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Novel Oscillator

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  • Novel Oscillator

    YouTube - Oscillator

    I created this little beauty...all that is in the video is a little 500ma 12v power supply from wall, a hand made bifilar coil (wired as such...meaning two windings wired in series), two powerful n35 neo magnets separated with a thin acrylic square, and a very heavy duty magnetic reed switch.

    The magnets saturate the core and create a defined magnetic field...the reed switch turns on when brought close enough. This shifts the field and turns the reed switch off...only to happen over and over again. As you can see I can adjust the frequency up to the mechanical limit.

    P.S. The back spikes are very powerful, I can charge a 1500uf cap to 100v in about 15 seconds. Hope you guys like it

    Just made a video of it charging a 2nd 1500 uf cap from a single reversed diode across the input...the 1st 1500uf cap is only a smoothing cap for the choppy input.

    YouTube - vibrator2
    Last edited by Radiant_Science; 04-25-2009, 10:01 AM.

  • #2
    Nice work.

    I'd like to precise that it's well known that volts in a cap is voltage 'peak to peak'.
    ie: for a full square waveform, volts pp= 2 x efficient volts
    for a full triangle waveform, volts pp = 3.464 x efficient volts
    for a full sine waveform, volts pp= 2.828 x efficient volts

    Then, in the case of spikes, it's too a 'problem' with time 'on/off' periods.

    As I imagine that, I'm quite sure that we should research into making a ring of caps alternatively charging/discharging with an adequate controlling system, to get the most out of all of our radiant energy production systems. Possibly through a relay. Radiant Impulses are spikes; continouous impulses from the in turn discharging caps should be a good way to charge anything on the ending side.

    If anyone has an idea to make a very simple and cheap circuit intended for such a task (with the appropriate chip and cabling), I'd be gratefull for that.
    Last edited by marseye; 04-25-2009, 12:05 PM.
    M.E. Who else ?...

