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The Vallée Synergetic Generator

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  • The Vallée Synergetic Generator

    Hi all,

    This appears to be a very interesting apparatus:
    The Vallée Synergetic Generator Project by JL Naudin

    Baudin reports a COP of almost 3.5.

    It is based on a carbon-thungsten (spark gap?) which appears to be able to create excess energy. It is interesting that Gray also used a carbon "resistive element" in his CSET, which might turn out to be a very important component of that tube.

    Anyway, there's also a very interesting document by Mr. Vallée on Naudins site about EM theory, etc:
    This appears to be a trans
    lation of:

    Also see:
    Synergy (1) / Synergy / Overview / STEM-physics - STEM-Physics (Synergy Theory of Electro Magnetism)

    "Establishing the genuine electromagnetic nature of everything and considering the interaction capability between a material system and its surrounding space, one fundamental equation of STEM-Physics is:

    S = M.c2 = M/( ε.μ) (4)


    S is the synergy of the material system equals to the total energy of the whole interactions with its surrounding space medium.
    ε and μ are the electromagnetic properties of the surrounding space. Both of them have no reason to be told constant."

    Synergy (2) / Synergy / Overview / STEM-physics - STEM-Physics (Synergy Theory of Electro Magnetism)
    "The synergy corresponds to the sum of all energies instantly present in a given medium and Maxwell's theory leads to the expression that Poincaré, Hasenörl, Planck and Einstein have later disclosed:

    S = m / ε.μ = m.c2 (1)

    It is to say that space has a mass density which represents a blend of immaterial mass with the material masses of the quantum particles it contains."

  • #2
    It's interesting the more you research EV Gray's tube, the more similarities it has to many other devices like the VSG. In the VSG, the load coil is directly around the carbon electrode spark gap, almost like the grid in Gray's setup.

    In the overunity thread on the VSG / Carbon fusion, the replicators were only getting energy back when discharging through spark gaps between carbon or carbon-tungsten electrodes. A straight short-circuit of the capacitors resulted in little or no returned energy in the load coil.

    Just stuff to ponder. If anyone has thoughts/ideas, post away.


