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Effects of Recirculating BEMF to Coil

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  • Seamonkey,

    all those things employing "kickback"and resonance have been extensively studied by many members as well myself.

    I have not encountered a "grey" area in those circuits. Taking into consideration each circuit's parameters all behave more or less the same and no OU ever noticed in them in anyway (in any setup as claimed). Either employing a storage battery or whatever. People like Bedini have been widely known by circulating those myths and have gained a "flock" of believers (and no see-ers)

    On the other hand, something that understood after much thought, this is a hobby enthousiasts' site. People would investigat and be amazed by those things no matter what.

    So be it. Let science be silent and para-normal science speak :P


    • Thank you baroutologos for writing this

      All my experiments have brought me to the same place of no OU also

      I recently bought a solar panel to charge my sailboat battery.



      • bar & goto.......i couldnt agree for B*dini & his "technology"......i have just one comment..... "pffft"


        • Originally posted by baroutologos View Post

          all those things employing "kickback"and resonance have been extensively studied by many members as well myself.

          I have not encountered a "grey" area in those circuits. Taking into consideration each circuit's parameters all behave more or less the same and no OU ever noticed in them in anyway (in any setup as claimed). Either employing a storage battery or whatever. People like Bedini have been widely known by circulating those myths and have gained a "flock" of believers (and no see-ers)

          On the other hand, something that understood after much thought, this is a hobby enthusiasts' site. People would investigate and be amazed by those things no matter what.

          So be it. Let science be silent and para-normal science speak :P
          I'm not certain what you mean by "gray area" in your
          statement above. Would you care to elaborate?

          I noticed in some of the observations made during the
          course of this thread' discussion that current measured
          in the input versus output was considered to be "proof"
          of "overunity." Unless that measured current is further
          converted to Power it is not possible to draw any
          conclusion. Oftentimes, casual observations can be
          very "misleading."

          You're correct regarding the "flock of believers" who
          seem to have little understanding of "Radiant Energy"
          and what sort of electrical activity is capable of
          producing it reliably.

          "Enthusiasts" should be both "enthused" and "encouraged"
          to find answers. And, I agree, there is "Truth" which is
          yet to be found. Institutionalized Higher Education and
          Degrees are not needed for the pursuit of that "Truth."

          But, we must be wary of any claims of "Overunity" or of
          "Radiant Energy" and be prepared to examine them
          thoroughly. Put them to the "Test" so to speak.

          Are you saying that Bedini's statements with respect
          to "Overunity" are myth?

          Resonance does have some very unique properties.
          Last edited by SeaMonkey; 09-09-2010, 09:08 PM. Reason: Omission of Word


          • Resonance not,but parametric resonance yes.They have peculiar feature - exponential rise of energy or "time compressed" resonance.
            That simply means that you can get out energy from such circuit at the linear rate, yet circuit will still show energy gain !!!!

            Here you are free energy! From time domain manipulation...


            • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
              Resonance not,but parametric resonance yes.They have peculiar feature - exponential rise of energy or "time compressed" resonance.
              That simply means that you can get out energy from such circuit at the linear rate, yet circuit will still show energy gain !!!!

              Here you are free energy! From time domain manipulation...
              Can you offer an explanation of how to
              accomplish this "resonance" and the
              power extraction process?

              It is true that Tesla made such observations with
              his out of doors Magnifying Transmitters. But he
              understood the source of the additional energy
              buildup and how his transmitters were being pumped
              by atmospheric electricity.


              • @ Seamonkey,

                I have not an EE degree neither had any previous involvement with the electricity's properties.
                What i was suggested (by popular readings in the FE area) to read the and the consequent experiments i have conducted, the observations made in comparison to standard science teachings (that i read also), i have not encountered any "grey zones". Meaning neither OU as texts claim or other observations that science suggests.

                Anyways, Gotoluc i admire (really) your long hands on experience on the FE field and i wish your conclusions would not agreed with mine. But Lord's rules cannot be bend or altered at will or by the methods suggested so far. (we are not there yet)

                Credit should be given to people who deserved it and others should be discredited.


                • Bar,

                  i agree, was/is a pleasure to watch goto's relentless pursuit to the best of his abilities and also fun when i had the opportunity to join in too here & there


                  • Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                    @ Seamonkey,

                    I have not an EE degree neither had any previous involvement with the electricity's properties.
                    What i was suggested (by popular readings in the FE area) to read the and the consequent experiments i have conducted, the observations made in comparison to standard science teachings (that i read also), i have not encountered any "grey zones". Meaning neither OU as texts claim or other observations that science suggests.

