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A 20-25% fuel saving reality check

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  • #16
    Originally posted by lanenal View Post
    Unbelievable! After the water4gas failure I thought it was all crap...but where can I find the really working plan?
    i think the panacea university hydroxy booster plan works better. Http://


    • #17

      Originally posted by topangler81 View Post
      i think the panacea university hydroxy booster plan works better. Http://
      Thanks for sharing! OK, really should get something done about it now. I'm thinking about getting a small dyno (2 kw), and maybe that will test it out.


      • #18
        @ashtweth: I read the interview transcript of David Wenbert (see link below), according to whom the GEET is very difficult to replicate. What do you think? If it is indeed very difficult to replicate, you might want to get that caution out as well. I read the panacea course material, but a little disappointed not to find a report of panacea's own replication. I'm hesitating as to if I should really embark on this project. Any feedback is appreciated.


        Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
        According to the MIT research paper on their GEET variant "Plasmatron", (MIT uses electricity to create the plasma where the GEET is self generating)

        "If average fuel efficiency of US fleet of cars and light duty vehicles is increased by 20%, yearly fuel savings would be 25 billion gallons of gasoline (equivalent to 70% of oil presently imported from the Middle East)"

        A simple 20-25% saving can be done by a OPEN SOURCE basic booster system. Then add the co2 then add the hydrocarbons that could be reduced = public health. The only other modifications which are low cost and can cut the carbon foot print as or more significantly are are the Encopra,Retofit/SPAD (GEET variants are do now kits) and the GEET.

        A friend in India recently told me that:

        "I am right now in the state of Punjab in India, and there are millions of agricultural pumpsets using diesel and polluting. Since Power is in shortage, every business and household has his own 3/5 kw unit which create so much of noise and pollution that it is impossible to breathe."

        Lets get them out there.
        Hydroxy Gas



        • #19
          Hi all. Do any one heard about microcompressor for car. The devices injected air into the combustion from the intake mainfold. I tried it myself several years ago. I give me more power and milage too. Feel like 20% more power and milage. You can feel the difference once you install it. And i still using it untill now that almost 4 years.


          • #20
            Originally posted by lanenal View Post
            @ashtweth: I read the interview transcript of David Wenbert (see link below), according to whom the GEET is very difficult to replicate. What do you think? If it is indeed very difficult to replicate, you might want to get that caution out as well. I read the panacea course material, but a little disappointed not to find a report of panacea's own replication. I'm hesitating as to if I should really embark on this project. Any feedback is appreciated.


            Hi lanenal sorry just saw this one my friend, sorry for the late one always drop me a PM if i miss sorry dood. Now the GEET has evolved brother, dont worry, the schools will have some results to show next year and Panacea will show our new rep next year, we have done the Ecopra/Nano AND a GEET variant (Leo GEET in Utube)

            Its not hard with the right info, font forget we have not had Paul Pantone out and schools to help and now he is starting the schools again which can give technical support and hook you up with practicing engineers, but let me know what application you have in mind and i can advise the current state of info and difficulty level


            • #21
              Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
              Hi lanenal sorry just saw this one my friend, sorry for the late one always drop me a PM if i miss sorry dood. Now the GEET has evolved brother, dont worry, the schools will have some results to show next year and Panacea will show our new rep next year, we have done the Ecopra/Nano AND a GEET variant (Leo GEET in Utube)

              Its not hard with the right info, font forget we have not had Paul Pantone out and schools to help and now he is starting the schools again which can give technical support and hook you up with practicing engineers, but let me know what application you have in mind and i can advise the current state of info and difficulty level
              Fantastic ashtweth! And many thanks! This is really good news for a beginner, that this thing has evolved and the threshold has lowered. Man you are such a big asset in the free energy movement, solute to you and your collegues who are working for this noble cause! A cause noble both intellectually and humanistically. I believe this will at least temporarily free us for a little while, as there are tons of other ways to enslave.

