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  • #16
    Lifting the Water


    I encourage you to try your experiments. The numbers look good, but I still have my doubts about using "off-the-shelf" components.

    Having looked at this situation quite a bit over the years, I came to the conclusion that some process was needed to lift the water against gravity where the actual LIFTING FORCE was provided by something other than the INPUT ENERGY supplied by the system. In these investigations, I came to the conclusion that Centrifugal Force was the best candidate for that force.

    While these ideas are still crude, I refer you to this page and the two articles linked there; Free Energy | Messias Machine

    This at least illustrates the idea that it is possible to raise the water to a higher level without actually having to supply the energy to LIFT it ourselves. This seems like STEP ONE in the process.

    Next, when allowing the water to return to its lower level again, how do you extract the maximum energy from it. Most systems simply stand the water in a column above the turbine nozzle and use the WEIGHT of the standing water as pressure. The question is, can the energy quotient of the water be raised above its simple standing weight? I believe it can, if the water is allowed to flow down a vortex shaped stand pipe, the water's velocity will be raised considerably as it "spins down the drain" so to speak. A special turbine designed to intercept the momentum of the spinning water should provide an energy output above the simple standing weight. Viktor Schauberger developed a turbine like this in the 1930's, and so I think this is STEP TWO.

    When these two systems are tied together, a self running system should be possible, with the production of excess energy. The physics is sound, but the components are not commercially available. Still and all, I think a system hiding in a "farmer's silo", with high and low reservoirs and special centrifugal pumps and vortex turbines, could easily power the farm.

    Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 04-13-2009, 04:08 PM.
    Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

    Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
    Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
    Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


    • #17
      Thanks for your input, Peter. I agree, and also would like to say I respect your knowledge and unbiased opinion. I generally start with a small prototype to test my theories. That way I don't have large machines that I have to disassemble. The theory is sound and so are the numbers. My theory would only work in a closed system, however. A waterwheel would not produce the effects that are required to make OU, in my opionion. Your vortex turbine is close to what Clem used in his motor.When time permits, I will start my tests, as I already have small pumps to start the process. my idea is to build two turbines of equal size, one DC motor to pump and one DC motor to generate electricity. I don't know the RPM required to achieve OU, so I will have to experiment with that. I can't find the equation on volume x pressure ratio, but I will keep looking. I am looking at building two Archimedes screw pumps for this system. Stealth
      Last edited by Stealth; 04-13-2009, 04:29 PM.


      • #18
        Clem Engine

        Originally posted by Stealth View Post
        Thanks for your input, Peter. I agree, and also would like to say I respect your knowledge and unbiased opinion. I generally start with a small prototype to test my theories. That way I don't have large machines that I have to disassemble. The theory is sound and so are the numbers. My theory would only work in a closed system, however. A waterwheel would not produce the effects that are required to make OU, in my opionion. Your vortex turbine is close to what Clem used in his motor.When time permits, I will start my tests, as I already have small pumps to start the process. my idea is to build two turbines of equal size, one DC motor to pump and one DC motor to generate electricity. I don't know the RPM required to achieve OU, so I will have to experiment with that. I can't find the equation on volume x pressure ratio, but I will keep looking. I am looking at building two Archimedes screw pumps for this system. Stealth

        Good luck with your experiments. Your earlier reference to the Clem Engine is right on target. Clem used centrifugal force to increase the hydraulic pressure in his conical pump. The added pressure was more than enough to spin the conical pump and produce excess output energy. If you understand the simplicity of the Messias Machine, you can begin to understand the Clem Engine.

        I have designs for a simple system that only needs two of a specially built component, that works equally well as the lifting pump and the output turbine. Both produce gain by centrifugal force, so the lift side is easier than normal and the drop side is more energetic than normal. The combined gains in the system are available for powering external loads.

        Keep up the great work.

        Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

        Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
        Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
        Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


        • #19
          Hi you might also find the works of Viktor Schauberger very usefull for he had built a dam that could power itself. Sacred Living Geometry -Enlightened Environmental Theories of Viktor Schauberger

          I learned a lot from his books about the true nature of water, and applied what I learned to the works of Stanley Meyer. I read of a group that went to reproduce his type of dam in his home country but where told to stop by their government. I design all of my water holding tanks based on his work.



          • #20
            Implosion Machine


            Viktor Schauberger apparently has built a free energy generator which used the water vortex to generate energy:

            Here is the diagram taken from Viktor Schauberger's Inventions; Part Two

            Water Vortex apparently has an untapped energy.

            Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


            • #21
              Yep that's it many thanks for posting it



              • #22
                Hi Elias,

                thanks for posting Schaubergers inventions.
                But the real bad news: No one could replicate his inventions/ideas. All you can find about implosion engines are rumours.

                Best wishes


                • #23
                  Books by Callum Coats

                  Originally posted by Alana View Post
                  Hi Elias,

                  thanks for posting Schaubergers inventions.
                  But the real bad news: No one could replicate his inventions/ideas. All you can find about implosion engines are rumours.

                  Best wishes

                  Actually, your statements are not true anymore. It certainly was that way when I started studying Schauberger in the 1980's. But today, the series of books by Callum Coats has made almost everything about Viktor Schaubergers work available in English, with the recovery of many photos of the "Trout Motor", "Repulsine" and other major inventions.

                  Check out the links at: Free Energy | Implosion | Viktor Schauberger

                  The pages linked there show a lot, but the books by Coats show much more.

                  Schauberger's work is NOT lost, and people are replicating these systems.

                  Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                  Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                  Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                  Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                  • #24
                    I watched a you tube video of a man with a water pump, and generator combo, running a self powering system, but when I tried to post it, it wouldn't work. Anyway, it is, free energy water pump machine H2O generator. A self running water pump-turbine-generator.
                    Last edited by Stealth; 04-14-2009, 07:58 PM.


                    • #25


                      • #26
                        Yes, thanks,that's the one. A very interesting video showing what I was talking about. You can achieve a self running system, and even OU. This system is not as efficient as a closed unit would be. Stealth


                        • #27
                          About Schauberger technology, there is an easier way to achive more efficiency. If we can force/limit the water speed inside twisted copper pipe to the resonance frequency, getting negative resistance, transporting water upstream would require much less energy.

                          Just realize that panacea has many link info on schauberger.
                          Viktor Schauberger


                          • #28
                            This concept is not only feasible, but practical, and cost efficient. Solar panels will produce free electricity, but their costs are astronomical for anything close to powering your home. Wind is cost efficient, but only works part time. Just like solar, you can't depend on it everyday. With implosion technology, or hydro-electric, you can run 24/7, until something wears out. In terms of cost efficiency, nothing except a magnetic motor even comes close. Of all those i've replicated, only 2 stand out as long running candidates, and both lose magnetism after while, requiring maintenance and replacing the magnets. And neither have sufficient torque for drivng a large generator to power your home. A small hydro-electric closed unit has sufficient torque to power about anything it is attached to. Good Luck.


                            • #29
                              I don't understand why the wheel with the pedals has to be in the water.
                              It could roll faster if it would be out of the water.

                              Anyway I don't understand how the system works so I am probably saying nonsense.

                              Anyonen could explain what's going on?


                              • #30
                                You are absolutely correct. The paddle would be more efficient if allowed to run above the water. Anytime you can reduce drag, and friction, you can achieve higher efficiency. His setup appeared to have been hastily designed and not designed for maximum efficiency. If his design can self run, how much more power can be extracted from an efficiently designed closed system? I have been comparing density, weight per gallon of liquids and have found water is 8.33, whereas citric acid is 13.81 pounds per gallon. By adding lemon, lime or grapefruit juice to your water, you could increase the power ratio by a factor of 1.659. If you could afford it, Iodine weighs a staggering 41 pounds per gallon.
                                Last edited by Stealth; 04-17-2009, 05:53 PM.

