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Tesla Attempt

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  • #31


    wow, quite a post there.


    • #32
      amigo's "ARGH!"

      Originally posted by amigo View Post

      And WTF is XC Technology and XC Power Transmission?!

      Where do these people get off?!?!?!

      Tesla discovered the Radiant energy and perfected the system of its utilization 100 years ago and now some jokers put a video up on YT without a mention of Tesla, then go on their website how they'll "lead the market" - by rebranding something that has been done 100 years ago?

      Do they think that nobody remembers or knows about it??

      XC Technology?

      Hi amigo,

      Your right on, did they forgot to "Google" Tesla's Hair-pin circuit or schematic and failed to see any of the drawings and illustartions of this device ..... ..... you know ..... the ones thats been around 100 years.

      The part in the Singularics Corporation Blog Singularics Corporation .:. Advancing Energy where "Jeffrey N. Cook" states
      Singularics is not selling my science or mathematics, rather, my inventions.
      This should be changed not to infer that this was his invention, this is totally misleading and incorrect.

      Best Regards,
      Open Source Experimentalist
      Open Source Research and Development


      • #33
        to be clear, we have **not** claimed to have invented a 100 year old tesla circuit!
        not sure where that came from in any case. i wish you all well.



        • #34
          my latest folly

          Hi & Ahimsa all,

          here we go then, my latest ninkompoop test lol,

          now remember i have openly admitted i have almost no idea what im doing so i dont want any giggling when you look at my latest circuit ! ( attached )

          David. D
          Last edited by rave154; 02-08-2010, 08:06 PM.


          • #35
            re my last post

            from the output of the 2nd spark gap ( the one that doesnt spark )....ive placed a 12v light bulb which lights...half seems to take about 1/2 to 3/4 of a second after connection to actually light up though...

            i have also removed the bulb..and placed a CFL tube....which lights......

            however...... when i place the bulb and the tube together in parallel....only the bulb lights up.


            • #36
              yikes, i just turned up the frequency on the pwm.and saw a white light inside the transformer....still kinda worked..the CFL lit up


              • #37
                using the circuit attached, the bulb lights pretty much to full brightness as the frequency goes up..

                heres the kicker....

                i just placed a dead short across the terminals of the bulb.....and it was still lit....duller yes.......but still lit.
                Last edited by rave154; 02-08-2010, 08:06 PM.


                • #38
                  re: my last post

                  circuit as per my last post...with the addition of a CFL in parallel with the 12v light bulb....both lit.....buld maybe 50%.....CFL dim....but lit...

                  i think maybe i have here.....a clunky, poor-mans Tesla hairpin circuit?

                  David. D


                  • #39
                    See if that 12v bulb will light when in a bowl of water - keep your hands dry
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by superluminal View Post
                      to be clear, we have **not** claimed to have invented a 100 year old tesla circuit!
                      not sure where that came from in any case. i wish you all well.

                      Are we to assume you are the person behind the Singularics Corporation?

                      What was claimed is obvious since when I read it I got an impression that it was Singularics' invention so that's what the potential investors will think as well.

                      In any case it is a disservice to the public and an atrocity towards a great man (Tesla) who's works had already been heavily suppressed for over 100 years.

                      No wonder things like this can fly when most people don't even know who Tesla was...
                      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by rave154 View Post

                        wow, quite a post there.
                        I'll dare a guess that the post has been deleted... ?
                        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                        • #42

                          I'm late on this thread, sorry.
                          to Rave154 : I drive my 2N3055 from a 555 with just a 1N4007 in between the timer and the transistor's base. It's a sufficient protection.
                          My timer burns only when there's no diode. It's set with two 5k 10 turns pots, in astable mode (as shown with the "555 Timer Pro" free version software. I have a bunch of non polarized caps, ranging from 1 nF to 650nF too, for modifying the square impulses speed. The pots deal with on/off values. Everything observed through an oscilloscope).

                          Inspired by Steven Mark's TPU, and by Tesla's Toroidal transformer, I've made a coil (20 cm diameter) from 2 turns of a tv 75 ohms coax wire ( such as to make an internal loop; cut the external plastic in the middle, got the mesh carefully out, took the shielding out, put back the mesh, put back everything into the external plastic, taped it. I had no ferrite torroid at hand), then a first primary coil cw with 0.75 mm speaker wire (around 240 turns), then over : 4 secondary quadrants cw, again with speaker wire (60 turns each X 4 = 180 turns, each has its 2 leads.). I link the mesh's leads together, and the copper center wire's leads together too ( not mesh and coper together) as 2 independant loops.

                          Conducting a large numbers of trials and errors (mainly errors... ), I once have seen a 60w 230v regular light bulb's filament get really red (0-15v PSU set @12.5v output, around 2 amps out, the 2N3055 is Bedini's wheel style, with a pot and resistor on the base, and a diode from E to B ; the cap for the 555 was then an electrolytic polarized 4.5 uf) . The primary was just fed on 1 lead, no out. The bulb was earth grounded on the out leg, and fed by only 1 lead from the 4 secondaries quadrants in series to the other bulb's leg, but both legs were connected to a 400v blue disc shaped non polarized cap (from an old 300w ATX psu; don't know the capacitance).

                          I didn't write down the settings, thinking it had been easy to find, and that a slightly further setting wouldn't kill it, or I could come back with ease. What a mistake !!!! Better is an ennemy for good !!! I could never reproduce it. Nor get better results...
                          Since that, I just get some plasma tiny lightnings from the filament's 3 sustaining poles, best had, from the filament too, when touchin the glass with a ground wire (and, of course, when no bulb's leg is grounded. Nothing surprizing here)...

                          I must warn you : my 'toroid' connected to the ignition coil's flyback produces a strange smell flowing into the whole house. Nothing burning though, but I think this produces lots of ozone (it seems to be a known fact when playing with HV...)

                          Here was my 2 cents.
                          M.E. Who else ?...


                          • #43
                            INQ, i just woke up...willl take me a few cuppa's to work up enough bravery to try the old light bulb in the water thing.


                            if you look at my latest circuit in post #37, where would you recomend i put a cap/s...?


                            • #44
                              be careful

                              I'd probably seek professional help before lighting bulbs in water and/or sticking hands in it.

                              There are safe alternatives - it is easy for someone to kill themself with electricity.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #45
                                for Aaron


                                in your opinion, if i hold the lead to the bulb with insulated pliers and give it a quick dunk in the water ( not including my hand )....this would be ok or not?


