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The Mylow case and MIB....

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  • The Mylow case and MIB....

    This looks interesting for sure, just to inspire some more people to get the idea of what is going on, I mean his device is probably useless(but interesting conceptually) and still:

    Mylow Being Corralled by BlackOps for his Magnet Motor

  • #2
    The goons are yanking his chain about releasing his technology. He shouldn't believe a word they say.
    The goons are not only liars, but are also traitors to the constitution. They willingly participate in illegal search and seizure, intimidation and in some circumstances assault and battery (or worse). These people are not only the bane of perfectly legal inventors, but the enemies of all freedom loving people.
    The goons are nothing more than the physical extension of the people who have usurped our government. These people are the true domestic terrorists, and the cancer that is killing this country.
    They need to be seen and regarded as the traitorous scum they really are.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
      The goons are yanking his chain about releasing his technology. He shouldn't believe a word they say.
      The goons are not only liars, but are also traitors to the constitution. They willingly participate in illegal search and seizure, intimidation and in some circumstances assault and battery (or worse). These people are not only the bane of perfectly legal inventors, but the enemies of all freedom loving people.
      The goons are nothing more than the physical extension of the people who have usurped our government. These people are the true domestic terrorists, and the cancer that is killing this country.
      They need to be seen and regarded as the traitorous scum they really are.

      No need to beat around the bush, Ted...
      "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

      “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
      Nikola Tesla


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
        They need to be seen and regarded as the traitorous scum they really are.
        Couldn't agree more.


        • #5
          Another Possibility...


          While Ted's position is well stated, it assumes that the story that Sterling is reporting is FACTUAL. Clearly, Sterling believes it, but I think Mylow is "pulling everyone's chain".

          As John Bedini said early on in this saga, the MIB types aren't nearly as NICE as Mylow is reporting. Plus, they never let you know "who they are" so the report that they were from the NSA also seems "unlikely". They also never give you your model back, after taking it.

          Sterling went to Chicago, unannounced, so he could "see for himself" one of Mylow's PM Motors running. In the classic "stage two" of a CON JOB, convincing excuses replaced actual facts in support of the established "bait and switch". Sterling did NOT see what he went there to see! But he DID come away from the experience "re-recruited" in the CON.

          Also, the report that Mylow can now build working motors from almost any shaped magnet, even under duress, gets a 5 STAR ZERO in credibility from me! No one can do that. Sorry, I don't care how "gifted" he is!

          My analysis of this situation is simple. Mylow has not duplicated Howard Johnson's Stone Henge motor, or any other configuration for that matter. All of the YouTube videos are faked, somehow. This evaluation is supported by the fact that NO ONE has seen one of Mylow's motors operate. The rest of the story is RUBBISH, also!

          Personally, I do not blame Sterling for being sucked into this. The psychology of these situations is quite powerful, and in his defense, I must admit to falling for about 20 of these things myself over the years, before I could finally "see them coming, a mile away".

          I recommend we all FORGET ABOUT MYLOW and lower the buzz around this story. I believe the main purpose of this is to distract us, here at energetic forum, from continuing to make real progress on a number of technologies in these threads.

          Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

          Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
          Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
          Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


          • #6
            I for one will remain undecided, as there is no evidence either way. I don't know mylow personally, have never met him, nor have I seen his motor, so I can't come to any conclusion.


            • #7
              my experience


              I am inclined to agree with Peter on this matter as I have a personal experience of this. If I was to OPEN SOURCE an invention then I would be so on a high that I would get as many people that I know to come and see it working and the first would probably be my neighbour. Well some years ago I and an associate were working on (1989) a turbo jet engine which ran on water as a fuel, MEYER AGAIN, well I did meet him in England but that was three years later and another story. We ran up a crude turbo jet on propagne gas and then changed over to a mixture of ionised water and browns gas and it WORKED and that is another story. Well the first people to see this was our Bank so as to get funding for further development, this led to the Bank bringing in a PLC company and when we said we were not interested then came the threats and finaly a group of men turned up at our factory and all I can say here is all was destroyed and I now live outside the UK. Before anyone asks why I do not build it again, the answer is, I AM, but I have now limited funds and my partner in this was the electronics wiz and he is retired and does not want to get involved. If any one wants to ask me things they can put it in my box so as not to tie up this thread.

              To cut the story short, OPEN SOURCE; tell the whole street where you live, the more people know and have seen it working the safer you are, my opinion.



              • #8

                Wasn't the plans being sold for this online?


                • #9
                  Let's play "Three Card Monte" with Trillions at stake

                  I believe that there are two possibilities here:

                  > MYLOW is for-real as stated, (lol this appears less likely every day, but IS a possibility).

                  > Or he is part of an elaborate, long term, professionally-done hoax by agents unknown... I mean this thing has a significant budget, and has even suborned one of Sterlings' friends (the mysterious "JB / Not John Bedini") to lie to him.

                  Apparently we will never know for sure as things appear now. Even if the Congressperson's office did verify that part of the story, could it be believed?

