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3-D Magnetic Flux Mapping

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  • 3-D Magnetic Flux Mapping

    (This is a repost of info in the following thread: i believe that it needs more attention!)

    Here is a document that explains new insights into the actual lines of force created by magnetic flux particles. These new findings have been reportedly suppressed upon the death of the inventor(s).
    The details in this document will help people understand how to make a magnetic motor that can carry a load... or so it seems.

    Spintronics -The Secret World of Magnets (2006 by Howard Johnson)

    P.S. Please read and respect the open source license if available, always refer to the inventor when reposting this document.

    Creative Commons — Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported

    There are two videos as well on them before they go away!
    YouTube - Discovering Magnetism Magnetic Gates Howard Johnson 2006 part 1
    YouTube - Discovering Magnetism Magnetic Gates Howard Johnson 2006 2

  • #2
    Hey TRON

    Thats some nice info youve got there, it's really changed the way I think about magnets.

    Regarding the videos and the paper, theyre safely copied on my pc and distributed to several people so they won't be going away any time soon


    • #3
      Go Tell It On The Mountain....

      Great, tell everyone in your address book!

      a few well placed e-mails and the show will begin!
      the final act where the bad guys lose!


      • #4
        Hiya Tron, thx for looking at this., i 've been trying to drum up some interest for replicating the 1980's 3-D Magnetic Field Mapping study at Virginia Tech for a while now with little success yet

        As i see it, an X-Y pen plotter is needed (perhaps bought scrap, from some company's engineering dept. as they used to be common for printing large schematics or mechanical drawings). Then a method for moving it up and down in the "Z" axis is added, meaning perhaps some writing of firmware and FPGA source code. I've come up with some ideas of having the whole thing suspended upside down in the air over the target area (as well as a servo-controlled rack & pinion arrangement for the Z axis), lol imagine something like those arcade games of "Draglines", where a person moves the controls to grab a toy or prize out of a pile of junk in a large glass case (lol but of course this is would scan and record data without having to do anything manually except pushing the "start" button).

        The data is read and logged by the Probe every cubic mm... The accuracy of such a system should be much better than needed; as those plotters have much better than 0.1 mm positioning accuracy ("300 DPI"). A full scan of a large magnet/group of mags could take 2 hours to do, and log 15 or 20 Mbt's of samples, easy.

        Anyway, from what i've been able to see, it will likely cost between $1,500 and $2,000 in materials to do the build; including two Hall-effect magnetic probes from Steorn for about $300 ea. , which read Polarity and Gauss, and have USB output to a 'puter for easy datalogging... Maybe having to use two at a time because they are "2-D" probes meaning they read in "two directions", 90 degrees apart (although it may be possible to do it accurately with one, this needs to be checked). But these particular probes are the cheapest available that could do the job from what i've seen.

        For this project, it could be done by a geographically dispersed Open Source Project Team that has varied responsibilities: One tackling the x-y mechanics, one for a new power supply perhaps, one writing the source code/firmware for control & addition of the Z axis, and perhaps another writing a Windows GUI and a way to automatically sync and plot the received data so it can be easily analyzed and color plotted (using MatLabs, LabView, or a similar off the shelf analysis proggy). The Team works closely together, but separately produce their sections; it is then assembled at a central location and the testing begins.... And we suddenly have a means of mapping the true magnetic fields in 3-D around single magnets, or groups of them interacting together. The results are then widely publicized... And Dr. Beyer finally gets his due after 28 years of being ignored and suppressed. And we gain the key to many things.

        "$2,000" (and about 40 hours of labor) to rediscover the "Holy Grail" of magnetics... Of finding ways of building all-magnet motor-generators with high torque. A very cheap price indeed for the possible results

        When you think about it, it could be argued that this Study was the real legacy, and importance, of Howard Johnson's work.... Because it not only allows his "North Attracting North" Gates to be duplicated more easily & precisely (..and from every account, "Precision" is KEY to making them work), but even has great significance for conventional magnetics and motor design. So we can eventually build a magnet motor with it... But more importantly, we can teach the world to build magnet motors with it

        Because when enough data runs are made of varying magnets and field interactions, THEN we can use that data to write Models... And then all of us will be able to to it at home with Sims. OPEN SOURCED from the beginning; and the results are provided free to all.

        But much like other important projects, it isn't "sexy", it doesn't have any blue glowing pulses or madly spinning rotors It is in essence, an "Instrument", and not a free energy device.... But one that could change everything. Until someone invents a "magnetic gas" that can allow true visualization of these fields in some kind of hologram (...and that can be duplicated without undue trouble or cost by us Open Source); it is THE ONLY MEANS of mapping the true magnetic fields in 3-D. Once we have a working prototype, it is duplicated by Universities all over the world.

