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Effects of Recirculating BEMF to Coil
Hi Luc, thanks for info update. Yes I noticed that in my tests also, though I would guess it's related to the saturation limit of the coil, so on time would matter. when I pulsed at higher and higher frequencies and with the right duty cycle I was able to get better and better force between my permanent magnet and the coil and better and better performance with increasing voltage. I'm not so sure there may not be benefit in this, I would still run more experiments, I think its worth investigating more.
peace love light
Hi Tyson,
please do more tests...since I could be missing something. I had a hard time with this one
as it seems to trick the mind
Glad to see you're ready to continue testing. Please let me know what you will conclude from your tests good or bad.
Thanks for your help and sharing.
Hi Luc ( me again )
i just re-watched your last video in the series of "recycling bemf".
you tested dumping from a cap without recycling the back emf....and recorded via the high the magnet jumped.
you then recalibrated the voltage required in the push the magnet up to the same height as before..
the values were....
without recycling
200 V @ 58uF = 1.16 J
WITH recycling
84 V @ 58uF = 0.2 J
essentially then... utlising the back emf as you showed gave 6-1 increase in efficiency.
with this in mind...
that clear tube that contained the magnet, could you wrap a coil around it, to use as a pickup coil....and re-run the 2nd test (the one recycling the back emf and using only 0.2J )...and see how much you can collect off the picup coil going to a rectifier and onto another cap?
all of this is assuming you stilll have the rig assmebled etc.
hope this stimulates thought.
David. D
Hello gotoluc
Did you saw my thread about the tweeter ... the vibration transformer that i proposed?
You seem to have the right gear to test it well... if you could give it a try.
I'm missing equipments here where i'm. so i cant do it. hope you can. hope it works
Anything you need i'm here
Best Regards
Ps: the levitation thing is about the same as a how a speaker works however when you add the diode in that configuration you only allow the current to pass in one direction so the energy witch would vibrate the magnet is all concentrated in levitate it.
Hi David and Sebosfato,
thanks for your posts
At this time my lab is packed from a move on July 1st and since June I've been restoring a sailboat I pick-up for $350. which is getting close to being ready for use for the rest of the summer.
I may get back to experiments if the Fall comes early but by the end of October I'll be gone to India for 6 months, so I may leave it all packed.
You may want to read user .99 pdf report of this effect.
Iron pillar of Delhi
Originally posted by gotoluc View PostHi David and Sebosfato,
thanks for your posts
At this time my lab is packed from a move on July 1st and since June I've been restoring a sailboat I pick-up for $350. which is getting close to being ready for use for the rest of the summer.
I may get back to experiments if the Fall comes early but by the end of October I'll be gone to India for 6 months, so I may leave it all packed.
You may want to read user .99 pdf report of this effect.
Good to hear from you!
When in India, stop by Delhi and see the 98+% pure iron rod in Delhi that is over 1,600 years old and 22 feet high and 16 inch diameter and weighs 12,000 lbs if you can. It is a testament to the skill of the ancient Indian metallurgists.
Iron pillar of Delhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Recovery circuit
@Gotuluc, or anyone:
Please be kind enough to tell me how you would wire your diode into this simple Reed Switch magnet motor to return back emf and help power the motor?Attached FilesLast edited by synchro; 07-18-2010, 02:07 AM.
Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Postgotoluc,
Good to hear from you!
When in India, stop by Delhi and see the 98+% pure iron rod in Delhi that is over 1,600 years old and 22 feet high and 16 inch diameter and weighs 12,000 lbs if you can. It is a testament to the skill of the ancient Indian metallurgists.
Iron pillar of Delhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So many incredible things to see in India that one could not see it all in a lifetime.
Originally posted by synchro View Post@Gotuluc, or anyone:
Please be kind enough to tell me how you would wire your diode into this simple Reed Switch magnet motor to return back emf and help power the motor?
you need a higher working voltage to get the effect. If I remember the effect started getting good at 50 volts or over. A reed switch won't be able to handle it and also the pulse on time needs to be very short.
