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Bloch wall shifting generator

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  • #16
    Hi Bruce_TPU, those are darn good ideas you posted. I think ill try something similar scaled down from what i built before and see the results. Yes a lighter rotor would require a much smaller motor, like what i saw in the pic from Don Smith, i think that was a speed 400 or smaller size and that motor unloaded or turning light rotor draws little power. What do you think of this idea as to whats happening. as the mu-metal or bolt is approaching coil/core, the field, say north pole that is sitting at front of coil/core is shifted or snaps towards rotor slug causing less field at front of coil/core at that time and when rotor slug moves away field snaps back into front of coil/core giving us a rising and falling field which is induction causing voltage/current with no lentz drag. And my other idea as to possibly why there is no lentz drag, is because as long as the bolt/mu-metal is not saturated then it can accommodate extra flux from lentz magnetic field being emitted from coil/core and attracts into coil/core with more force instead of being repelled on approach and equals out or +1,-1. In a normal generator where on approach there is a negative loss and a negative loss on departure -1,-1. So if my idea is correct then if your mu-metal slugs cant accommodate the particular levels of lentz effect flux emitted from your particular coil/cores then lentz effect drag may still exist. Experiment will prove this out.
    peace love light


    • #17
      Hi SkyWatcher,

      Yes, experimentation will prove this. A couple of quick thoughts... first, I am using Mu-metal foil, very thin, not slugs. Next, I notice also that in your device, you use what appears to be a bolt through each coil. I hope to do away with that and have nothing but an air coil. (I hope!) I have wound my two coils, 1.25" in diameter. I will be putting the finishing touches on them tonight.

      My thinking is, if I can get the flux to travel the length of the coil, not because of an inner bolt, like yours which is making a flux path through the coil, but rather via the field lines attraction to the Mu-metal foil on the rotor, on both sides. I plan on using only about a 1" x 1" square piece on both sides of the rotor.

      IF that does not work, and the flux will not travel the length of the coil, to the Mu-metal on it's own, I may have to add a core of Black Iron Oxide of my own making. It is very magnetic, but NON conductive, the way I make it. That is my plan (b.).

      Also, I desire to experiment with turning the coils at 90 degrees and see if I can still snap the flux enough to produce current. If I can, that would also go along way in redirectiing Lenz. Lenz is a Law. We won't make it go away, but I think ways can be found to redirect, or use it to our advantage, perhaps.

      I am deep into another OU project, but have time for this while I save for more high dollar magnets for said other project.


      Attached Files


      • #18
        Hi Bruce_TPU, I made some quick hand tests of the air-coil idea and it does work. I used a brooks coil geometry, 2" dia. X 3/4" depth coil. I also notice more voltage is induced if a ferrous plate is attached to back side of neo magnet, but that may be cause im using a short stack of neos. The air-coil has a 1" inner dia. and the neo magnet is 1" dia. and by placing a plate at back of magnet it seems to double the output. The question is, what do we gain by only using an air core coil or is it more efficient to use a core. Air core certainly would have less magnetic drag, at least for startup issues needing a larger drive motor.
        peace love light


        • #19
          Originally posted by Bruce_TPU View Post
          Hi SkyWatcher,

          Yes, experimentation will prove this. A couple of quick thoughts... first, I am using Mu-metal foil, very thin, not slugs. Next, I notice also that in your device, you use what appears to be a bolt through each coil. I hope to do away with that and have nothing but an air coil. (I hope!) I have wound my two coils, 1.25" in diameter. I will be putting the finishing touches on them tonight.

          My thinking is, if I can get the flux to travel the length of the coil, not because of an inner bolt, like yours which is making a flux path through the coil, but rather via the field lines attraction to the Mu-metal foil on the rotor, on both sides. I plan on using only about a 1" x 1" square piece on both sides of the rotor.

          IF that does not work, and the flux will not travel the length of the coil, to the Mu-metal on it's own, I may have to add a core of Black Iron Oxide of my own making. It is very magnetic, but NON conductive, the way I make it. That is my plan (b.).

          Also, I desire to experiment with turning the coils at 90 degrees and see if I can still snap the flux enough to produce current. If I can, that would also go along way in redirectiing Lenz. Lenz is a Law. We won't make it go away, but I think ways can be found to redirect, or use it to our advantage, perhaps.

          I am deep into another OU project, but have time for this while I save for more high dollar magnets for said other project.


          Good work so far,

          Remember, what is generating your voltage is your change in B field, and your change in time with respect to your inductance. Therefore, quicker spinning of the rotor larger magnets, and high inductance coils will give the highest voltage. Your coils there will have VERY low inductance due to having very few turns. This means that you may have low resistance which will allow hundreds of amps, but at only a few volts. Your load would need to be incredibly low resistance also to take advantage of this....I would recommend upping your voltage a bit somehow so that you can use useful loads.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
            Good work so far,

            Remember, what is generating your voltage is your change in B field, and your change in time with respect to your inductance. Therefore, quicker spinning of the rotor larger magnets, and high inductance coils will give the highest voltage. Your coils there will have VERY low inductance due to having very few turns. This means that you may have low resistance which will allow hundreds of amps, but at only a few volts. Your load would need to be incredibly low resistance also to take advantage of this....I would recommend upping your voltage a bit somehow so that you can use useful loads.