        So let us think about the cost, and the gains possible here... And what such a project could do for us all. Then let's find some good peeps with some deep pockets, others with the necessary skills and drive... And make it happen


        • #5
          a response

          put the sensor on a rotating head that accurately turns 90 degrees... just saved 300 bucks !

          weld stops with a fine thread adjustment and locking nut, servo like in RC cars additional step in programming and reading

          plot xyz 000, benchmark. fixed calibration point in space, zero reset...
          next point 1,0,0 read east west, then read north south, next point 2,0,0, repeat readings, next point 3, 0,0, repeat...
          also program in maximum travel for x, y and z from point of reference, zero point, calibration point... in inches, whatever.


          • #6

            4 stepper motors, 1 reversing circuit, 3 gear reduction assemblys for precise control and duplicated distances across all ranges and all distances so that the 3 dimensional pile of sugar cubes (3D grid) is accurate and identical in every direction.

            Program in JAVA, web interface, multi platform, PCI card servo/multi-relay board or USB if thats what smokes your shorts... but i think the PCI card/ relay approach that controls 4 different servo motors with a short burst signal or specific frequency for a specific amount of time is simpler..... why add the complexity of USB to interfacing the hardware to the software?


            • #7
              I program in many languages as a hobby, and can also program some PIC chips and computer interfaces so just shout if you need a programmer.


              • #8
                Digital vs. Analog

                Tron, very nice suggestions

                The USB is only for storing the sample data; and is really the simplest and most elegant way to get it to the PC for later analysis (and will save a heap of trouble in the long run). A single-board solution for the control of the servos or steppers would probably be best.. And all that control handled onboard.

                The "GUI" for the PC i suggested could be a very simple affair that only starts and stops a Run (...and it is really just icing on the cake, not even needed)... A button on the unit would serve the same purpose (although the GUI could also be the means of converting the sample data into the format needed for the off-the-shelf Analysis package).

                From my experience, there will be two small steppers & their controllers already there on a X-Y Pen Plotter... Most of the controlling done already (thats why i like using the old pen plotters). Since the scrapped device would be "old" and obsoleted, we can probably get access to the Source Code for the onboard PGA's... So we can rewrite it for the Z axis control code. Otherwise a totally different control and syncing circuit could be used for the Z, and the single board solution will interface that to the original (but note that firmware programming is needed at some point, it is "unavoidable" in a digital system).

                A suitable plotter is found, then the language they programmed its firmware in is determined, then the source code key obtained; then the fun starts New firmware can usually be sent to the onboard PGA or other chip via serial RS422 (if not it is a pain to program one without access to a programmer module and the appropriate die).

                Of course the thing could be built entirely from scratch (probably cheaper actually but likely more man-hours involved mechanically): If i personally did that, i would possibly use the OLD ANALOG style for "X-Y Recorder" that i remember from my earliest days as a service tech at Gould Instruments... IF the long resistive carbon-impregnated strips used for the feedback circuit could be found (the "pen-head" had steel tang "brushes" on it touching this strip mounted near the traveling shaft at all times, the voltage from this long "pot" is then fed back for positive-positioning, "feedback" being a certain requirement in an analog system for accuracy).

                Analog Plotter:
                DC servo motors drive a cable & pully system (much like we see in HP ink jet printers), Op-Amps feed transistor current amplifier circuits to drive the motors, comparators are used for the feedback, and precision pots cal it all.... The thing is then controlled by discrete "-5V to +5V" full scale DC voltage inputs to each axis, which would come via D-to-A's ( even then a digital circuit is still needed hehehe, although much simpler to make, and no FPGA programming is required). The only thing that worries me about the old analog approach is the accuracy: They had about "70 DPI" at best (so at "one mm" sample increments, this could possibly serve with an accuracy of about "+/-.3 mm".. If the thing was stable enough).

                So the more i think about it lol, the more i think an "all-digital" solution would be required for best accuracy and stability reasons (...also because of the trouble of finding these long resistive carbon feedback strips which are probably not available any more). But when PGA's are involved, of course an engineer familiar with proggying firmware in both machine & assembly language is then required to do the meat of the work (and although i've done similar stuff in a pinch, i am NOT that person hehehe).
                Last edited by jibbguy; 06-30-2009, 08:47 PM.


                • #9
                  How would you plan to render this data into something like a 3D flux model?


                  • #10
                    PArAd0X, thanks for the interest!

                    Actually, displaying the data is the easiest part (although i am unsure if that is what you meant)

                    MatLabs or a dozen other data acquisition analysis packages can do this by itself and display it in several styles of color-coded "3-D" representations (all that is required is to convert the ASCII samples into the proper format; which can be done with via batch). It is even possible to display them graphically in Excel (although its 3-D capability is pretty poor).

                    MATLAB - The Language Of Technical Computing

                    One from Agilint "VEE Pro" (the former HP instrument division):
                    3Pty - Agilent VEE Pro - Easy graphical programming for fast measurement analysis results

                    LabView Express (with analysis):
                    NI LabVIEW SignalExpress - Products and Services - National Instruments

                    Most of these have demo versions that can be gotten and used at least for 30 days.

