Silver used for making colloidal silver has to be .999. It should be .9999, if you can find it. Yes, they want to innoculate everyone with a vaccine of some sort. Tamiflu vaccine offers no protection against this strain of flu, and very little against others.There are hundreds of strains of influenza, but Tamiflu only offers prtoection against four.This is the very reason most health officials don't take the flu shot. They know the truth. Plus the carrier for most vaccines, (polio, hepatitus, influenza), use Mercury,as the base. The best defence against the flu, or any other virus,or bacteria, is a stong immune system. Stealth
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Thanks everyone.
Anyone has link for silver effectiveness against virus? with photo comparison of the test object if possible. Since what I found from google are site that only mention the effectiveness against one cell or more bacteria. Are there any thesis for silver vs virus?
Maybe from news that mention silver cure HIV?
How about personal experience? maybe drinking it cure your flues or hepatities or something?
Virus is different from bactery:
Virus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLast edited by sucahyo; 05-02-2009, 04:58 AM.
Colloidal silver is what i've used for years against colds, flu, sinus,warts, and as a topical solution. I have never had any problems with it. I know some people use it everyday as a preventive against these things, but I only use it when I feel I need it. Everyday use is what I think leads to the so called blue man syndrom. Even with a low concentration of a few PPM's, using everday will accumulate these particles in your system. Although, I have friends who have taken it daily for 8-10 years with no side effects whatsoever. They claim they are helthier now than any other time in their life. They take a plastic spoon full each morning, and most are like me, they have not had a cold or the flu for several years. I feel like it helps to build up your immune system so that baceria, virus, fungi, can;t gain a foohold. alsoI use pure honey. It is the most antibiotic substance I know of. Bacteria, germs, fungi, will not grow on raw honey. It never goes bad, except it can turn to pure sugar after a time. If you have a microscope, put some germs on a slide , add a drop of colloidal silver and watch what happens.Good Luck. StealthLast edited by Stealth; 05-03-2009, 03:11 PM.
It's not that hard people. Just educate yourself and you know how to either make it properly or buy high quality.
1) distilled water... not tap water or some other crap.
2) .999 or .9999 grade silver...NOT STERLING SILVER!
3) Keep water agitated during electrolysis process. (use home made magnetic stir)
4) water should stay clear and show a laser tyndal effect after a while.
If you buy CS for example from mesosilver you'll notice it's brownish. There's one thing you should keep in mind. When you have a very high concentration of near atomic colloids then this is the natural color of the water. BUT don't be fooled if the water turns gold at your home this means the opposite.
Just make sure the color doesn't change when you make it at your home.
These small notes will create the best home colloidal silver period. An taking a few tablespoons daily of it will do you no harm at all, but those poor pathogens will suffer. Also try to eat some pro biotic yogurt as apparently it also kills the "good" bacteria in your stomach when ingested.
silver stuff
Silver will only kill good bacteria in the gut if the particles are too large to be absorbed before it gets to the GI tract.
With small enough particle size, it isn't an issue - most is absorbed in the mouth and through the mucus membrane on the way down to the stomach, then through the stomach lining. If there is any issue with killing flora...then it is not a high quality silver.
If there are any doubts, then put the silver in the mouth and swoosh it around until there is hardly anything left to swallow but a little foam.
With small enough particle size, such as Natural Immunogenics' world's smallest particle size... "According to the EPA (CASRN 7440-22-4) daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD) applied to 10 ppm, one may ingest 178,850 dosages safely over 70 years."
(That is equal to 7 doses every day for 70 years).
The blue skin effect is from one thing...only impurities in the silver...silver salts or other impurities. You can take good quality stuff many times daily for your entire life with zero blue skin effect. Any coloration of silver solution should be thrown out as it contains impurities and has nothing to do with high concentration. You can have 500ppm high quality silver solution and have it be clear...would just be a waste but again...any coloration is impurities.
Most homemade silver is very low quality.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Aaron I can't tell wether you are arguing with me or not so I'll assume you are.
Mesosilver's CS is colored but is the best product I could find. It has the smallest average colloid size with 80% colloids and 20% ions. At 20 ppm it's nowhere near the crap some sell at 500 ppm.
Colloidal Silver - MesoSilver® Brand Colloidal Silver
Silver Colloids: Colloidal Silver Product Reports
Also the link I gave would make some fine 10-25 nm sized CS at about 5 ppm. We don't have any charity lab testers here so I can't confirm what the quality is of mine. But it has the tyndal effect, is crystal clear and use the secret ingredient (water agitation) so it should be very good.
I would much rather have these high quality CS manufacturers open source their process instead of being all capitalistic about it. But what ya gonna do about it.Last edited by broli; 05-03-2009, 06:00 PM.
Sovereign Silver vs. Mesosilver
Hi Broli,
No argument, just posting facts.
Here is a comparison directly between Sovereign Silver & Mesosilver
Please note that the small amount of ions in the Mesosilver is what allows it to work and most of their larger particles are not responsible for much more than filler. But look at the 100,000 magnification of Sovereign Silver.