            Hi Armagdn,

            Good to see you again. I always enjoy your posts. Of course you are right about needing greater voltage, so this is my thought. Once I prove out my idea for my coils and Mu-metal, I picture it to look like Don Smith's Device #9. I see 8 coils on one side, in a circle, and exactly across, on the other side of the rotor, I see 8 more coils. Coil 1a on the left side wired in series with coil 1b on the right side. Output of each pair will be AC, so we probably have to rectify the output of each series wired pair, because they will otherwise be out of phase of one another, and then wire the rectified DC in series to give us the voltage from our 16 coils.

            2 volts per coil, time 16 coil is 32 volts at a lot of amps. Oh, and there are no mags on the rotor, only Mu-metal as described in other post above.

            Hi SkyWatcher,

            Thank you for your quick test. I just need to have my Mu-Metal come in and I will be ready to test.

            The reason I would get rid of the inner bolts, is then the magnetic drag would be near zero. If you think about it, by adding the bolt, you are simply making them a weaker extension of the magnet.

            Let's get rid of anything that can add drag. Also, the rotor being so lightweight, can be rotated at greater speed. There are still many questions that experimentation must bear out, but I feel this is a real shot for OU, as I also do, my other project.

            We are "snapping" or "interfering" the flux between two magnets, whose flux is seperated by space, at their combined bloch wall.

            Tonight I epoxyed the outside of my two "experimental" coils to keep them together, permenently.

            My rotor is an old vinyl 33 rpm record album. I will be testing with a drill as my motor initially, and then adding coils, etc from there.




            • #21
              Happy Saturday ALL,

              Today I have ordered my Mu-metal, for this project! My coils have dried from their epoxy, and are now wired in series.

              I already have some magnets to test with. But if all goes well, I will optimize a size and strength for this build.

              I believe that too defeat lenz, we must either, A: keep the coil and magnet together, neither moving, as in this build. Or B: Move BOTH the coil and magnet together as in my other build. I call it a BRUG Devices. Bruce's Relativistic Unipolar Generator. It is a large 10" Unipolar generator with (5) five Tesla bifilar pancake coils, each sandwiching a layer of non conductive black iron oxide. That is my other build in progress and you can read it's thread here: Bruce's Discovery, Tesla's Missing Link for his Unipolar Generator!

              My Mu-metal was purchased from here:

              Ultraperm MUMetal Shielding Sheet 0.15mm, 31.5cm x 19.5 - eBay (item 230446633571 end time Jun-05-10 19:55:35 PDT)


              Attached Files


              • #22
                Good evening Everyone,

                This evening I picked up the needed hardware to fit my 12" diameter rotor and my bearings. All is now joined together and works well. Next is to build an easy testing rig. I can drive this with a drill to start with, just to test if it works, how well it works, how to optimize the coils, how to optimize the magnets, how to optimize the size pieces of mu-metal on the rotor and to optimize the number of pieces of mu-metal that can be on the rotor. Lots of fun ahead.... (wink!)


                Attached Files


                • #23
                  Hi Bruce, its looking good so far, i know it will work based on my simple tests. Just hope it works beyond our expectations. You know the numbers that Don Smith's site transworld energy are quite astonishing, i hope that really is possible and i wonder now if those are actually air-cores that are shown as you may be thinking is the case Bruce, in this pic im posting of his device. Here is the quote i assume that originated from don Smith.
                  PROOF OF PRINCIPLE . . . Prototype Energy System for Brazil and Saudi Arabian Markets: Note the coils in pairs left and right. Each pair produces 1000 Volts at 50 Amps; they are connected to separate bus bars in parallel. Dimensions are 14.5" High/16" Long/10" Wide. A mille watt motor turns the magnetic shield which separates the magnet pairs at their Bloch wall separation provides magnetic fluxing and useful Electrical Energy.
                  peace love light
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                    Hi Bruce, its looking good so far, i know it will work based on my simple tests. Just hope it works beyond our expectations. You know the numbers that Don Smith's site transworld energy are quite astonishing, i hope that really is possible and i wonder now if those are actually air-cores that are shown as you may be thinking is the case Bruce, in this pic im posting of his device. Here is the quote i assume that originated from don Smith.

                    peace love light
                    Thank you SkyWatcher. Two things that I understood from some testing of my own, and then compared it to the picture you have posted, which I have seen and have a copy of (and others), is that the magnets needed to be at the back of the coils and not in them, as you, yourself had discovered. And the second, is what your quote called "magnetic fluxing", I have read where Don Smith also used the term "flux snapping". Next, I understood why Mu-metal is such a good "shield" of magnetic fields, because it's permeability is so high at 400,000 compared to iron's 80,000.

                    Today, I took smaller magnets then I am going to use, and seperated them by 6 inches, in attraction. Their flux is easily joined at this distance.

