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Destabilizing the Oil Cartels!

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  • Destabilizing the Oil Cartels!

    When we post technology to the internet message boards, we must also give our friends the links to those message boards, and try to get all free people within the US borders to understand that there are GREEN alternatives to OIL!
    When we post, as H20POWER has, on the viability of a promising new form of energy... a technology in its infancy, we go much farther than our own borders.
    How can a Dictatorship control its people? By providing them with and addicting them to the billions in profits from fossil fuel.
    Every Terrorist campaign around the world, has been funded from Fossil fuel. Every war that end with the killing of innocent children, has its ultimate goal as the control or stabilization of a fossil fuel market. Time for change has come. And we are witnessing a civil war in Iran. Most of the issues have to do with free speech and free elections, but i can promise you all that if we push GREEN technology to the OPEN SOURCE MARKET, Freedom of choice will result in a more free society. We already pay too many taxes on things. And if you think about it we really shouldn't be paying a gasoline tax. Income, in my book , is the extra money (PROFIT) that is tacked on to everyday costs. People should pay Income TAX ! But i do not define TRADING MY VALUABLE TIME FOR MONEY AS INCOME. That is a barter, i trade value for value... I am not gaining anything by working, because i can never get those hours and days back. My employer is paying me a fair trade for my life time. Therefore i am not EARNING INCOME, Therefore income taxes are not legal... someone once told me that there is no actual law on the books that makes paying INCOME TAXES mandatory, but because people have been paying them for so long, its considered mandatory... depends on what your definition of INCOME IS!

    Likewise, we have been enslaved to fossil fuel for so long, we are conditioned to think that thats the only option. We should have drinking water available to all people at a very low cost. Likewise we should pay a small transportation tax for every mile that we drive using hydrogen. thats going to be the way it has to work, or the big guys wont ever let it happen.

    Anybody have any thoughts on this?
    Keep posting your theories and experiments... who knows, the world may be a more peaceful place because of it!
    Think of all the lives that can be saved, not to mention the rain forests!

  • #2
    Which green alternatives are most highly recommended here?

    I'm planning on buying a place next year (its my dream anyway...), and was thinking about getting a 5 KW wind generator as a mate told me they provide lots of power. He's not connected to the grid in his place but thinks one will be enough for his needs. I'm still not convinced it would meet all the demands of my daily use and so i was wondering what else would be a good idea? Not much sun here, so i dont think solar would be a good idea, but perhaps i'm wrong. Anyone here already got some up and running (wind, solar, or any alternative source) that could give me some idea of how much power they deliver? Would be really interesting to hear from some first hand experiences.

    I like the look of the Earth batteries n joule thieves Pirate and others have been playing with, and i'll be having a go when i finally have a garden


    • #3
      It's all sooo wrong on sooo many levels...

      David Icke Website - Obama Article

      We, the people need to take action, spread the word, TODAY, and stop signing up for vague hopes of 'tomorrow'..

      Incite strong feelings, incite action, and start by informing people..

      We on this forum have the advantage of actually leading by example. That gives us the benefit of others' respect.

      Tell everyone; start a blog and link occasionally to a new advance. Tell everyone what your hobby is, identify why it drives you. Resonance with them about the hope they've bought from their governments.

      Then point out that the only way to secure hope is thru direct personal action.

      love and light
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #4
        Nick and I are planning to start an alternative energy documentation website that aims at providing an environment where each user can document their experiments in a easy to understand format and share their findings with the world.

        These forums are great for productive discussion, but they are seemingly daunting for the newcomer and informational nuggets are scattered everywhere. I feel that a site specifically aimed at the experiments themselves will create an environment where it is possible for anyone to participate and find the information they want without digging. The truth will become self-evident.

        Hopefully it will gain some interest from the alternative energy community so we can come out of the dark shrouds and into the light


        • #5
          Originally posted by TRON View Post
          When we post technology to the internet message boards, we must also give our friends the links to those message boards, and try to get all free people within the US borders to understand that there are GREEN alternatives to OIL!
          When we post, as H20POWER has, on the viability of a promising new form of energy... a technology in its infancy, we go much farther than our own borders.
          How can a Dictatorship control its people? By providing them with and addicting them to the billions in profits from fossil fuel.
          Every Terrorist campaign around the world, has been funded from Fossil fuel. Every war that end with the killing of innocent children, has its ultimate goal as the control or stabilization of a fossil fuel market. Time for change has come. And we are witnessing a civil war in Iran. Most of the issues have to do with free speech and free elections, but i can promise you all that if we push GREEN technology to the OPEN SOURCE MARKET, Freedom of choice will result in a more free society. We already pay too many taxes on things. And if you think about it we really shouldn't be paying a gasoline tax. Income, in my book , is the extra money (PROFIT) that is tacked on to everyday costs. People should pay Income TAX ! But i do not define TRADING MY VALUABLE TIME FOR MONEY AS INCOME. That is a barter, i trade value for value... I am not gaining anything by working, because i can never get those hours and days back. My employer is paying me a fair trade for my life time. Therefore i am not EARNING INCOME, Therefore income taxes are not legal... someone once told me that there is no actual law on the books that makes paying INCOME TAXES mandatory, but because people have been paying them for so long, its considered mandatory... depends on what your definition of INCOME IS!

