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  • #16
    Originally posted by sigzidfit View Post
    Crazy pic. Links no good now. Here's an attempt to clarify uploaded to the forum. Hope it helps.
    Holy ****! You replicated Tesla ozone patent. This is very important finding.
    Do you have DC motor schematic or second one to check internal coils and COMMUTATOR arrangement ?


    • #17
      Can you feel something on skin when your're near the device or neon?


      • #18

        I don't recall noticing any strange feelings on skin but there is a smell of ozone.

        As far as the motor goes it's just a simple dc motor...three coils, two magnets, two brushes and three segments on commutator.

        I've fooled around with the thing from time to time but as stated before the meters go whack when it runs so don't know how to measure or what to say about it except to say it pretty much runs and runs and the battery doesn't ever lose least not enough to stop the thing.

        If anyone gets anything positive from any of this then more power to you. You're welcome to it.

        As for me I've pretty much lost interest in FE and OU. I'm currently occupied with the basics i.e. food, shelter and avoiding abuse.

        A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


        • #19
          Originally posted by sigzidfit View Post

          I don't recall noticing any strange feelings on skin but there is a smell of ozone.

          As far as the motor goes it's just a simple dc motor...three coils, two magnets, two brushes and three segments on commutator.

          I've fooled around with the thing from time to time but as stated before the meters go whack when it runs so don't know how to measure or what to say about it except to say it pretty much runs and runs and the battery doesn't ever lose least not enough to stop the thing.

          If anyone gets anything positive from any of this then more power to you. You're welcome to it.

          As for me I've pretty much lost interest in FE and OU. I'm currently occupied with the basics i.e. food, shelter and avoiding abuse.

          I'm sorry to hear that.if you can provide a clear schematic INCLUDING how DC motor and it's internals are connected that would be very useful for others. To say it shortly : if you see abrupt rise of voltage in low voltage powered circuit then you have a capacity somewhere which is dicharged like Tesla said - disruptively. Now if in the same circuit the power source is not depleted then you have something extraordinary also - a self-recharging capacity.This is OU!
          Now imagine that you find a way to make this effect occur thousands times per second and you have a little bigger capacity. I see that you are dissapointed . Me too.I spent a few years working on it and found no one circuit which can power my house
          But I know it is here, I only don't know all the puzzles. And it's quite furtunate - Tesla stated that from 200HP generator he was able to generate millions of HP easily.


          • #20
            Poly Phasing

            This is something that I am working on, but all electronic.

            I think that the motor is phasing the current and voltage, like two phases being grouped into one, a phasing transformer, and the power transformer with its rectifier circuit is collecting the two phases together to give you the output you are seeing. Well this is my take on this


