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Most efficient free energy

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  • #31
    Burglar, what he is doing is running a electric water pump plugged into the wall. He takes the water coming out of the pump and uses that to drive a generator with it. The paddles are attached to the generator. When he gets the generator up to speed he unplugs the water pump from the wall and plugs it into the output of the generator and it contunes to operate the pump. Basically he is closing the loop and still powering a light bulb, making free energy.


    • #32
      If you want more information on how pumps work, and which is most efficient, you can order a dvd at Description of ALL ABOUT PUMPS, educational software program


      • #33

        @ Peter Lindemann

        You are right. Schaubergers works is available. He published and invented many thinks (engines, teached us how we should use water and also his famous engines: Klimator, Repulsine, ...) It is the work of Callum Coats, Olof Alexandersson, Franco Germano and others that we know about Schauberger.

        But what is important: They all show drawings, patent files. But no one knows how Schaubergers engines really works. It's not enough to think how they works, it is not enough to publish rumours.

        You have written about the "Trout Motor", "Repulsine" and other major inventions. Please show me one working motor!
        You have written that "people are replicating these systems". That's right, there are many out there they are trying. But the bad news is: No one succeed.

        Except one: There is an Austrian inventor, Franz Zotlöterer, he built a water vortex power plant. He is selling power plants!
        water vortex power plant

        I see no one other. But if you know one, please let me know. I would be very happy



        • #34
          Originally posted by Alana View Post
          Except one: There is an Austrian inventor, Franz Zotlöterer, he built a water vortex power plant. He is selling power plants!
          water vortex power plant
          It seems it is not a self running generator. It seems the goal of this generator is more about environment friendly aspect and efficiency. Where the water output of the generator do not pollute the environment and the use of natural movement of water reduce friction and improve efficiency. But this still a good thing for us.

          Even without self running / overunity feature, incorporating Schauberger natural flow to many thing will at least improve the efficiency. Imagine if we try to do experiment on it in a car:
          - Turbo suction is build in centripetal way, reduce friction, and increase air density => increase power.
          - air flow / tube are made spiral, in flow and out flow have less restriction.
          - revitalizing fuel with water rejuvenating technology, fuel burn better and more homogen, more power, less pollution.
          - Improvement to geet device by incorporating vortex movement so fuel/water/air will stay at reactor pipe longer, allowing less fuel percentage.

          We can also made little adjustment to our water pipe end / join to make it swirl inside:

