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Bloch wall shifting generator

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Bruce_TPU View Post
    Thank you for posting. Now that is very interesting information, indeed. Terfenol-D is the most magnetostriction alloy known. And it seems that it can possibly turn magnetic fields into kinetic energy. That may indeed be something to test with!! But... First Mu-metal for me. It is easy to make as many rotors, using old albums, to test many different items. Terfenol-D just has been added second onto my list.

    Here is some information on the alloy:

    Terfenol-D - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    And here:
    Terfenol-D - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    @ boguslaw

    They are connected in pairs, one side to the other, because the pairs are of the same phase. Two coils, because you need a magnet on the back end of each coil, and their bloch wall meets in space, at the Rotor. :-)

    @ All,

    I am making good progress on my test rig and am even now cuting wood, holes, etc. Will post some pictures when done!


    I found some interesting information on Terfenol D. It would seem that a strip of terfenol d, near a permenent magnet will distort the flux field. Similar idea to what I am going to do with Mu-metal, and I would say, certainly worth testing out the powder.

    Below is a very good .pdf of information on some experiments involving permanent magnets, terfenol d, and air.

    On another note, I have completed my jig for running my tests. I just need to touch up the coils tomorrow and place them in position and rig them to stay. Next is to add magnets, and I will be ready for my Mu-metal to arrive.

    Lastly, I did do a "wind down" test of my rotor, twice. And it took 1.25 minutes to stop, after hand spinning as fast as I could. I repeated this test several times, and all within a couple of seconds.

    I think this will be a good test also of Lenz's presence at the front door, when coils are under load, and see what the spin down time is.


    Attached Files


    • #32
      Do you have any visualisation how Bloch wall could look like in this Don Smith generator ? I have a feeling that the essence is the construction of rotatable shield and Bloch wall may be not just disrupted but MOVED from the center outside and back making it similar to rotary generator. The big white caps on white plastic containers storage for magnets give me idea that both magnets in pair sit opposing each other , AT LEAST DURING one stage of process!
      In other way there would be no real need to glue those caps to protect magnets.
      Last edited by boguslaw; 05-17-2010, 09:50 AM.


      • #33
        Hi Boguslaw,

        SkyWatcher and I came to the same conclusion. You may want to read all of page 1. (wink!) Thanks!


        • #34
          Hello ALL,

          I have "fixed" one of my coils, this evening. I added a second layer of turns to it. This also allows it to fit very snugly in it's hole...

          I need some more wire, and will add it to the second coil and also add a second layer.

          Now I am thinking on a way to devise holding the magnets in place. Any ideas are welcome!

          @ SkyWatcher

          I was/am really hoping that you will assist me with this build, with your rig. What do you think?


          Attached Files


          • #35
            Hi folks, Hi Bruce, if you mean build it exactly the way your building it i dont think so, that mu-metal is expensive is it not. I no longer have the rotor and structural pieces of the old rig, threw them out when i moved. But I just had an idea of what i could use for the shielding (field shift) material, i was looking at those christmas metal containers that might be tin. I'll use a vinyl record as you are and im going to mount it directly to a 540 size rc motor with adapter that i already have and try to figure out a mounting setup. cheers.
            peace love light


            • #36
              Hi SkyWatcher,

              Great news! It wouldn't make sense to build, both using mu metal. I hope to have several albums, each with a different substance to test with. And if you are testing, using different flux shifting items and coils, it should go a long way in optimizing this set up and to see if it has some real potential!

              Your idea of the rc motor sounds like a good one. What is it's rating as far as power input?




              • #37
                Hi Bruce, the motor i think is for 7.2 volts at up to 20-30 amps, but using 1.2-2.4 volts it should be ok, though i have gearing if needed. I found a vinyl record and attached it to the motor, it seems far to wobbly, i used masking tape on the adapter shaft to make it more true, but the record itself it not solidly flat so its causing a wobbling effect which will not be good at higher rpms or for that matter at low rpm's since it will bash into the coils because its not flat. Is your vinyl record flat and true, maybe mine is too thin and cheap. Other than using my router with circle jig, i cant think of anything else pre-made like the record.
                peace love light
                maybe its the adapter mount, because when i look at the record on its side it looks perfectly flat. Ill have to figure this out
                Last edited by SkyWatcher; 05-18-2010, 06:12 AM.