              I am a beginner, but I have an open mind and some friends running workshops to make metal stuffs (though they are a little far away). To test this thing, I am planning to get a 2nd hand motorcycle (with a 5-10 HP engine) or a 1.5-3 kw dynamo (please advise which is the better way to go). If it works out as claimed, I'd love to see this thing spread out. I live in a highly polulated city, and the air polution from the waste gas out of cars is terrible here, you can't find another place crying harder for such a technology here! My friend, I'd love to be part of the community to work on this, to contribute if can.



              • #22
                Fuel savings

                Hi All.

                I was just wondering if anyone has actually applied the AFR to the ICE mathematically to see if the fuel amount we use actually reflects what the chemistry states is the optimum burn.

                If you do this you will find that all these devices are simply bringing the usage closer to the real figures possible, as stated by physics, so are not really gains above the optimum burn levels, but are just ways to increase the amount of alternatives to air for the compression and release of the stored chemical energy.

                All these boosters are doing is making the hydrocarbons more active, so more readily available in the burn.

                The fuel companies have been swindling everyone for nearly a hundred years and no-one has woken up to that fact.

                Do the math people, for god's sake!! THEN Astweth, take THAT to the government and the mayor, and see what they then have so say, but wear a flack jacket!!

                The answer to the energy problem lies in a new perspective, not more of the old ways, which are controlled and manipulated to suit the needs of the greedy and made to serve the vain.



                • #23
                  Has anyone looked at this:

                  Directory:Singh Combustion Chamber Turbulence - PESWiki

                  As much as 50% more efficient just by adding 3 grooves to the top of the combustion chamber.


                  • #24
                    This is an interesting concept. Back when we used to race cars, in my younger days, we would build our own engines to gain horsepower, but by building horsepower, we discovered something entirely opposite. When an engine is built for horsepower it has to be closer tolearnces on most components, bearings, rings, valves, etc. By building to these closer specs, we discovered ,not only did we build more horsepower but more efficiency came from these rebuilds. So the best rebuilds got the best fuel economy and horsepower. Also we found out that the better you could vaporize the fuel the more power and economy you could attain. The problem in ICE engines is not so much in the design, but it lies in the fuel distribution system.
                    When nearly half of your heat goes out the exhaust, then that is how much energy is lost in unburned fuel. If it was running at 85% efficiency, the exhaust would not even get hot.Most produce enough calories of heat from the exhaust to run a steam engine. Wasted energy. Good Luck. Stealth


                    • #25
                      hi all. putting an hydroxy gas into your ice will gain your MPG. but we are only using 25% of the gasoline to power the car. 85% is wasted. hydroxy gas will enhanced the combustion. but we still in the 25% efficiency. so if we can improved the efficiency we will gain a massive MPG improvement. if your car can go to 10MPG on 25% efficiency, you can get 30MPG on 85% efficiency. i think the best way to improve efficiency is to vaporize the fuel. use the heat from the radiator coolant or exaust gas to vaporized the fuel. like the turbo system that uses exaust gas to gain horse power without taking more power from the car like the hydroxy booster did.


                      • #26
                        it is real

                        Originally posted by topangler81 View Post
                        hi all. putting an hydroxy gas into your ice will gain your MPG. but we are only using 25% of the gasoline to power the car. 85% is wasted. hydroxy gas will enhanced the combustion. but we still in the 25% efficiency. so if we can improved the efficiency we will gain a massive MPG improvement. if your car can go to 10MPG on 25% efficiency, you can get 30MPG on 85% efficiency. i think the best way to improve efficiency is to vaporize the fuel. use the heat from the radiator coolant or exaust gas to vaporized the fuel. like the turbo system that uses exaust gas to gain horse power without taking more power from the car like the hydroxy booster did.

                        David Lindahl: The Webster-heise Valve ~ Congressional Research Service Resport 82-176 ENR
                        Sherwood Webster, Richard Heise: Fuel Atomizer (Thermocharger); US Patent #4187820, #4285320

                        It is all real, you just need to study the evidences.



                        • #27
                          the Geet

                          Studying the Geet system is what made me clutch my HHO project as it looked to be very promising.

                          Still does.....

                          Ahhh.... so much to little time.