          Likewise, we have been enslaved to fossil fuel for so long, we are conditioned to think that thats the only option. We should have drinking water available to all people at a very low cost. Likewise we should pay a small transportation tax for every mile that we drive using hydrogen. thats going to be the way it has to work, or the big guys wont ever let it happen.

          Anybody have any thoughts on this?
          Keep posting your theories and experiments... who knows, the world may be a more peaceful place because of it!
          Think of all the lives that can be saved, not to mention the rain forests!
          "Take it easy, Francis..."
          --Sgt. Hulka, STRIPES


          • #6
            Changing the Comfort Zone

            @Tron: Taxes are always gonna be charged and paid somehow. In the U.S., we just need to insure they are fair and get paid by the corporations too... Which are now dodging them outrageously because they can afford to pay lobbyists and pay-off politicians... Perverting the system (increasing the deficit and putting the burden on the middle classes). 99% of the 40,000 pages of the Tax Code are these dodges and gray-areas that allow ten of thousands of lawyer parasites to have lucrative careers at the expense of Society. Since the vast majority of pols were lawyers to begin with; is there any surprise there?

            @All: I of course agree with the concept of destabilizing the oil cartels and the corporations that secretly work with them and form trans-national illegal Trusts such as "Siemens" and "General Electric". And we CAN do this. The method that will hurt them most, is raising Public Awareness. They, or the corporate mainstream media, or the governments for that matter, could not get away with the stuff they do now, if everyone was aware of it and peeps started publicly asking the embarrassing questions.

            Those that sell products or services to the public are especially vulnerable: What would happen to their consumer sales and public stock offerings if it became widely known that they are deliberately denying these technologies to the planet, putting everyone at risk...? Lol they would go bankrupt quickly, that's what would happen... And then the Indictments would start to roll in.

            People have been strung up by piano wire in the piazza by angry mobs for less...... Or gone to prison. Don't think these corporate heads don't think about stuff like this, they do... They can't help it hehehe

            All we need do is get upwards of 100 million people world-wide aware of the possibilities of the technologies we discuss and study here, then ask one of those embarrassing Q's such as:

            "Why are these technologies not being openly studied by our Universities??"

            THAT is ALL it will take to end the suppressions and corporate shelving... Just getting peeps aware of it and asking the embarrassing questions. The "100 million world wide" number is just a working Goal; because once that many peeps become aware, it will continue snowballing and can't be stopped.

            It is all about making the lives of these government and corporate leaders uncomfortable... To a point where disclosure becomes more comfortable to them.

            And i agree with PArAd0X , There needs to be HUNDREDS or even thousands of places all round the 'net with the intent of informing people, of "signing them up" to join in the grass roots movement for Free Energy and Open Source. That's why, despite disliking the "social networking" concept and avoiding it for years, i joined Facebook & started one anyway, lol.

            The Free Energy Facebook Group | Facebook

            There are many similar little pages now all over, but you have to go look for them to find them. We need to "infiltrate" many more genres / interests and spread the word there.. As example, the RC model airplane and car groups, or other similar hobbies, like "go-cart racers". These peeps would be great to have as experimenters since they are already often skilled at electronics and/or mechanics, and building complex stuff. Sure many will be closed-minded... At first anyway. But many others won't be. All you need to be is thick-skinned, and not be afraid of attack from knee-jerk naysayers (which you WILL get lol). Always remember that opening ONE PERSON'S mind can harvest hundreds of others down the road... If he or she tells their family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors... And they in turn tell others. This is why the "100 million" goal is not unrealistic, and is well in within our power to achieve. And if you do get attacked by naysayers, if you let me know i will gladly help out (it's one of MY hobbies hehehe

            Hydroxy has interested millions of normally unaware peeps; who are looking for ways to lower their gasoline costs. This needs to be "harvested" more into actual free energy awareness and advocacy. Unfortunately, for many of these folks, the first and only exposure they get are these ads for mostly-crappy electrolyzers (why are the WORST designs seemingly advertised the MOST anyway??)... That needs to change somehow.


            • #7
              Im surprised at all the support!

              Thanks to all of you who took the time to read this thread. And thanks for using correct grammar and checking your spelling before posting, ... i mean, we have a reputation to uphold here...