                • #38
                  Hi folks, Hi Bruce. I am now thinking that as someone else said in this thread that we could do without the other coil, it sure would make building it much easier, though will it still give similar results as Dons generator gave. If your only going to put mu-metal on either side of vinyl record then it seems the coil pairs may not be a necessity. I am going to setup up something along those lines since i have stuff i can use for that kind of setup and make some tests quicker. Oh and yes the wobbling was caused by the motor adapter, in that how it mates to the record needs to be uniform, so probably going to need larger washers of some kind, so it reaches out further on the record. I had these same issues with the rig shown in the pic i posted. Let me know what you think.
                  peace love light


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                    Hi folks, Hi Bruce. I am now thinking that as someone else said in this thread that we could do without the other coil, it sure would make building it much easier, though will it still give similar results as Dons generator gave. If your only going to put mu-metal on either side of vinyl record then it seems the coil pairs may not be a necessity. I am going to setup up something along those lines since i have stuff i can use for that kind of setup and make some tests quicker. Oh and yes the wobbling was caused by the motor adapter, in that how it mates to the record needs to be uniform, so probably going to need larger washers of some kind, so it reaches out further on the record. I had these same issues with the rig shown in the pic i posted. Let me know what you think.
                    peace love light
                    Hi Tyson,

                    Yep, sandwiching the record between the washers is important. I am using a 6" x 10/24 all thread as my axle, and after the washer on both sides I have tightened it up with a nut. Works great and is fairly easy to change out if need be.

                    Thank you for the motor information. I am hoping to rig up a little hobby motor directly to my shaft, if there is no cogging (as I hope!")

                    Now my thoughts on the two coils are the following: IF on the back end of each coil you have a magnet(s) in attraction, and the distance is not too great, than in empty space, their flux lines are joined. At this spot is the bloch wall. If we "perturb" this space, it should be the spot of lease resistance and the spot that will have the greatest impact.

                    If one were to only use 1 magnet and coil, I do not think that the flux field would be "stretched" out as far, or as easy to perturb. In the above scenario, once the flux field is further attracted (because of distance) to it's original spot and rejoining it's neighbor at the bloch wall, it should snap back. I would guess a bit faster. Would one coil and magnet work? Probably, but a lot closer, not as efficient, and more cogging. Of course all of this is how I picture it in my mind and may not be true... ;-)




                    • #40
                      Hello ALL,

                      I found the perfect magnet holders... 1" CPVC caps. Fits perfect in my coil. Ahh, I love the sweet smell of progress...

                      Now, time to get some more of that wire to fix up that second coil tomorrow.


                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Hi Bruce, nice progress. Is that the cap with magnet inside in the second pic with coil shown. Also, i came up with shielding material to use, from tin can peel off tops that previously had lasagna in them, its very magnetic. I have to use my dads shed to cut the frame pieces, he has all my tools there. These tin can, of course assuming its tin, pop tops are about 2-1/2" in diameter, not sure if thats too big.
                        peace love light


                        • #42
                          So basically the magnets and coils stay still.
                          You'll have a circle , in this case a record, which you will affix the UltraPerm MU metal to, and that is what you'll spin.



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by eternalightwithin View Post
                            So basically the magnets and coils stay still.
                            You'll have a circle , in this case a record, which you will affix the UltraPerm MU metal to, and that is what you'll spin.

                            Hi David,

                            Yes! That is the process.

                            Hi SkyWatcher,

                            Yes, the magnet is in the cap. I hot glued it there. I never like using permenent glue if I don't have to.

                            You know, I was thinking some more about this, and I think the output may grow, as more magnets and coils are added! I began to consider if the next magnet next to this one, on the same side of the rotor, is in attraction at the front. North facing out on this mag, south facing out on the next mag. Now, the flux field, extends across to the magnet on the other side, but also, next to it, to the magnet on this side.

                            Then I wonder if perhaps making all the magnets, same poles facing one side of the rotor, and opposite on the other side of the rotor. Experimenting will bear it out. It should prove interesting.

                            I like your tab idea. No idea what size to use. Another future optimization.




                            • #44
                              Hi folks, Hi Bruce. I assumed that's how Don had his magnets setup all the same polarity facing in on one side, but who knows. I cut my side wall frame pieces today out of 3/4" particle board shelving, had it on hand and bored a center hole to mount the rc motor into. Probably going to use threaded steel rod to hold it together at 4 corners. Just need to eat a couple more lasagnas to get the other tin plate discs i need, lol. and make up the coils.



                              • #45
                                Hi folks, here is the design i'm building at the moment.
                                peace love light
                                Attached Files

