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Converting water to fuel with special electricity

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  • Converting water to fuel with special electricity

    Last saturday night I watched a reality TV show called "Dua Dunia" in Trans7. It mention about a shaman called Ratu who is in charge of a puri at Bali, Indonesia. In the show the shaman is capable of generating electricity where by holding hand the host can light up test pen touched a plant. The thunder heard frequently during this. After that it show how bottled water and coconut water can be made burnable. The host still feel the same taste of the water even after it can be burned. The burning behaviour looks like alcohol. After that Ratu swim to the ocean and show between his hand what look like a plasma ball under water.

    Let's not ignore the question about how a man is capable of doing that. We look at the correlation between lightning, burnable water and plasma. The electricity generated by the shaman is very similar to our radiant oscillator or earth antenna. The same way as our one wire lighting experiment. It is interesting that burnable water is already mentioned by Viktor Schauberger when he did experiment with Lord Kelvin water dropper. Steve Ryan also suggest the possibility to use water to run his motorcycle. Plasma under water is also mentioned in cold fussion, although I don't know if sea water already tried or not. The occurance of lighting during the process is also interesting.

    The show make me believe that we can make water as fuel directly. Something capable of making the shaman capable of doing that should use human knowledge from what I hear. There should be a man long time ago who is capable of doing that using lost technology. I think the secret is in special electric generation, the same kind as generated by Lord Kelvin Water Dropper device.

  • #2
    Reply to Sucahyo:

    This is very interesting, Sucahyo, and perhaps this is the same mysterious force that has been known to cause spontaneous human combustion. From what I understand, 65 to 70% of the human body is composed of water, and you wouldn't expect that it could combust due to an internal source unless the water is somehow converted to a combustible liquid. The shaman must understand how to control this force and focus it externally. Very interesting. Do you know if any video of this has been posted on YouTube?

    Best regards,

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • #3
      Unfortunately I can't find any. Not many people watch TV on PC here.

      There is video link here about a man who can make fire with his hand. Unfortunately I forget where.

      According to Shaolin knowledge, there are many kind of external effect can be produced by man such as fire, wind, coldness, electricity, unknown pushing force, etc. But most of them used to harm / cure other people. Using it to transmute / make water burning is new for me too.

