already. The large spinning wheel dial rotates 1000 times for every KW hour used and shown on the five dials reading left to right, any changes would be hard to see on the large spinning wheel maybe a stopwatch would work, counting rotations would be difficult. The changes would slowly appear over your 30 day utility billing cycle.

                The utility company's are opposed to "smart meters" it's a lose lose situation for them and give excuses about changes, wanting to add also meter reading capability to make changes worth the cost. This is where KWH meters could be read by the utility main office not by a meter reader and could be turned off remotely for non payment or by possibly a terrorist act.

                Regards, Glen
                Open Source Experimentalist
                Open Source Research and Development