              I like the facebook idea... I think we should all ask (as a start) H20POWER if we can have permission in writing to copy all his posts on meyers technology and make them available at other web sites or even as an e-book to mail out to address book contacts!

              anybody want to put together a hardback book and
              it online?
              get permission from all the post authors...just an idea...
              NOTICE:, H20POWER HAS NOTIFIED ME that this must not be sold... it can only be given away freely, and that he will be compiling a PDF file soon!
              Last edited by TRON; 06-23-2009, 02:22 AM. Reason: Update


              • #8
                Sounds like a great idea...

                I feel it would be best to compile a standardized book containing a broad spectrum of anomalous experiments, for example The Ignition of Water Vapors, Cold Fusion (Electrolysis and gas tubes), Tesla Technology, Bedini motors, Stan Meyers' cell etc. Lightly touching a little on each subject.

                These experiments should serve as a starting point, something anyone in our community would take for granted and serve as a grass-roots introduction to alternative energy experimentation. They must be thoroughly documented, illustrated, proven and serve as a basis for further experimentation.

                This is what we need to get more people involved and spark a further interest in the subject, something that interested individuals won't be scared off from.

                I've always wanted to compile a book on the subject, but was always too busy. But its never too late hey?


                • #9
                  Hang on a minute.

                  If my understanding is correct, you guys are actually supportive of the oil cartels and their ideologies. You guys have already sided with the people who choose to brainwash us into believing that the present climate change is normal and using fossil fuel is okay. Have I missed anything?

                  What's wrong with fossil fuel when the almighty haarp can manipulate the climate in whatever way they like, trigger earthquakes in all oil exporting countries that they are not happy with and even destroy the whole planet earth?



                  • #10
                    No anut youve misunderstood our conversations, you may want to go back and read our posts again. Were fully aware of their reign and control and are presently trying to find solutions to get more people aware of what they're doing to our planet and how we can solve out energy crisis with clean energy sources.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PArAd0X View Post
                      No anut youve misunderstood our conversations, you may want to go back and read our posts again. Were fully aware of their reign and control and are presently trying to find solutions to get more people aware of what they're doing to our planet and how we can solve out energy crisis with clean energy sources.
                      Don't get me wrong. I was just trying to be scarcastic, but to be honest, I am not trying to be hopeful. Too late is too late.

                      Many inventors have already got their devices working, but I believe most of us have already heard that China, India and some other countries have already rejected the idea of cutting carbon emission in favor of the environment. So, their ideas will be either ignored or forgotten over time.


                      • #12
                        Well only time will tell what the future holds for humanity, but i for one will try to make a difference while ive got the chance.


                        • #13
                          Division and fear tactics don't work very well here

                          Look at it this way: If these people really are that evil, what is to stop them from doing their worst anyway? Trying to "tread lightly" around them is useless and self-defeating. I am betting on VICTORY over them for us all, not defeat and continued economic slavery and destruction of the environment. And i strongly believe this is achievable... Simply through raising Public Awareness, and eventually making them pee their pants in fear of being sent to prison if they don't disclose and send these techs out for open and honest University study

                          You see, to put it bluntly, everything in the world works like this: They can do whatever evil and selfish stuff they can GET AWAY WITH... Meaning that the bare facade must be left in place. There must always be "Plausible Deniability". This is our goal: To strip that from them. To make their denials sound "un-plausible", to force them to do the right thing for Humanity, because continuing to do wrong will get them Indicted and disgraced (or in the case of G.E. and other corps that rely on large Consumer sales, include "Bankrupt" too ).

                          The argument over global warming has no consequence here in this topic. If you want to judge others harshly because some disagreed with you on that subject, then go ahead. But know that there is a very good chance that NONE OF US that posted there, is 100% correct about what is really going on regarding our planet's climate. GW is not about "Us" and "Them".. It's about all of us who are concerned about our future trying to find Truth.... And we can certainly disagree (and often do lol): Honestly held opinions well put forth, be they anathema to us personally or not, deserve our respect for those holding them.

                          And if you read some of my posts there, you will see that i believe the entire controversy is being played-up as a "Divider"; as a means of keeping apart factions who could normally otherwise combine forces and fight these very bad things that are happening to all of us... Ironically, without us combining forces to stop these things first, no one faction is going to get anywhere on whatever they propose to do... Divided, we will surely remain "Conquered".


                          • #14
                            They hold the current keys

                            This is a good thread however until the right solutions are worked thru they hold the working solutions...
                            Until we get the bugs out of the alternative powers. We have very little.
                            "But ye shall receive power..."
                            Acts 1:8


                            • #15

                              I've been compiling a list of comments on this forum about the aether, it's form and function..

                              Just about to start editing and trying to make it flow while respecting the user's posts, and honoring their links, nays and yeas..

                              When I'm done I'll try email each user a copy and see if we can at least provide a primer on aether physics theory as it currently stands on this forum..

                              Any takers on another subject / chapter?

                              Love and light
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

