Hi folks, been working on this dual rotor air-core motor and it is finished. Very interesting results so far, compared to the previous dual rotor air-core motor i had built that used four rotors with 6 neo's per rotor and 2 stator plates with 6 coils each for 12 coils total. This new 12 stator single plate, 12 magnet per rotor motor is performing better than the previous stated motor and with half the current draw at the same voltage. So it appears due to the pulse width on-time being less due to the larger rotors this makes the motor more efficient even though the duty cycle is the same, very interesting. I believe Troy reed invented a motor that took advantage of that fact and Joseph Newman does the same with his commutators, many pulses at shorter pulse width's to achieve equal or greater performance with reduced input. Each pulse is on for about 8 degrees of rotation with a total of 288 pulse interactions per revolution whereas the previous motor had about 16 degrees of pulse on time with 144 pulse interactions per revolution. I could imagine a rotor much larger with a 1 degree pulse on time and input current would be very low like Newmans motors and we still get equal or greater mechanical output. Still testing, let me know what you folks think. Heres a few pics.
No announcement yet.
Short pulse width air-core motor
Looks sweet and sounds better
I had an idea when I read your thread title, that may well be a pipe dream.
Y'know how gotoluc did all that work pulsing resonant air cores.. How one pulse causes the coil to reverberate back and forward at a diminishing strength, the peaks and troughs on an Oscilloscope following an exponential curve back to zero...
If we could somehow bend the troughs into peaks or cancel out the troughs, could the magnetic field of an air core be extended in time as an effective and constant counterforce to a motor magnet?
That would reeealy increase efficiency
Just a random thought,
Love and lightAtoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
Hi inquorate, thanks for reply. What i think your saying is somehow getting the rotor magnet in resonance with the coil probably a certain speed would allow that but im not sure what the end result would be, what are the results or benefits in the motor for extending the coils oscillations are you envisioning. and yes i have the coils wired parallel/series so there are 6 parallel pairs in series so there is definitely oscillation going on in each coil pair. Also if this motor had a rotor diameter of 6 feet the input would be about 2 watts and should have even greater performance of course many more coils and magnets, does anyone realize that huge efficiencies could be had this way or am I observing my test results improperly.
One way to find out
Strap up a motor to a generator, run a battery down charging up another, and then run that one down on a timer.
Then do the same with your motor.
Or do it both times with your motor, once with less coils in use.
Time consuming tho.Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
What I meant was that when you have two coils in resonance and coupled with each other, a pulse to one of the coils will create a diminishing feedback loop between both coils, as the energy bounces back and forward between the two resonantly coupled coils, eventually coming to a stop because of inevitable losses.
What about setting up the coil geometry (or some other method) so that the net magnetic field is always north?
If that could be done, a single square wave pulse could sustain a magnetic field at an appreciable strength for at least twice as long as otherwise.
That sustained magnetic field would then exert force on a magnet for twice as long, doing twice the work.
If it could be done, it'd be sweet.
Someone with a signal generator and an Oscilloscope would be best tackling the issue; I have neither.
I'd also recommend watching gotoluc's how-to coil resonance tutorials on youtube.com
Love and lightAtoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
Hi inquorate, thanks for reply. I do understand how to resonate coils with ac and dc pulses such as erfinders work however it would be difficult in a motor although i understand the roto-verter works on a similar principal but de-tunes if the load is not constant at the tuned frequency. All i can say about my motor setup at this point is that it appears by shortening the pulse width by larger motor geometries we can get higher efficiencies, so since the duty cycle is the same in my larger motor as the smaller one, one would think the input should be the same but it is not, then maybe the higher frequency and shorter pulse width is bringing the coils closer to resonance lowering input amps while still allowing the motor to perform even better. what ya think.
peace love light
Hi Inquorate,
Coil resonance isn't neccessary for significantly maintaining the magnetic field of an electromagnet long after the supply has been cut off.
You can use a trifilar coil wired in a "step up" configuration where the secondary winding has many more turns than the primary and is shorted with a diode (or charging a battery if you like)
I keep bringing it upbut this is the thread with more detail...
Excellent buildI'm in the middle of a similar design but my on period is 36 degrees at the moment... lol though rpm will determine the on time so should be pretty low still...
good luck with itLast edited by Sephiroth; 05-15-2009, 09:36 AM."Theory guides. Experiment decides."
“I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
Nikola Tesla
Draconian afterthoughts
@ sephiroth - I never tire of having my random thoughts shown up on this forum. It's like an apprentice chef thinking of using yeast to improve leavened bread, only to have someone go, 'yeah that's a great idea eh.. Look at what it did for my black forest cake'
Also, ''Two Stage Inductance and the Bedini Monopole'' is quite a brain slap as a title, so I can't say I'd ever read it... Yet.
@ skywatcher - I can't say why a bigger engine would be more efficient. All I can do is re-share an idea which has been my most watched youtube video, over 1000 hits. Seems somewhat related.
I never built it may still do that one day. For all the viewings tho, I never got much feedback.
What you think?
YouTube - lenzless bedini motor - no transistors
Love and lightAtoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
Hi folks, Hi Sephiroth, thanks for the compliments and reply, yes lol of course rpm would vary on-time i was more just pointing out the built-in differences that the larger motor has, meaning for the same rpm it's geometry allows a shorter pulse width, hence what appears to be higher efficiency. ill check out your thread. Hi Inquorate, i watched the video and i think i see what your trying to achieve and one thing that i really like is no transistors although not very reliable, also the reason im using air-core is because with all the motors i've built which is many at this point, the ferromagnetic cores never seem to offer any benefits to mechanical rotation, in fact cores always seem to give less performance in a motor. now if your not aiming for rotational shaft power and looking for radiant energy then maybe cores are ok but from all of my tests cores offer no performance benefits and seem to only hinder efficiency. with that said the Kawai motor and a few others may be exceptions. I have run tests with cores in coils that show at a certain rpm a magnet attracting to a core and leaving a core is equal, however there are variables that come into play once we energize the coil for motoring purposes that degrade motor shaft output. By the way, my air-core motor setup cannot be stopped at 24V with a rubberized glove gripping the shaft and i can guarantee that i could stop it if i used coil-cores. At the end of the day experiment will tell the tale, so there is no right or wrong ever, just experience, therefore even if you or someone thinks an experiment is a failure, that is an impossibility because there is no such thing as failure, only errors of perception.
peace love light