Aaron is correct. Silver cuts off the oxygen supply to all one cell organisms. There is no way that virus, bacteria, fungi, or any other one cell organism can mutate or live without oxygen. Stealth
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I think there are copper/zinc tablet products specific for jacuzzis and probably for pools too. They are a chlorine alternative and are made specifically for this use.
The homemade colloidal silver in a pool probably wouldn't hurt.
p.s. about silver products:
There are quite a few different silver disinfectant products used by hospitals so that also gives credit to the power of silver as a bacteria/virus killer if you give credit to what hospitals consider effective. Silver nitrate and others.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
p.s. Also, there are ozone generators for pools for germ killing.
I believe the German Olympic Swim Team boycotted LA or something because the pools had chlorinated water. It was all changed to ozone generators because of this. I don't remember if it was LA or if it was in fact the German swim team, or somewhere else or whatever, but the point is, there was some stink about chlorine and it was changed to ozone in the pools for that particular Olympics or something like that.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
For the last couple of years I have used silver coins in my clorine basket. After a while you need to take them out and clean the black residue off them. Other than that I feel like they do help, although not as much as pouring in colloidal silver. I hope this helps. Stealth
In Occult Chemistry silver is lined up with other molecule that has antibactery property, from smallest:
- Sodium
- Chlorine
- Copper
- Bromine
- Silver
- Iodine
- Samarium
- Erbium
- Gold
- (atom no 85)
I think silver is replacable with copper and of course gold. So copper cup or gold cup would have similar characteristic as silver cup, killing pathogen bactery.
Virus is a living organism?
Virus-Infecting Virus Fuels Definition of Life Debate
Inside Look: How Viruses Invade Us | LiveScience
"It's not a living organism," said immunologist Fabio Romerio of the Institute of Human Virology, founded and directed by Gallo. "It's simply a well organized molecular parasite."
–small nonliving particle that invades and then reproduces inside a living cell
- piece of hereditary material covered by protein
- it does NOT grow, respond, or eat
- it makes the host cells reproduce them and destroys the host cell
- it is classified by shape, kind of hereditary material, the organisms they infect, and their reproduction method.
Virus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Opinions differ on whether viruses are a form of life, or organic structures that interact with living organisms. They have been described as "organisms at the edge of life",[53] since they resemble organisms in that they possess genes and evolve by natural selection,[54] and reproduce by creating multiple copies of themselves through self-assembly. However, although they have genes, they do not have a cellular structure, which is often seen as the basic unit of life. Additionally, viruses do not have their own metabolism, and require a host cell to make new products. They therefore cannot reproduce outside a host cell (although bacterial species such as rickettsia and chlamydia are considered living organisms despite the same limitation). Accepted forms of life use cell division to reproduce, whereas viruses spontaneously assemble within cells, which is analogous to the autonomous growth of crystals. Virus self-assembly within host cells has implications for the study of the origin of life, as it lends further credence to the hypothesis that life could have started as self-assembling organic molecules.[1]
Virus require living host to multiply:
HowStuffWorks "How Viruses Work"
Originally posted by Aaron View PostHere is how silver kills virus and bacteria as a matter of 100% scientific fact. The silver destroys the enzymes that the virus and bacteria need for respiration. So the silver essentially suffocates them.
HowStuffWorks "How Viruses Work"
Contrary to popular belief, antibiotics have no effect on a virus. Most antibiotics interfere with the reproduction of bacteria, hindering their creation of new genetic instructions or new cell walls. Because viruses do not carry out their own biochemical reactions, antibiotics do not affect them.
I don't see an explanation that virus need enzyme to live. If silver destroy the enzym that the bactery need to live the virus may not spread, but what if that bactery is not pathogen or the enzym is needed by needed cells?
