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High Speed Mechanical Switching Vs Transistors (aka purple flashing)

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  • #16

    i just left the circuit as-is.....but removed the spark gap im going.....

    HV-> end of magnets->cfl

    same result...HV side of circuit only draws about 25 mA... interestingly....if i turn the magnets around...the circuit does NOT self osscilate


    • #17
      That's interesting, I don't think any of us ever tried that when we were working with Aromaz's self oscillating circuit.

      That may be proof of the link between magnetic fields and aether..

      I am loathe to tell you to slow down, but I will say you should keep your camera on when you're in the lab. That way when something weird happens you've got a record of it...

      Love and light

      Edit: maybe aetheric current is a linear magnetic field which is why Aromaz found no magnetic field around his wires. And maybe the reason why the circuit doesn't self oscillate is because your circuit is sucking aether from the space around the bulb, into the circuit. But that it can't do that with the magnets acting as an aetheric diode.

      Last edited by Inquorate; 06-28-2009, 11:01 PM.
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #18
        Solution to my relay 'sticking'

        And it will double the switching rate too, or be able to switch two ways alternately.

        I've put 4 more magnets on the wheel, facing the opposite way, so they go n s n s n s n s

        I will have a strip of those bendy razor blades with a magnet attached, and a bic pen spring to encourage the contact to return.

        Here's a sketch

        Love and light
        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • #19
          I hate your phone well the pictures it takes!
          I my head the poles on a magnet are the hydrogen and O2.the electric charge is the same, so you can short the two out with a magnet

          Ether is a carbon static potential it is a homogeneous mixture of its two components, Hydrogen and Oxygen energy.
          If stressed between two potential differences the two componets (as in magnetism)North (Hydrogen energy) and South (Oxtgen energy) we have suction, attraction to the centre which it carbon in the steel rod!

          EVERYTHING is made using this process the Trinity of the Three H and O Plus the carbon static potential all matter comes from this place


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bodkins View Post
            I hate your phone well the pictures it takes!
            I my head the poles on a magnet are the hydrogen and O2.the electric charge is the same, so you can short the two out with a magnet
            Ether is a carbon static potential it is a homogeneous mixture of its two components, Hydrogen and Oxygen energy.
            If stressed between two potential differences the two componets (as in magnetism)North (Hydrogen energy) and South (Oxtgen energy) we have suction, attraction to the centre which it carbon in the steel rod!

            EVERYTHING is made using this process the Trinity of the Three H and O Plus the carbon static potential all matter comes from this place
            hehe, yeah the photos aren't too good from my phone.

            i found this video while at work, but cant hear the sound. still, it looks pretty cool.

            i had thought of wiring up neons like this but hadn't tried it yet.

            Radiant Energy - CrazyMotion!

            and this one too

            YouTube - Bedini Output into Neon
            Last edited by Inquorate; 06-29-2009, 06:51 AM.
            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


            • #21
              YouTube - radiant purple pulser

              Ben i have 3 more videos for you can upload at the moment because im at work,

              next videos are,purple flasher singlewire cap charging, scr purple crazy cant stop it going purple charger, and the Electret with no input lighting a tube and neon.
              so thats Nice
              will upload tonight

              Last edited by Bodkins; 07-01-2009, 11:54 AM.


              • #22
                @ bodkins

                Maybe it is as you say; it is two scalar waves meeting in the neon..

                Which would mean that mechanical switching is more likely to create scalar waves..

                Thanks everyone for your input

                Love and light
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • #23
                  Mark II

                  YouTube - Mechanical Switch - Mark II - 5khz - reliable

                  Ta Da !

                  It is much more dependable than Mark I.

                  Interesting that the spark on switch contact (when running ignition coil) goes purple..

                  Love and light
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • #24

                    A very nicely progressing device, Tesla would be proud :-)


                    • #25
                      Keep up the good work . I currently active in publishing Free Energy in Indonesian language so I have a lot to catch up, but I love your work .


                      • #26
                        YouTube - Radiant singlewire

                        more videos coming

                        YouTube - radiant scr dump

                        I think the pressure waves coming back from the little charge battery hit eack other and your get the purple!

                        YouTube - Radiant sparks
                        theres one more cant upload till later,its good, charging two cap! if i had more caps them i think i can charge LOADS of them from the single wire and one input.
                        very free energy!
                        Last edited by Bodkins; 07-01-2009, 10:44 AM.


                        • #27
                          Side by side switching mechanisms experiment

                          I'm going to have to work out a means for magnetically triggered switches that are designed for rapid switching, if I'm to take this much further..

                          I'm thinking...

                          Will report back

                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • #28
                            What is common between any spark that is purple?
                            Why is any spark purple, is there an answer for the color purple?
                            There are other sparks that are purple, why?
                            Is violet color spark caused by something different or the same, just less purple?

                            I only have questions
                            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                            • #29

                              Purple flashes / sparks would be more energetic, off into the ultraviolet spectrum - so the electrons must be getting a mighty slap on the arse.

                              Why in a neon? Why with some setups only for a while until you reverse the neons legs? Why in other setups virtually constantly? Why sometimes not at all?

                              There's no gas in the neon that should release photons in the ultraviolet spectrum. When excited, the neon gas should release photons in the orange lightband.

                              I'm guessing that when purple, you're seeing a higher aetheric gas content which is more energetic than electron current.

                              Why Purple spark gaps in air?

                              I'd say that the exception proves the rule; so see above info for neon gas.

                              I've only got answers

                              Love and light Randy
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • #30
                                Attempting to throw out the transistor

                                Hi Inquorate!

                                Firstly..great work and thanks for posting all the youtube video (although some seems to hav vanished into the aether of internet-space continuum)

                                I was wondering whether you came up with a good idea other than mechanical (I'm trying to stick to 'solid state') for high speed switching. I'm attempting a number of things but seem to keep burning out my transistors or 555 circuits on the longer term 'heavy duty' voltage tests. Too much power perhaps

                                Either way, I would love something more robust than these heat prone bits of silicon.

                                Thanks again.


