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Seeking Information os Magnetic Device

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  • Seeking Information os Magnetic Device

    Hi everyone,

    Someone asked me if I could find out what would be the possible use of this magnetic device in surveillance. He found it hidden in his place and he is very active in research on HV, magnetic and hydroxy.

    Thanks in advance,


    The naming is arbitrary.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Thats the whole device? Was it attached to anything? Doesn't look like anything to me.


    • #3
      ...Look closer at the tiny rectangular shiny thing in the center of the upper bar perhaps? Bugs can be extremely small.

      LOL: Wouldn't it be ironic if it was a magnetically powered "bug", and we were able built a new technology / OU device from it ?


      • #4
        Ya the shinny thing in the middle is the rotor, wrap some wire around the outside of it, hook a diode to one end and bingo! Flux capisitor, 130 volts at 100amps.


        • #5
          The bugs used today are smaller than that. In faact cameras are smaller than that as well.



          • #6
            Wait, I don't get it. Your friend found that in his place of residence and it was not placed there by him nor anyone else in his household??

            I'd look at where it was placed first, then also look at the materal composition of whatever that is. If there is something inside the cylinder in the center, x-ray can show that as well.

            The hooks on the sides appear to have a purpose I guess, but what...
            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


            • #7
              Thats interesting. I know I found one years ago and I threw it away. It may be some type of tension device. If you do find out what it is let me know!


              • #8
                Re: Device.

                Hi amigo,

                My friend found it hidden in his home using a portable RF detector. This thing was inside the metallic tube. He removed it and placed in one of his bedroom drawer because it was late in the evening and planed to investigate further. He went to work the next day and when he got back home, the device was gone.

                So if someone had seen such a device, info could come forth but otherwise we may never know.

                Take care,



                • #9
                  Unless your friend is a criminal, terrorist or genius scientist there is no reason for anybody to spy on him. Most probably your friend have a very vivid imagination or simply seeks some attention. Occam's razor at its best.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Michelinho View Post
                    Hi amigo,

                    My friend found it hidden in his home using a portable RF detector. This thing was inside the metallic tube. He removed it and placed in one of his bedroom drawer because it was late in the evening and planed to investigate further. He went to work the next day and when he got back home, the device was gone.

                    So if someone had seen such a device, info could come forth but otherwise we may never know.

                    Take care,

                    That thing looks amazing! I'm going to meditate on it for awhile. Is the outer pipe magnetic, or is it stainless? Is that his picture?


                    • #11
                      Strange device.

                      Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
                      That thing looks amazing! I'm going to meditate on it for awhile. Is the outer pipe magnetic, or is it stainless? Is that his picture?
                      I'll have to ask my friend what the tube was made of and if it had magnetic properties. It is the tube that is beside the gizmo, the camera angle makes it look a little smaller than the little device. I'll try to remember to ask him where it was when he found it and how it was setup, hanged or else.

                      Thanks for the help,


                      P.S.: I know his car was somehow bugged because when he came at my place a few months back, my Linksys router lost wireless connection with my laptop and my wife's computer which uses wireless. As he drove away at the end of the evening, the router resynch with my laptop and the computer. He also found an imprint under his windshield rubber gasket that looked like a small bead with a wire at each ends. That did not last long as everything seems back to normal now.