I think my point is better explained with analogy with parasite in a human. Suppose a parasite can only live in a human bodies. It will use the human body to multiply it self and to infect other human body. You are saying that silver can kill the bactery, the human. Yes it will kill sick bactery, the sick human. but it will not kill the virus, the parasite. It will only prevent them from spreading. If healthy human touch the sick human the cycle continue. And moreover the human should be avoided to be killed.
This still do not answer my question about wether silver can kill virus. Supposed silver can kill infected bactery, would it kill uninfected bactery too?
There are bactery that do not need oxygen. There are also virus that infect this kind of bactery too.
about the water being fresh and sweet. This relate to something I read on magnetized trap water. The same water would become fresh and sweet. It will give refreshing feeling to us.
On own experiment, a cup of water exposed to electrostatic radiation (water inside caudeceus coil loop) feel fresher than with only magnet on it's 4 side. A water put on a non transparent container will have different taste from the one put on transparent container. Now, I order my kid to only drink from water stored in a non transparent container after he said it feels better on his throat while he still has cough, because I feel the same way.
It is not about what is being added to the water, but what change can happen to the water if you give it different treatment. I still not try it yet but some Schauberger mention that water being exposed to sunlight is a dead water and become not fresh anymore.
For use of silver for purification, I guess it would be similar to purification using copper too. There are news about replacing the door handle or similar handle with copper in some hospitals to reduce bactery infection.
For cleaning up pool, try a very very small percentage of electrolized salt water too, only the water from positive electrode if you can. This contain a much much smaller chlorine if done properly but would still be as effective, considering the experiment of envirolyte on Indonesian public water treatment.
virus killers
The silver does cause "suffocation" of at least aerobic virus and bacteria.
When virus is attached to our dna it is considered to be "active" and in my opinion, that means it is alive. If it is an aerobic virus and needs oxygen and the silver prevents this virus from breathing, it dies....meaning the silver killed the virus and not just made it "inactive".
There are some studies in nano science showing that nano silver particles can disrupt the genetic manipulation of viruses, which is a completely different action than suffocation.
There are also studies showing that silver can activate alternative pathways in a cell that cause the cell to inactivate the virus all by itself. Normal pathway would be something like ATP (adenosine triphosphate) cycle.... for example in cystic fibrosis, there can be a UTP (uridine triphosphate) pathway activated so that the cell can have proper pumping action.
You can check some references at PubMed Home I have spent thousands of hours in there over the last 10 years or so and you can really find what you want if you look for it.
Protein enzymes can kill virus as well by simply eating the protein of the virus. The government has even been involved with getting some sort of enzyme process through the fda to fight viruses but there are plenty of these proteolytic enzyme products made by supplement companies and can be bought at just about any health food store. I used to sell them at my store.
Elderberry can kill virus as well. Sambucol brand is the best that I used to deal with.
sambucol israeli virologist - Google Search
Deoxygenated ribose type nucleosides/nucleosides can kill virus like "HIV" and others.
This type of silver product can kill virus like aids by literally electrocuting it. See the patent I posted here:
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
Thanks for the link and the suggestion for medication.
Some people believe some cancer caused by virus, are you suggesting that silver colloid can cure this kind of cancer?
Kill the Virus, Stop the Cancer: Scientific American
Oncovirus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How virus causes cancer
What concern me is the current way of making colloid silver. Distiled water are dead water, electrolysis is destructive process. The end result is silver water which contain dead and killing energy. Dead water also mentioned as one factor to cause cancer too.
I think I will wait until Viktor Schauberger way of making colloid be implemented before I recommend it to anyone. I think current way of making colloid silver is just as lethal as current chemo therapy or laser therapy for cancer patient. It sure kill the cancer but also the patient. They may survive much longer without those treatment.
I had a brown spot come up on my forearm, that I suspect was melanoma. I soaked a gauge pad with colloidal silver and taped it to my forearm. In about 5 days it dissapeared and has not reappeared. Also I remove some warts on my friend the same way. Both are treatable with colloidal silver.If you have either one, try this method for yourself and see how well it works. Good Luck. Stealth