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Destabilizing the Oil Cartels!

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  • #16
    You are right in your assumption that we can make a difference. Although they have used strong arm tactics in the past, and will again, against whomever builds a working FE or OU machine and tries to publicise it. Many inventers have had there inventions stolen or destroyed becasue of the secrecy act. US patent office Secrecy Order title 35 US code (1952) section 181-188. Over 3000 patents are under these secrecy orders. Yeah, we have had FE and OU for a long time, but we just can't access it. Any new patents involving these technologies are suppressed, and or the the inventer harrassed. I still have hope the word will get out and more people will get interesed or involved. If the flow of petroleum were cut off or delayed for any length of time, more people would seek another form of transportation and or heating. This could have a devastating effect on the oil cartel. During oil embargo of the 70's, there was a lot of talk and experimenting to find a solution to the problem. Then was when it should have happened. Good Luck. Stealth
    Last edited by Stealth; 06-23-2009, 12:05 AM.


    • #17
      I was thinking about this the other night, when a looped self runner comes out , it must be DELIVERED progressively and with a plan so the economy dos not really CRASH.

      How would you deliver it so 1000's don't loose their jobs and the economy stabilizes, just one thing to think about also, progressively may be the only way but i would rather quicker, just some thing to also consider guys.



      • #18
        Economic Crash

        Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
        I was thinking about this the other night, when a looped self runner comes out , it must be DELIVERED progressively and with a plan so the economy dos not really CRASH.

        How would you deliver it so 1000's don't loose their jobs and the economy stabilizes, just one thing to think about also, progressively may be the only way but i would rather quicker, just some thing to also consider guys.

        Things cant get much worse than they already are.
        People will always need shelter, food, clothing and toothpaste, diapers, trash services... let the transportation corridor and bulk transport systems remain using diesel fuel.. lets start by getting motorcycles running on water, lawnmowers... sell em at home depot!

        then we can focus on cars... then we can focus on clean energy for homes. Im in California... how bad would it really be if a majority of the residential customers went to a water powered electrical generator? The government would make sales tax money on the units that are produced and sold by hundreds of competing vendors!
        And the big 3 phase systems would still need the grid!
        so it will phase in slowly by design anyway.


        • #19
          UPDATE on H20POWERS Posts

          I pm'd him and the reply was that he will be putting together a .pdf file soon with all the details and make it publicly available.
          I hope he uses the Open Source Creative Commons License...

          WE should all find the info we want to preserve and copy and paste the good stuff into a word processor program in case this site gets shut down!

          keep up the good work, keep google-ing the university documents for clues on how to engineer this stuff with proven methods that are applied to other sciences... the secrets are out there.

          I find it hard to believe that ALL the GREAT INVENTIONS of mankind ALREADY HAPPENED !


          • #20
            >Things cant get much worse than they already are.

            Ow Yes they can Job losss is a major de stabilizing player , also forget making systems that the government can tax us on UNLESS they need it for infrastructure, self sufficient eco communities can have VERTICAL FARMING, that's a major player Food and water (the rest can happen by default). I am a big advocate of bio algae bio diesel VERTICAL FARMING for this.

            Food and water is an essential element for Free energy to be used for FIRST IMO.



            • #21
              Originally posted by PArAd0X View Post
              Nick and I are planning to start an alternative energy documentation website that aims at providing an environment where each user can document their experiments in a easy to understand format and share their findings with the world.

              These forums are great for productive discussion, but they are seemingly daunting for the newcomer and informational nuggets are scattered everywhere. I feel that a site specifically aimed at the experiments themselves will create an environment where it is possible for anyone to participate and find the information they want without digging. The truth will become self-evident.

              Hopefully it will gain some interest from the alternative energy community so we can come out of the dark shrouds and into the light
              WB Alex...

              >Nick and I are planning to start an alternative energy documentation website that aims at providing an environment where each user can document their experiments in a easy to understand format and share their findings with the world.

              Rick off's way is the way!!!
              Gonna have his PDF done soon as a model.
              Doh off topic


              • #22
                Remember Ash, this will "self-regulate" for at least two years or longer; there is no need for concern here.

                ... Or as long as it takes to tool-up and get manufacturing of the devices going all over the world in a big way. In the short term, there are way too few devices available for the huge demand. People continue using fossil fuels much as they do now. In the long term, the oil and coal corps still have 30% of their business for plastics and other stuff... This change will not happen fast enough for anyone! Maybe 5 years for the change-over to completely happen? That is long enough. Meanwhile, can you think of any specific group of people who's skills and knowledge will be in very high demand during this period...? I can, hehehe.

                Increased manufacturing is the best, most direct stimulus for any economy... It boot-straps up entire towns; it creates numerous side businesses and services. It fills the tax coffers with income tax from the workers, corporate tax from the manufacturing companies, and sales tax from the increased consumerism in the area; while lowering the number of people getting government assistance. It raises property values in the towns, thus increasing property taxes too. It would end the budget deficit and create economic stability again within a short time.

                We will have at least 20 years of booming manufacturing economy to fulfill all the energy-producing device needs, with all the thousands of parallel applications (longer, as incremental advances will keep it going with replacement technologies that are even better). Meanwhile by then, the poor areas of the world are lifted up into having a viable & prosperous middle class, a huge new market to sell to... Lol these people weren't buying ANYTHING before, because they were at subsistence level. Access to cheap, clean, and safe energy changes all that: Gives them clean water for drinking and irrigation, much more efficient and productive farming, cottage industries, factories... Even better, it gives their countries the stability needed to promote business and consumer banking (something we take for granted here, like getting a home mortgage or small business loan... But is not available for most people in the world).

                And increased prosperity is the best known, most ethical method of lowering population growth: Once people are better educated, and move up to the middle class, birth rates drop dramatically.

                Whenever new world-changing technologies arose throughout History, they always caused a net increase in prosperity. So it will be in this case as well.... But on a scale never before seen


                • #23
                  There could be an even brighter future

                  New distributed energy could be what we need to get the job market and economy going again. The manufacturing of whatever devices would ramp up over time, and every couple years, for a while anyway, improvements as far as power and/or economy would bring on upgrades and new applications. There would also be service oriented jobs, salespeople, installers, repairmen, wharehousing and shipping. People that were more limited before could expand their energy use such as lighting in third world countries. It could even be a boon for existing appliance makers as transformation to new utilities. For example a economical distributed electrical system would influence people with gas cook stoves to junk them and get electric cook stoves or opposite if the new tech was a gas such as HHO. Remember they also predicted the death of the economy with the auto industry when it replaced the horse and buggy. We need to start looking at implementation as an opportunity.

                  some thoughts to ponder,
                  Michael L


                  • #24
                    As Captain Jack would say..

                    "Well done me hearties, hoist the jolly rodger and weigh the anchor..."
                    lets get this party started!

                    speaking of party, shall we form a political party...the OpenSourceParty or the FreeEnergyParty ?

                    IDEA... Lets get the Linux open source community involved to make some free utilities that run on ubuntu 9.04 , wire size calculators, VIC bobbin templates, Copies of Meyers Patents integrated inti Linux operating systems as daily quotes???
                    Capacitance calculators, circuit design software.... a whole release of linux based on Free Energy???
                    any ideas?


                    • #25
                      I enjoyed all reading all of this.

                      Hi everyone,

                      I really enjoyed read all of this as the energy sellers now will have their hands full. Remember anyone that sells energy is the enemy that goes past just coal and oil cartels. If you trully want to learn how to fight them learn the secerets of Edward Bernays and how to use it to our collective aims here on this site for energy independence for the masses.
                      The Century Of The Self - Part 1 of 4 - By Adam Curtis
                      The Century of the self 2 of 4
                      The Century of the Self 3 of 4
                      The Century of the self 4 of 4

                      If you learn how to use the system "they" have been using on the world for over 50 years now, your efforts will be successful. Learn how the system of control works so you can also us their system to meet with success.

                      The main ones we are fighting are the World Bank, the IMF, and all the Corperations that have sprung up around them in there web of control. Make no doubt about it this is a global war for they work together globally so we must also work in the same manor if they are to be defeated. They are willing to kill for their way of life so best be prepared to do the same thing. This is a war and so far it is mostly our side that has taken the losses. People jailed without due process, people payed to shut up, people put under house arrest, people railroaded through the court systems, and yes people even killed. I have seen it all the latest was Dr. Dingel jailed for 20 years for 400k dollars at the age of 82 is a life sentence. Know your foe so you don't make the same misstakes those in the past have made.

                      If can be done and we can do it. It must be given away and then let greed take it. Make any and all advertising about it made so the viewer feels as if they will die if they don't use it or feel like on cloud nine for doing it. Understand the works of Edward Bernays.

                      Energy independence is now ours for the taking, learning to just take the savings is key to getting the technology out. For if your neighbor is not paying for electricity what will you do? Answer: Ask what he/she is doing. Learn the rules of the game this one man Edward Bernays works is all around you and it works.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                        Remember Ash, this will "self-regulate" for at least two years or longer; there is no need for concern here.

                        ... Or as long as it takes to tool-up and get manufacturing of the devices going all over the world in a big way. In the short term, there are way too few devices available for the huge demand. People continue using fossil fuels much as they do now. In the long term, the oil and coal corps still have 30% of their business for plastics and other stuff... This change will not happen fast enough for anyone! Maybe 5 years for the change-over to completely happen? That is long enough. Meanwhile, can you think of any specific group of people who's skills and knowledge will be in very high demand during this period...? I can, hehehe.

                        Increased manufacturing is the best, most direct stimulus for any economy... It boot-straps up entire towns; it creates numerous side businesses and services. It fills the tax coffers with income tax from the workers, corporate tax from the manufacturing companies, and sales tax from the increased consumerism in the area; while lowering the number of people getting government assistance. It raises property values in the towns, thus increasing property taxes too. It would end the budget deficit and create economic stability again within a short time.

                        We will have at least 20 years of booming manufacturing economy to fulfill all the energy-producing device needs, with all the thousands of parallel applications (longer, as incremental advances will keep it going with replacement technologies that are even better). Meanwhile by then, the poor areas of the world are lifted up into having a viable & prosperous middle class, a huge new market to sell to... Lol these people weren't buying ANYTHING before, because they were at subsistence level. Access to cheap, clean, and safe energy changes all that: Gives them clean water for drinking and irrigation, much more efficient and productive farming, cottage industries, factories... Even better, it gives their countries the stability needed to promote business and consumer banking (something we take for granted here, like getting a home mortgage or small business loan... But is not available for most people in the world).

                        And increased prosperity is the best known, most ethical method of lowering population growth: Once people are better educated, and move up to the middle class, birth rates drop dramatically.

                        Whenever new world-changing technologies arose throughout History, they always caused a net increase in prosperity. So it will be in this case as well.... But on a scale never before seen
                        Thanks for the great themes and posts guys.

                        @Jib I say get em with replacing plastic even fire breathing too

                        Plastic = replace with HEMP
                        Fire twirling/Fire Breathing

                        Replace with an open source organic method

                        Citric acid from orange peal
                        Almond oil to neutralize it (so its not as volatile)
                        Bi Carb to bind it.

                        Making some later to post. Breathing fire is Fun. Hear that Big oil? Open source engineers now breath fire LOL

