A pipe dream is a fantastic hope or plan that is generally regarded as being nearly impossible to achieve. - Wikipedia
I thought that "Rick's Pipe Dream" would be a very appropriate title for this thread for the following 2 reasons:
1. As seen in the above quote, the reality of a useful magnetic motor -generator has been something that has eluded mankind to this point in time. Inventors come, and inventors go, and along the way there have been several inventors who have promised to show us a working magnetic motor. At least one of these inventors (Howard Johnson) was successful at obtaining a patent for his ideas (US Patent # 4,151,431). He filed the patent application in 1973, and it was finally granted on April 24, 1979 - some 6 years later. But wait a minute - why is it that his magnetic motor never went to manufacture? Why is it that, 30 years later, each and every one of us does not have a Howard Johnson motor-generator powering our homestead? To most logical thinkers, it would seem that perhaps Howard Johnson's ideas just didn't pan out. His ideas had to work, or he would not have been granted a patent. But did he ever build a working magnetic motor that could be considered powerful enough to serve a truly useful purpose? Some say yes, and claim to have seen such a machine, but then where is it? If the claims are true, then it would seem that his great invention has been purposely kept from us by those interests who seek to suppress inventors and inventions which are capable of bringing about significant change that threatens the status quo. What the case may actually be is really anyone's guess at this point in time, and Howard Johnson is now dead and gone. He wrote a nice book titled "The Secret World of Magnets," before dying, and that does have some interesting theory and photos in it, but no photo of a magnetic motor-generator. So what are we to think? In looking over his patent drawings, his concepts seem to be very capable of working, but we have all been told time and again that no one has ever been able to build a working motor-generator using the patent information. That may have changed recently, though, when an experimenter calling himself "MYLOW" began posting videos of a purported Howard Johnson magnetic motor replication on YouTube. For those who aren't yet familiar with those experiments, you will find 2 or 3 threads here if you do a search on the name "MYLOW." There is also an open source project for the MYLOW motor at Peswiki. Mylow seems like your "average Joe" type of guy, and comes across as being sincere, but there has been so much negativity surrounding his videos that he appears ready to give up. He also claims that he was threatened by government agents, and told to stop what he has been doing. Well, I for one think that Mylow's videos may be factual. I can not say for certain that they were the real thing, because I have not had the opportunity to personally inspect his build. For that matter, it seems that no one else has either. Peter Lindemann reported that Sterling Allan had travelled to MYLOW's location hoping to see the motor firsthand, but that he was given some excuse as to why Mylow could not show the motor at that time. (see http://www.energeticforum.com/52959-post5.html for more info). Many people, including Dr. Lindemann, now believe that MYLOW's magnetic motor is a hoax. Several people have attempted to replicate MYLOW's build, but apparently with no success at achieving continuous rotation. MYLOW did his best to show that there is nothing driving his rotor other than the magnetic forces, but the object of complaint and skepticism heard from most observers is the hefty column base that houses a bearing and who knows what else. Viewers are suggesting that there is a battery and electric motor inside the base column, and of course that is possible. The rotation starts off very slowly, and is only 80 rpm at top speed, so this action is what one would expect of a small motor. To make matters worse, MYLOW has now posted a video showing a small turntable that does rotate using an electric motor (see YouTube - (NEW VIDEO #12) Projectmagma (Mylow) Magnet Motor ). Quite unfortunate that MYLOW has not had his build authenticated. What is fortunate, though, is that Howard Johnson's patent is long expired, which means that anyone can now build motors based on his concepts.
What I hope to show in this thread is that it is, in fact, possible to build a useful magnetic motor using Howard Johnson's principles of operation. I will be doing so in a build that is totally different than MYLOW's setup, and I will thoroughly document every step of my build in such a way as to make it very easy for anyone to replicate what I have done. I will list all materials used, and their sizes and specifications. My build will be made entirely with materials readily available, rather than with the obscure and unavailable parts as used by MYLOW. Many of the parts will be found locally at any hardware store or building supply. I have intentionally designed my build for ease of construction, using simple tools that many homeowners, hobbyists, and back yard mechanics already have on hand. The unit will be light weight, yet strong and durable. With care, it will last a lifetime. The design is fully open and revealing, and when I show photos and video of it there will be absolutely no question as to what makes it work.
2. The other reason that I chose the title, "RICK'S PIPE DREAM," will become apparent when you view my next post.
Seeing will be believing, if I am successful. If anyone has negative thoughts or comments in mind, please don't post them here. Save those for a different thread. I will only respond to those who are genuinely interested in pursuing a replication of my build. I have already spent a great deal of time in designing and building my prototype, and I am presenting this here as an open source project with full permission to duplicate my build. I willl show you how do do it, step by step, with absolutely nothing left unanswered. So before you start asking a lot of questions that will end up slowing my progress, please just be patient. I will post a new construction step each day, which will allow you time to build what I have shown before moving to the next step. In a week or less, if you choose to build this, your magnetic motor will be completed. I can't promise that yours will work, because you may not build it correctly. But if you take reasonable care to duplicate the details precisely as I lay them out for you, I do believe that you will be very happy with your results. I have already done some preliminary tests with various magnets which show great promise, and I am currently nearing completion of my build. I expect to receive a shipment of magnets tomorrow, and after installing them I will present some compelling video that should quell the thoughts of any would-be skeptic. So please bear with me, be courteous and respectful in any posts that you make here, and above all please do not attempt to steer this topic off course with talk about other builds or builders. I sincerely thank you for your interest in my project, and for any polite comments that you wish to offer. Many of you have said that you enjoyed reading other posts that I have contributed here, and said that my ideas are quite interesting, but have asked why I haven't shown any projects that I have been working on (other than my Hydrogen Booster). Well, the best answer I can give is that these forums have kept me so occupied in doing research and answering questions that I haven't had time for implementing my ideas! Well, things are about to change, and I hope you will like what you see. Some may not, and some may even laugh at my next post, but remember the old saying - "He who laughs last laughs best."

Best wishes to all who have taken the time to read this introduction,