                    Anyways, Gotoluc i admire (really) your long hands on experience on the FE field and i wish your conclusions would not agreed with mine. But Lord's rules cannot be bend or altered at will or by the methods suggested so far. (we are not there yet)

                    Credit should be given to people who deserved it and others should be discredited.

                    In the early days of electricity many discoveries
                    were made; at a time when devices had to be
                    made by hand, when correspondence with colleagues
                    was by handwriting with weeks or months between
                    replies, and without the high-tech instrumentation
                    that we have today at our convenience.

                    Those early 'pioneers' seeking answers were very
                    much like the experimenters of this age. Unfortunately,
                    we have advantages they did not have and as an
                    unforeseen consequence (having been spoiled by
                    easy living and instantaneous need for gratification) we
                    have lost the "patience" that is needed for serious

                    We seem to have lost our desire for "learning" and
                    instead seek "shortcuts" and "instant success."

                    We tend to be "sloppy" in our methodology and when
                    we stumble upon something that was discovered
                    long ago, we are quick to believe we've made some
                    brilliant new discovery. If only we had read some

                    Oh well, there really is nothing "new" under the Sun.

                    But there is something very interesting about
                    resonance. How it is possible to build a reservoir of
                    enormous energy and to keep it "circulating" with
                    well timed "flicks" of input each cycle or two.

                    If we are able to find some way to sustain the
                    "resonance" with input from the "vacuum" then
                    we may find what we are seeking.

                    Some have claimed to have already found "it!"

                    I'm not holding my breath...
                    Last edited by SeaMonkey; 09-13-2010, 01:08 AM. Reason: Spelling...


                    • Thanks baroutologos and rave154 for your positive comments.

                      I agree with SeaMonkey that the effects of Resonance are interesting and is something that still interests me to further study but it will have to be some time later because I had to pack up my lab since I'll be away to India for 6 months starting November.

                      For the past 3 years I was using a free space in a friends home to do this research since I don't have a home.

                      I enjoyed learning and hopefully will be back with new ideas when I return.

                      All the best to the new research to come.



                      • @Seamonkey,

                        overally you are speaking the truth regarding discovering and experimenting.
                        It takes years or even lifetimes of hard work, thinking and devine inspiration.

                        I never claimed to be an original experimenter like Tesla or Edison or even a dedicated backyard experimenter. At best myself and others have been replicators of schemes that were told to produce OU and sadly found out they do not.

                        The story ends here. If any remarkable discovery in this field can happen with relative simple means i will be happy to try to replicate it, but i am not capable to pursue any original experimenting myself since i lack resources and inspiration for the time.


                        • Originally posted by baroutologos View Post

                          overall you are speaking the truth regarding discovering and experimenting.
                          It takes years or even lifetimes of hard work, thinking and divine inspiration.

                          I never claimed to be an original experimenter like Tesla or Edison or even a dedicated backyard experimenter. At best myself and others have been replicators of schemes that were told to produce OU and sadly found out they do not.

                          The story ends here. If any remarkable discovery in this field can happen with relative simple means i will be happy to try to replicate it, but i am not capable to pursue any original experimenting myself since i lack resources and inspiration for the time.
                          The story need not end here. Many of us
                          lack the resources to do all that we would
                          like to do.

                          Fortunately, much work is being done by those
                          who do have the resources and the facilities.

                          Their efforts are well documented in the process
                          and later made available to all as technical reports,
                          applications notes, data sheets, & cetera...

                          As you've no doubt found the internet has made
                          it very easy to find these very enlightening reports
                          which we can assimilate to enhance our understanding
                          and broaden our horizons.

                          One thing leads to another; then on to another;
                          next thing you know you're up to your armpits in...


                          • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                            Thanks baroutologos and rave154 for your positive comments.

                            I agree with SeaMonkey that the effects of Resonance are interesting and is something that still interests me to further study but it will have to be some time later because I had to pack up my lab since I'll be away to India for 6 months starting November.

                            For the past 3 years I was using a free space in a friends home to do this research since I don't have a home.

                            I enjoyed learning and hopefully will be back with new ideas when I return.

                            All the best to the new research to come.


                            You are a gentle soul and you've found the good path.

                            Please do not be discouraged by my observations.

                            You are helping to "open the eyes" of many.

                            You have a gift.

                            We all look forward to your continued work.

