Ted: What I find interesting about electrons and planets is they rotate around their own axis, while at the same time, the axis of the system their in. Also, the path they travel orbiting the main axis is always eliptical or not circular. To be honest with you, I know that only about planets, the electrons behavior is purely speculation on my part so please correct me if I am wrong.
I never had any idea the amount of mechanical parameters that affect the performance of this type of device. On my setup a half turn on a screw or nut can change everything and can create a snowball of other adjustments. I spend more time preparing by, tightening, loosening all important connections to make sure it spins freely than anything else. Anyway, I agree that Milkovic's system has developed free mechanical energy by using the forces of nature and the effects they have on objects or any matter in motion.
It seems to me that the torque will be directly proportianate to the weight at the end of the pendulum?
I never had any idea the amount of mechanical parameters that affect the performance of this type of device. On my setup a half turn on a screw or nut can change everything and can create a snowball of other adjustments. I spend more time preparing by, tightening, loosening all important connections to make sure it spins freely than anything else. Anyway, I agree that Milkovic's system has developed free mechanical energy by using the forces of nature and the effects they have on objects or any matter in motion.
It seems to me that the torque will be directly proportianate to the weight at the end of the pendulum?