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Some people believe time is speeding up

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  • Some people believe time is speeding up

    ( Research Notes: Time Speeding Up

  • #2
    Time does seem to be flying by. What used to take hours, days or weeks now happens overnite. Our technology has taken big leaps forward. Almost a fourth of the world now has a computer, and internet access. You can talk to someone on a chat line on the other side of the world in just seconds. You can purchase an object from China, India, Japan or anywhwere else and have it delivered overnight. We are becoming very close to each other because of this technology. It makes me wonder what new advances in technology will bring. An event can happen anywhere in the world and you will know about it before the day is over. Sometimes I wish I could slow down and not hurriedly go full throttle into whatever project I undertake, but it's hard to slow down when the rest of the world is flying by at dizzying speed. Oh well, I guess I'm just afraid of being left behind(technology wise). Staying at or near the forefront of current knowledge is a full time endeavor, it seems. No time to slow down and rest. Just my observation. Stealth


    • #3
      time speeding up

      Yes because the aether is spreading thinner across the universe as it stretches outwards. There is less resistance to any mass moving through and being opposed by it.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        Yes because the aether is spreading thinner across the universe as it stretches outwards. There is less resistance to any mass moving through and being opposed by it.
        Arron I have you book but i never got passed 30page you see there is no particle only wave everthing is a wave!
        time/comos i think is a spiral wave so it is speeding up because we are getting closer to the center (2012) and everthing in the universe it travelling away from us the red shift!

        only your mind builds the wave into a 3d world which we think is solid but its not is a holagram. I dont now of all the dimenstion but i have evidence to see this as Fact/TRUTH
        here are some link to support this Truth

        Biography Dr Milo Wolff: Mathematical Physicist. On the Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter in Space
        YouTube - David Bohm
        YouTube - WSM = Wave Structure of Matter
        YouTube - Julius Sumner Miller - Physics - Energy and Momentum pt. 1
        YouTube - Bertrand Russell talking about exact thinking in philosophy
        Wave Structure Of Matter

        YouTube - Terence Mckenna: Timewave Zero [1/3]
        please watch all 3

        also evidence of another dimenstion interaction of a magnet

        also if everthin is a wave we can do some crazy thing with the mind
        YouTube - Telekinesis: Birth of the Human god

        Love and Light

        Like science is the study of universe, which is the study of the self, which is the study of philosophy, which is the study of self, which is the study of the universe.
        (around in a spiral back to the start, to start again with a new understanding, in a new point in time)
        Man I need to write a book
        Last edited by Bodkins; 04-25-2009, 07:46 AM.


        • #5
          Astronomers have proven that galaxy's are moving away from each other at an increasingly faster rate than in any time in history. As they expand, the universe becomes larger and larger. No one can predict how far this rate of expansion can go. Predictions are that at some point the universe will have expanded to the point of capacity. In that case it would have to stop expanding or start to collapse in on itself. As this rate of expansion increases, so does time speed increase. It not only affects time, but also gravity.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Stealth View Post
            Astronomers have proven that galaxy's are moving away from each other at an increasingly faster rate than in any time in history. As they expand, the universe becomes larger and larger. No one can predict how far this rate of expansion can go. Predictions are that at some point the universe will have expanded to the point of capacity. In that case it would have to stop expanding or start to collapse in on itself. As this rate of expansion increases, so does time speed increase. It not only affects time, but also gravity.
            Is time Scalar?

            Does time have mass? Can time be determined as an entity without mathematics?

            I would not worry about the expansion of the universe, I myself am more concerned in where the universe came from. Some abstract theory that it 'Just Was' and blew apart to form what we observe and extrapolate today?

            'It Just Was', oh my, unless we can see the roots, how do we understand from the leaf?

            Time is only a measure man uses for measurement, a function for gauging advancement or retardation, a standard to set goals by, a unit to allow judgments.

            Time is a figment of our imagination used to quantify the illusion of reality.


            • #7
              Our Freedom is killing us with too much info coming too fast.

              Some accidents happen real fast, over before an eye blink. I've been in a few accidents where they lasted & lasted. My sense of Time was completely changed as if I was a 3rd person watching from a distance. It looked and felt at the same time, both 1st & 3rd Persons existing at the same time.

              It felt like I had shifted into incredibly slow motion. I believe the reason for that was because so much motion had been poured into me. I was struck by a 1,000 pound bale of compressed paper & cardboard destined for recycling, from a height of 8 feet above. I tried to move out of the way but too late, it glanced my shoulder much like if we step our foot on a piece of ice, and I was shot sideways at a mind-numbing speed.

              But gravity pulled the bale ever faster so even tho I was traveling at the speed of a rocket sled taking me out of the way it clipped me behind both knees and smashed the calf muscles, taking my knees straight down very fast. This altered my chest direction from straight sideways into a vector direction both out and down.

              The speed I was moving when my torso hit the ground was the speed of the tip of a whip. I was riding the tip of the whip. I became and was the tip of the whip. I must've come close to the sound barrier.

              When we start knowing say all the numbers of rapes that happen from where we are to Timbuktoo Asia it gives us a sense of something we should not encounter but over an entire Lifetime. We get that from multiple directions too. We are being inundated with enough BAD STUFF to alter our sense of Time like my accident in 1989 caused me to experience.

              Our Freedom is killing us with too much info coming too fast. In essence,
              we all take a royal slamming into this wall of garbage every single day.
              We are exceeding our brain's ability to cope. What happens to Jane
              Doe is important to Jane Doe but we don't need to know it any
              more than she needs to know about everybody else's life.

