555 timer / 2n3055 / ignotion coil w/o opto isolation
I used a circuit I found in the book
"Son of Tesla Coil"
which is an excellent read for those interested
in lighting things from tesla coils with LOW-POWER.
I haven't made a tesla coil yet, just the 555 chopper/ignition
thingy. Great fun.
YouTube - replication of "555 drives ignition coil" from Son of Tesla Coil
I used a circuit I found in the book
"Son of Tesla Coil"
which is an excellent read for those interested
in lighting things from tesla coils with LOW-POWER.
I haven't made a tesla coil yet, just the 555 chopper/ignition
thingy. Great fun.
YouTube - replication of "555 drives ignition coil" from Son of Tesla Coil