                    What I (we) need to discover, is the proper strength magnet, so as not to "saturate" the Mu-metal pieces. We want that Mu-metal to "pull in" the magnetic field lines, take them with it as it rotates, have it reach a point where those field lines are attracted to the next piece of Mu-metal, and "snap" to it, inducing current in the coils.

                    Lenz will be at the back of the bus, with a non moving magnet and coil, and by the time the magnetic field of the coil, produced by the current is flowing, there will be nothing there but vinyl. (wink!) Or so goes how it should play out, in my mind...




                    • #25
                      Hi Bruce, wow, thank you very much for that explanation you gave. It gave me a much different image in my mind of what is occurring and oddly enough i was drawing on cad some time ago a design that would be solid state that would operate just as you described, by snapping the fields to and fro through a coil with coils on either side of a main coil. Now i think i understand better whats actually happening with this design, other thoughts were preventing my mind to see this for some reason. Getting it to operate as intended sounds like a bit of parts tuning will be needed. What do you think Don S. was using for his shield material, though it does not seem to me that shielding is the true function, its function is to attract the magnets fields and steer it back and forth through the coils in an abrupt (snapping) manner. I'm thinking about what im going to use to test this design out other than mu-metal that might work. Thanks.
                      peace love light


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                        Hi Bruce, wow, thank you very much for that explanation you gave. It gave me a much different image in my mind of what is occurring and oddly enough i was drawing on cad some time ago a design that would be solid state that would operate just as you described, by snapping the fields to and fro through a coil with coils on either side of a main coil. Now i think i understand better whats actually happening with this design, other thoughts were preventing my mind to see this for some reason. Getting it to operate as intended sounds like a bit of parts tuning will be needed. What do you think Don S. was using for his shield material, though it does not seem to me that shielding is the true function, its function is to attract the magnets fields and steer it back and forth through the coils in an abrupt (snapping) manner. I'm thinking about what im going to use to test this design out other than mu-metal that might work. Thanks.
                        peace love light
                        Hi Tyson,

                        Someone said the Don Smith used crushed magnets, but I think that is the wrong direction to go, because then lenz is back at the front door.

                        You may want to try some very thin pieces of tin, or iron sheeting. You may also try some crushed ferrite, and glue the powder onto a small spot...etc.

                        I am testing with 12awg, you may want to test with some 16 or 18awg and see what you see.

                        Finding an old vinyl album for a rotor is simple. It is round, and already has a hole drilled through the center. (I am showing my age! LOL)

                        Lastly, you may take some fiberglass epoxy and mix in some black iron oxide powder and "paint" this onto your album at the designated spots. You should not need more than 1.5-1" spots. The advantage with that, is that it is permeable, but NON conductive, at all. I have a youtube video showing how to mix this up.

                        As what ever we use on our rotor, if a "current" is induced on it, lenz will show it's head even if just a little bit. The NON conductive route may be a very fruitful one. Just some thoughts, and I hope it gives you some ideas....


                        Last edited by Bruce_TPU; 05-16-2010, 03:55 PM.


                        • #27
                          I thought about that Don Smith generator and the symmetry astounded me.If that would be simply to break field at Bloch wall using mu-metal then just one coil would be enough. Why there are two coils here and connected so strangely ?


                          • #28
                            Hello to the group.
                            I rarely post to any of the forums but was compelled to add this, Don Smith
                            recommends a material called terfenol-D for the bloc wall shielding. It can be
                            rather pricey though as I understand it. It is available in several forms, sheet,
                            rods, and powder. The powder ranges in price from 2.45usd to 23usd per gram
                            0-300 microns to 0-30 microns respectively. Don also stated crushed neo magnet material would work although not as well as the terfenol-D.

                            Great group discussion by the way!



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Power2go View Post
                              Hello to the group.
                              I rarely post to any of the forums but was compelled to add this, Don Smith
                              recommends a material called terfenol-D for the bloc wall shielding. It can be
                              rather pricey though as I understand it. It is available in several forms, sheet,
                              rods, and powder. The powder ranges in price from 2.45usd to 23usd per gram
                              0-300 microns to 0-30 microns respectively. Don also stated crushed neo magnet material would work although not as well as the terfenol-D.

                              Great group discussion by the way!

                              Thank you for posting. Now that is very interesting information, indeed. Terfenol-D is the most magnetostriction alloy known. And it seems that it can possibly turn magnetic fields into kinetic energy. That may indeed be something to test with!! But... First Mu-metal for me. It is easy to make as many rotors, using old albums, to test many different items. Terfenol-D just has been added second onto my list.

                              Here is some information on the alloy:

                              Terfenol-D - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              And here:
                              Terfenol-D - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              @ boguslaw

                              They are connected in pairs, one side to the other, because the pairs are of the same phase. Two coils, because you need a magnet on the back end of each coil, and their bloch wall meets in space, at the Rotor. :-)

                              @ All,

                              I am making good progress on my test rig and am even now cuting wood, holes, etc. Will post some pictures when done!




                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Bruce_TPU View Post
                                Try this for a less expensive source...

                                Rare Ultraperm 80 Shielding Sheet-The Electronic Goldmine