              It's like we're cramming 100 lifetimes into one day, every day. I grew up in the 1950's, no cable no much of nuthin. Watching the sun come up and set was many times the highlight of the day + watching the garden crops grow, and the grass. In 1957 or 1958 I guess it was, the Russians launched Sputnik. I live in Roanoke Virginia. Dad told me to watch for it in the front yard and yep, there it came over Read Mountain straight over the middle of our house. We lived at 4966 Hazelridge Rd., straight over our house it lumbered along

              It was going right slow actually so I ran around our house and watched it continue its journey no one up there to stop it. When the Russian caused the Cuban missile crisis off Cuba seems like to me that was when things really speeded up. It's been speeding up ever since until now. Some people born later than myself don't know anything different.

              Many young people look at all this tangled mess and give up. The dropout
              rate in Roanoke is around 50%. Not everyone wants to live inside an accident.
              I think somewhere deep in their mind they know it's artificial, orchestrated, staged
              and choreographed. If ya ask me it's a silent protest by 50% of Roanokers. Like
              back in the 1980's when workers started taking 25 minutes for a 10-minute break.
              People couldn't stand the pace so they started setting their own pace, and if
              an Employer didn't like it SO WHAT?! FIND ANOTHER JOB. More silent protest,
              not waiting for a staged ballot box but choosing their own ground right now
              this minute. Tea Party started a long long time ago here in Roanoke.
              It wasn't officially called; it just happened, natural-like.

              Like spontaneous combustion except it's still happening (50%) til finally it has reached a roar. Employers have great difficulty finding people who will labor and sweat for their low wage offers ad ill treatment being talked down to. They have trouble even finding new employees to hire who can pass the drug tests. People have decided they want to tell Life how fast it's allowed to go.

              It isn't watching the Universe expanding but it's been interesting to watch anyway.


              • #8
                Our Freedom is killing us with too much info coming too fast.

                Edit messed up.
                Last edited by CloudSeeder; 04-26-2009, 12:51 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                  Time is only a measure man uses for measurement, a function for gauging advancement or retardation, a standard to set goals by, a unit to allow judgments.

                  Time is a figment of our imagination used to quantify the illusion of reality.
                  I aggree time is how fast numbers go up,But how fast we think is not working with the clocks number!

                  look for pain and you will see it. You create reality, try look for joy and you will find it.(not on TV)
                  A friend of mine bust his arm in two, the bone sticking out of his arm, but it did not hurt until he looked at it,
                  change the way you look at the world, and you change it
                  Love and light


                  • #10
                    Mayan Theory can explains this.

                    I think mayan can have reason, apparently resonance on our planet is getting high but our bodies and mind not, then is like that old Cassettes audio systems, with High Speed Doubling and the target cassettes (our bodies) is in original speed but source is Twice faster (planet).
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


                    • #11
                      Time is a figment of our imagination used to quantify the illusion of reality.
                      LOL, Im glad someone get's it.

                      Astronomers have proven that galaxy's are moving away from each other at an increasingly faster rate than in any time in history. As they expand, the universe becomes larger and larger. No one can predict how far this rate of expansion can go. Predictions are that at some point the universe will have expanded to the point of capacity. In that case it would have to stop expanding or start to collapse in on itself. As this rate of expansion increases, so does time speed increase. It not only affects time, but also gravity.
                      If there is one thing we know and can say for certain it is that everything in nature is cyclical and these cyclical motions are perpetual. There is no example that can be given where matter is not in a state of change or motion anywhere. Knowing this it should be obvious science is hardly qualified to make judgements based on a few hundred years of limited observation when the universe we know of could be trillions of years old.
                      As far as time goes, I think we percieve time as a function of change. It is know that people in isolation, ie... closed soundproof chambers have absolutely no perception of time, that is the first thing they lose---then their sanity.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                        It blew apart to form what we observe and extrapolate today?

                        'It Just Was', oh my, unless we can see the roots, how do we understand from the leaf?

                        Time is only a measure man uses for measurement, a function for gauging advancement or retardation, a standard to set goals by, a unit to allow judgments.

                        Time is a figment of our imagination used to quantify the illusion of reality.

                        these are some profound words, I can't believe we'd actually agree on this, especially the last sentence.
                        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                        • #13
                          @Bodkins: Thanks. You're a great preacher. Do I need ta send you some money?


                          • #14
                            Time is a manmade observation aimed at making some comprehension of life. It is mostly tied into the orbits of the planets. One revolution of earth ,one orbit of earth around the sun, orbits of the moon, etc. These we see as constants in our reality. Without these observation made so long ago, we would not have any comprehension of time. As human beings, we need to have something to use as a reference, as a ruler to measure our own reality. Time seems to fit these preconcieved notions of our reality. Until we discover another method to mend our reality in the universe we percieve, then I guess we are stuck with our creation of time. Most aren't aware of its speed, up or down. Most are not tuned into the rythyms of the universe, such as Tesla, Schaumberger, and others were. Most are too busy to be aware of these rythyms and what effect they have on our lives.Just my two cents. Stealth


                            • #15
                              I think many would at least agree that we are generally being bombarded with stimulation at a faster rate than in the past.

                              Compare some old movies and tv shows to the present, it's laughable. I was watching some old Wonder Woman tv shows from the 70's (which completely rock) and when they would have a struggle they would run up to each other, asses each other out for several beats, then start their fight. Even action shows in the past were less fast-paced than today's romance movie.

                              Of course things like cars, airplanes, tv and computers make everything faster.

                              Meditation can be one way to give your mind a little break from the overwhelming amount of stimulation we tend to encounter these days.

                              It is true that the when the number of people per square foot goes up in a location, the level of stress goes up. That's probably true with stimulation as well. (Except a total lack of stimulation like time deprivation experiments is probably really stressful. I'd never volunteer for one of those, lol.)
                              Keep your mind on the aether