                  And if it is the latter: Then that statement claiming that "they" will release these technologies this summer; was one of the main objectives of the whole project. Because quite frankly, to accept the statement without understanding that we were MEANT to hear it; would be very naive. In fact our all hearing it probably was the WHOLE point of the exercise.

                  So why would they wish that statement to be believed?

                  A) Because it's "true", and they are letting us know through back channels... Perhaps to "dampen our ardor" and not cause "trouble" for them between now and then... After all, it IS the goal of many of us, including me, to see exactly this happen: Why rock the boat and cause them problems if they are now trying to comply?

                  B) Because they want to slow us down, stop us altogether if possible, keep us from causing them problems that might actually force a Disclosure and end to suppression eventually. This probably means that we were more effective than we had thought

                  Here's' what i suggest:

                  Well OK then; we will continue to play this fun and entertaining little game for a while...

                  Have MYLOW bring out a vid showing that "porkpie hat and toilet seat" motor working (the one in the hand-annotated snap-shot photo). And we will believe you about the coming Disclosures. Otherwise, we will consider it just more "mind-screwing" and attempts to stop Open Source from succeeding (which IS about the only way they CAN stop it). No one needs to admit to anything , just have MYLOW or someone else post a YouTube of it running without comment, that looks convincing.

                  Because make no mistake: Should this all prove a hoax, it is a very deliberate and professionally done one. It's impossible to double-think all the Byzantine psy-ops motives for doing such a thing, but at some point they must "get to the point" of an operation like this: And IMO, they got to the point last night... They want us to believe that there will be free energy releases this summer.

                  There could also be the more obvious point of discrediting anyone who is involved in it (hurting the Movement in general), but this appears to not be going very well and if it was their point, they have blown it so far (and any more such effort will only bring diminishing results from now on).


                  • #10
                    To me it is all about timing.

                    Why does mylow have time to make videos, but does not have the time for someone else to come see the device.

                    Why do the men in black show up just at the right time when Mylow needs to show his device.

                    Howard Johnson was a brilliant man, and was willing to have 3rd parties look at his work. This is, and has been lacking from mylows work, all we have is mylow's word, which, he already told us he is a fake then changed those words.

                    Until there is a 3rd party that is impartial that can look at the device, I believe we are being conned.
                    See my experiments here...

                    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                    • #11
                      Why doesn't Stirling just get all supplies needed to build a replica and fly Mylow over and put it together so he has a working model? Than he could sell a complete parts kit with detailed instructions.

                      I think its a fake, if it was real somebody else would have been able to replicate it. I must say though that it was a well thought out plan with all the videos leading up to a working model. It just doesn't make sense that someone would make all those videos that eventually would lead up to a working model.

                      But I would love to be proven wrong!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
                        The goons are yanking his chain about releasing his technology. He shouldn't believe a word they say.
                        The goons are not only liars, but are also traitors to the constitution. They willingly participate in illegal search and seizure, intimidation and in some circumstances assault and battery (or worse). These people are not only the bane of perfectly legal inventors, but the enemies of all freedom loving people.
                        The goons are nothing more than the physical extension of the people who have usurped our government. These people are the true domestic terrorists, and the cancer that is killing this country.
                        They need to be seen and regarded as the traitorous scum they really are.

                        Ted that is brilliant writing my friend, i know how to use that to inspire some people thanks for posting. I have always maintained that there is a way to make sure there is always validation, R and D, Security, AWARENESS and resources available to prevent ALL of this from happening. This is what we are working on.
                        Research and Development

                        Last edited by ashtweth; 04-28-2009, 12:14 AM.


                        • #13
                          Down through the years many inventions have ben suppressed. We all know of some. It maked this kind of invention hard to classify. With any new "free energy" invention or replication come disinformation. When you mix some untruths with truths, you end up with a nonworking motor. They don't have to do anything but add unnecessary parts or drawings to any patent to make it unworkable. This could be a hoax, or just another replication sidelined by those who want it suppressed. I have a great respect for those who stand up and support the OU movement. There are many people involved in this now, as evidenced by all the forums and websites devoted to unraveling these hoaxes. We have so few professional people(scientists, physicists,etc.), on our side, it makes it hard ro get certified when a great breakthrough does come along. Some of the greatest inventors in history were merely tinkerers who discovered something not as then known. It is the unknown, I think, that keeps us interested and improving our ideas. Stealth


                          • #14
                            Another group reporting suppression is Vancouver gadgeteers, btw they look to have come a long way on the WFC with AC.

                            Whether Mylow is for real or not, who knows, what we do know is that he probably got a visit from NSA... And it shows everyone in here they should publish all their discoveries asap.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gauss View Post
                              Another group reporting suppression is Vancouver gadgeteers, btw they look to have come a long way on the WFC with AC.

                              Whether Mylow is for real or not, who knows, what we do know is that he probably got a visit from NSA... And it shows everyone in here they should publish all their discoveries asap.
                              Funny you should mention them... I saw an ad today from them offering to build people adam's and bedini motors... can they do that??? I know adam's motor isn't patent protected but Bedini's is...

                              For Sale: Bedini Motor or Adams Motor Outside Victoria, Victoria

                              off topic... sorry!
                              "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                              “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                              Nikola Tesla