LucLast edited by gotoluc; 07-18-2010, 03:24 AM.
simple motor feedback loop.
Let's say we steped the working voltage up to 50 volts, improved the Reed Switch capacity, 250 volts is the upward limit due to arcing, then switched the magnet rotor to a bi-polar diametric tube. Now we place a posative sensing Reed Switch opposite the first one, to attenuate the pulse, and spaced to time the short pulse duration, like your Dremal timer? This might then come close to being an "Ossie Motor" right?
The other alternative I think to loop flyback would be to use a bifilar coil, and run the seconday through a capacitor and rectifying diode back to the ground, to help charge the battery and run the power coil like the "Ktservicescore" circuit.Last edited by synchro; 07-18-2010, 03:55 PM.
Ossie motor.
50 x HYR-2001 SPST Magnetic Reed Switches Rhodium New | Virtual Village - US
Let's say we scaled up the voltage limit of the Reed Switches in JLN's Ossie motor circuit here to the 200 volts. Do you think we could tie your diode and feed back loop in for extra magnetic force? It's self runing already. Can we super charge it by diverting some bemf back into the power coils for a surge effect, and raise it's coefficient of performance? The timing for short pulse duration is practical with the dual Reed Switches. The "Hi-Voltage self charging flyback loop Ossie Motor"? How do you feel this would work with just one diode accross the coil leads? Check out the "One magnet no bearing Bedini" thread to see how I apply this.Attached FilesLast edited by synchro; 07-19-2010, 12:08 AM.
Originally posted by synchro View Post50 x HYR-2001 SPST Magnetic Reed Switches Rhodium New | Virtual Village - US
Let's say we scaled up the voltage limit of the Reed Switches in JLN's Ossie motor circuit here to the 200 volts. Do you think we could tie your diode and feed back loop in for extra magnetic force? It's self runing already. Can we super charge it by diverting some bemf back into the power coils for a surge effect, and raise it's coefficient of performance? The timing for short pulse duration is practical with the dual Reed Switches. The "Hi-Voltage self charging flyback loop Ossie Motor"? How do you feel this would work with just one diode accross the coil leads? Check out the "One magnet no bearing Bedini" thread to see how I apply this.
I don't know if it would work with Ossie's circuit
Someone would need to try it or someone that's familiar with Ossie's motor would need to look at this topic and see if it could work with it.
Like I said above, I'm going to be out of experimenting for a while.
All the best to you and all
Hi folks, gotoluc said,
something was bothering me about my previous conclusion using my good quality meter to measure the Watts Energy of the pulsing circuit compared to using straight DC. I talked to my Engineer friend and he has confirmed to me what I was thinking. Watts energy has nothing to do with Voltage since you can have thousands of volts going through a resistor and there could be no heat if there is no Watts energy. So Watts energy should be measured by heat dissipation at the Resistor regardless of the voltage.#3 if all the energy that is stored in L1 is first going through R1 then that amount of energy will be affected by the Resistance of R1 and will heat the resistance of R1. You cannot bypass the energy that is FIRST going though R1 which IS THE SAME Resistance as R2 and dissipate it in R2 and say R2 is heating more because some of that same amount of energy that FIRST went through R1 was able to bypass the resistance of R1. Do you realize how absurd of an argument this is!#5, are you also considering that when Q1 is switched off and L1 is sending back all its stored energy though R2 which is outputting more heat then R1, the first resistor that SAME AMOUNT OF ENERGY it had to go though (which you believe to be normal) but you are forgetting that some of the energy makes it through R2 and goes BACK in L1 and keeps a one pound magnet levitating! So in fact I'm not even close to dissipating all the energy in R2 that was able to mysteriously slip through R1.
And here Aaron points out plainly that the suggested capacitor measuring setup neutralizes gains or in my opinion is meant to conceal the truth of reality.
I don't know the status of your testing at this very moment but heard about the recommended test with the meter. It gobbles the gain. Your circuit and demonstrations are easily OU.