Also, you can see the Sovereign Silver wiped out the bacteria very fast and the Mesosilver has quite a challenge keeping up with Sovereign Silver.
Comparative Analysis
Sovereign Silver vs Mesosilver - 15 ppm
Sovereign Silver* Claim PPM: 15.00 10.00 Actual PPM: 18.26 10.06 pH: 0.00 6.68 Tyndall: - * Color: - Clear * SS is a typical production batch of Sovereign Silver;
Electron Microscopy
100,000x magnification
Sovereign Silver
100,000x magnification
Comparative Bacteriology
S-1 wildtype/normal MRSA antibiotic resistant SS
***Note: We finally captured the narrower distribution of a smaller ionic species that is partially characteristic of this brand. This accounts more for its 'efficacy' than the larger, neutral particles that predominate. The mfr of Mesosilverc
« Back to Oher Competitive Analysis StudiesSincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Aaron oke I'm convinced.
But also keep in mind these companies are profit driven and can put out any numbers they want. Mesosilver is independlty tested unlike Sovereign Silver. But then again the "independent" lab could be bribed a bit.
So it all comes down to honesty which I think every corporate entity lacks in favor of profit.
What baffles me is the lack of experiments that show what Sovereign Silver did with some bacterias or w/e. It's so simple that anyone can grow some bacteria and test it out. But I guess ignorance and corruption always win.
I on the other hand did my own case study on some roaches here in my house. I was amazed at the result. It killed them almost immediately and left them becoming yellowish from their black color. I think it killed some essential bacteria or something in them. But this is a most excellent "pesticide" as it is both healthy for humans, plants and animals and leaves pests away.
Well I'd love to know how these "brainiacs" at Mesosilver and Sovereign Silver are making their solutions, because they can't be doing something we don't know.
I believe 70% (or more) of what they do is sales pitching, spin and infamy through obscurity of information; and 30% is real practical science. If what they do is patented, then the patent must be available.
Somehow I suspect that what they are doing is not rocket science, but as I said through obscurity of information on the process they make it look like so, justifying the spin and sales pitching.Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?
I have purchased colloidal silver when I first started using it through a health food store. I can't recall the name(been too many years ago), anyway I bought a microscope and gathered water from a nearby pond that I was confident of the presents of germs, bacteria, and organisms. This I did for my own satisfaction, to prove or disprove their claims of killing all one celled organisms. It did kill all moving organisms in the water. This was all I neede to convince me of the power of coloidal silver. Now all I needed to do was research all the internet to find the best method of making it at home, in unlimited supply. I sorted through many websites and finally settled on one that was simple yet effective. I again tested the pond water on my homemade brew, and discovered it acted exactly like the bottle I had bought in killing these organisms. It may not be the smallest in particle size, but I have been using it for several years, and am happy with the results I have achieved. It is basically an electrolysis process. Good Luck. Stealth
Sovereign Silver 3rd Party Tests
Synchronistically, when I owned a health food store, I was looking for the best quality silver to sell. I found one that matched what I was looking for. I found out they would be at a supplement expo type show for health food store owners coming up. I checked it out and they were from Florida but my friend in Seattle happen to be working with them down in Florida and was present at the booth.
I can vouch for the integrity of the people behind it because I know them personally. I had a chance to meet them at the show and have done business with them for several years. They were all there spending time at their booth with my friend.
I only have reason to believe all the stats are factual.
Here are more facts:- 96% actively charged particles - confirmed in a University of Miami study. Click here.
- Safe low concentration of 10 ppm (parts-per-million) - confirmed at an FDA approved laboratory.
Click Here for Acute Toxicity Study.
- Made from 99.99% pure silver - confirmed by 3rd party assay.
- Made with ultra-pure, medical-grade water (the only other ingredient).
- Crystal clear and virtually tasteless.
Last edited by Aaron; 05-04-2009, 04:01 AM.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Thanks everone for the great info,
I have purchased the supernaturalsilver and the Sovereign Silver.
Arron I only got supernaturalsilver because I was in panic and new it was in the uk.
This is very inportant for me because the media over here is talking of jabing people with two shots for the flu alreally, HOW DO THEY KNOW WHAT TO GIVE IN THE JAB?????
Im part of the uk freeman movement and would like to setup a site for the uk, I have a contracted already so it only a matter of time before we get somethin up and running.
Arron do you know any contracts i cound use to help me ship the stuff?
love and light All
Thanks for the info Aaron. This looks to be of the highest quality silver. I am always looking for better, higher quality products. Anytime we can add a higher quality, higher potentcy antibiotic to our arsenal, we stand a better chance of defeating whatever comes our way. Sharing our ideas and experience is one way to keep abreast of the newest, cutting edge products as they become available. Stealth
silver shipping
Originally posted by Bodkins View PostArron do you know any contracts i cound use to help me ship the stuff?
The company may ship directly to the U.K. unless there are restrictions to some silver products.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos