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Tesla Attempt

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  • #76
    555 timer / 2n3055 / ignotion coil w/o opto isolation

    I used a circuit I found in the book
    "Son of Tesla Coil"
    which is an excellent read for those interested
    in lighting things from tesla coils with LOW-POWER.
    I haven't made a tesla coil yet, just the 555 chopper/ignition
    thingy. Great fun.

    YouTube - replication of "555 drives ignition coil" from Son of Tesla Coil


    • #77

      my 555 circuit is isolated from the HV, absolutely no HV on the 555 side, works really nice.


      its a standard bedini bi-filar, wound as in bedini instructions, ie two coils A & B, wound at the same time on the same spool. the start of each coil lets call 1 and the ends of the coils lets call we have..

      HV--> avramenko diodes--->

      diode(1)---> A-1

      diode(2)---> B-1

      the circuit is connected for a second or so, then disconnected, i can even disconnect the coils completely from everything being careful not to touch it of course, or simply just turn off the 555 side, or disconnect the battery from the ignition coil side ( cos occasionally i will turn off the 555 side and the coil side circuit will be self oscilating and still be "on" )... so...disconnected anyways....then....

      this is where your mech switch would instantly and briefly do the following at the same time ( or you could even play around with staggering the following slightly )...

      touch neon-leg-1 to A-2

      touch neon-leg-2 to B-2

      to get purple flash

      hope this helps ( Still *slobering*)

      David. D


      • #78

        Thanks Rave for bringing the 'isolation method' you are using to my attention! Hopefully I shall send fewer 555's to the grave now.

        Hope your experiments are going well.



        • #79
          Tesla, thank Aaron, he suggested the idea, i just designed & put the circuit together ( eventually, with help, but im learnin )


          • #80

            ok, i just stripped down two 900 Watt microwave ovens,

            got two transformers(and a lil mains trans), two 2,000V 1Uf caps, 2 motors with nice coils, and 4 nice ring magnets, and 2 bulbs !.....sweeeeeeeet

            now, any advice on how im going to plug any of this into my current circuit to advance?

            any advice appreciated


            David. D


            • #81

              just came across your AC magnet rectifier, this ones definitely going in the notebook.

              I had a somewhat slightly similar effect, where i ( trying to recall from memory here ), i was spark-gapping from a HV wire to a neo....odd that it made the 2n3055 self oscillate when the 555 part of the circuit was turned off.

              confusion, confusion, confusion.


              • #82
                Just a quick note - Ever consider using MJL21194 instead of 2n3055? MJL's can operate faster and I find are more reliable. Other people find performance increases when they switch their transistor, for example on the bedini wheel. I'm not 100% sure but I think the 2n might be able to handle a little more current where the MJL would handle better speeds...

                Keep up the good work! Everyone!


                • #83
                  Using circuit-11 from post #63, replacing the 12V 100mA bulb with a 240VAC 25 watt light bulb, i can get it to 1/2 brightness depending on the frequency of the 555.

                  I cant be sure, but i hooked up two 240VAC 25 watt light bulbs in parallel, same circuit as above, the bulb that was first in line lit up as normal ( whatever that is ), the 2nd bulb in line did not light BUt...... the filament was quivering, flicking back & forth perhaps...1/2mm or so, i only caught sight of it by accident as i was looking through the curver part of the bulb which magnified the image of the filament so to speak.


                  • #84
                    Sorry for not following this thread properly, with 555 you need a trick to get duty cycle bellow 50%. I use MJ2955 to drive 2N3055.

                    The BIG problem using optocouple are speed. While the response of transistor is in nano second range, the response of optocoupler is in microsecond range. Slower rise time and fall time, which I think would mean less efficient than the 3055.
                    Attached Files


                    • #85
                      Showing aetheric polarity between space prior to spark discharge

                      YouTube - ignition coil experiments

                      Coming up next, I'm making an Electret which is to the space before a spark, what a permanent magnet is to an electromagnet.

                      Love and light
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • #86

                        Thank you for the efffort to replicate, at least now i know i wasnt seeing things or going crazy.

                        I had kind of noticed the build up (pre spark)....then the spark & flash later.... but it all happened so quick, plus having to try and hold the neon steady etc, its hard to figure out whats happening first then 2nd and 3rd.

                        hmmm.....i need to mull & ponder now.

                        p.s your mech switch is looking more & more Tesla-like every time i see it !!.. its even starting to sound Tesla-like !

                        David. D


                        • #87

                          i just want to add this to my last post before i go and ponder & mull...

                          i just have this 'feeling' that this line of work that were somehow going to join up with the work that gotoluc & co are doing with the "feeding the flyback back into the coil".

                          as i understand it, the HV off the ignition coil is basically the flyback from the secondary....which we are feeding into another coil, not the "same" coil as Gotoluc & co are doing. in other words, Gotoluc has his DC pulse AND the HV flyback going into the same coil repeatedly......where-as we only have flyback going into a seperate coil.... im wondering....

                          could we take our seperate coil, as it is now, recieving the HV from the ignition coil....but also have it recieving a regular DC pulse from a seperate source (be that your mech switch or another 555 circuit for myself )... im just curious to see what would happen with HV(flyback) AND a DC pulse(which of course has amperage as well as voltage ).

                          ok, enough rambling