                    But if you meant , "how do you convert this data into a computer model", then that is NOT easy hehehe. What it takes is a software engineer to write algorithms based on the trending seen on the data...With highly complex "decision trees" that amount to a very sophisticated AI making the decisions. It is way beyond my capability, however i know some peeps who could do it
                    Last edited by jibbguy; 06-30-2009, 06:11 PM.


                    • #11
                      Just displaying for now


                      • #12
                        Shoestring Astronomy.

                        Hi everyone,

                        I use a USB guide port interface for remotely control my Celestron CPC 800 telescope from my laptop. This unit could maybe used to control stepper motors for your 3D mapping of the magnetic flux.

                        This device plugs into the USB port of a PC or laptop computer, or a USB hub. and creates signals that can be used by the guide port (sometimes referred to as a CCD port) of many types of telescopes. Third-party autoguide software that supports this product must be used as part of your autoguide system. This guide port interface offers many advantages over using a relay box: it is small, requires no power source, and you don't have to worry about getting it wired up. An RJ-12 cable is all that is needed to go from the interface adapter to your guide port.

                        This adapter uses optocouplers to provide electrical isolation between your computer and your telescope electronics. This helps avoid possible ground loop and noise pickup problems that can be difficult to debug.
                        The Shoestring Astronomy Store - GPUSB

                        More information can be found by clicking here to view the User Manual.

                        Hope this can be of help,



                        • #13
                          Very nice info thanks for sharing it!

                          That system could represent a significant cost and time savings; although it might add some other problems in accuracy of position, because it is PC based.

                          More needs to be seen about the telescope steppers & their controllers themselves (which normally rotate their units in "Y" direction and raise them in "X" azimuth), but the scripting language appears fairly easy to use. Apparently, the box decodes the commands from the software running on the PC and pulls these pins in the RJ45 output jack low; to tell the telescope-mounted stepper controls to start making stepper waves in the specific direction.. So it appears to not actually drive the motors themselves, but "controls" their controllers via the "hard" pins (which would mean the timing of how long the pins are pulled low is absolutely key to position).

                          It may be possible to squeeze a third axis control out of that box too, by "cheating" (should that scripting language allow it): If the "Dec-" and "R-" pins are active at once, then it could represent the "Z-" command, the "Dec+" and "R+" pins active together serve as the "Z+" (and then add some Logic gates at the Plotter end to "decode" it back into 3 separate command lines). So a scratch-built plotting system could use these telescope "auto" stepper units, and cut down on the programming needed considerably (and eliminates the need to use the "Printer Language" to create a "print job" that represents the scan sequence, and instead write a proggy to do it on the PC which would probably be easier).

                          In fact it may be worth it to scrap-out the present electronics in a purchased old X-Y Plotter and replace it with these... And only use the high-precision mechanicals (which would, it is important to note, be very difficult to build from scratch to the exacting standards required for "+/- .25 mm" accuracy).

                          But such a system based on this USB controller may run into an irritating problem seen in instrumentation for over 20 years now when interfacing PC's (and never fully solved to my knowledge lol)... Windows is a damn lazy, "no discipline", Ritalin addict! It has more "random" Interrupts than sense, and it is impossible to keep it's full attention on anything for long Which makes it somewhat problematic for anything having to do with precision timing outputs, since they can be delayed at any time.

                          Here's the sequence of the possible problem: The software controlling the USB box "tells" the "R+" pin to go low... And holds it low for a specific time. But just then, some stupid proggy takes low-level precedence over the PC, and the pin is held low too long (thus the stepper runs too long; and is now hopelessly out of position).

                          Which makes me think such a system run via direct PC command might need a feedback circuit to always tell it where it is, to be safe: Normally, these digital units don't bother with positive feedback, they just start out each "run" by "Zeroing" themselves ( when you first apply power to your ink jet printer, and it traverses back and forth once to "Reset"). I am suspecting the telescope has to do something similar to "Zero itself out" (determine position) when first powered-up. But adding a feedback circuit could be more difficult & expensive than it sounds.


                          • #14
                            Hi jibbguy,

                            If I recall well, they also sell a serial port unit which might give a little more precision.

                            The way the unit guides a telescope is simple up, down and sideways after the telescope has been set (aligned on Polaris and usually 1 or 2 more stars). The software translate the direction to move from a star position in reference to the stored reference coordinates.

                            I am not sure if they have a linux driver but if they have, Fedora FEL might be the distribution to use for program and control. Features/FedoraElectronicLab - FedoraProject

                            Take care,



                            • #15
                              3D mapping.

                              For mapping the 3D shape one could use a turntable then just move the sensor on 2 axis, that way there would be less interference between the magnetic vortexes and the probe/support. A large turntable could be rotate with a stepper motor and a friction drive head leaving out expensive gears.

                              Take care,


