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Effects of Recirculating BEMF to Coil

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  • #16
    yes, i never did understand why NO ONE ever bothered to try to send it back into the main bits of the curcuit, even after many many folk asked them to do exactly that....kind of a dry point in this fun revolution i felt, so, go for it, run it back, post and lets not loose anymore time procrastinating(big word for an ozzie)!!!
    great work guys !!
    thanks for posting hope


    • #17
      Originally posted by ABCStore View Post
      Hi, gotoluc

      Very interesting effect, indeed. I wonder how bifilar coil would react with secondary winding being fed BEMF through the diode. Potentially incorporating this into SSG...


      Edit: trifilar, not bifilar, with one of the secondaries lopd back via a diode
      Hi ABC,

      thanks for your positive post and worthy idea. I must admit that after finding this effect I did try a Bedini circuit I had but did not find any benefit, however I'm no Bedini expert and just used a external trigger coil. Maybe someone else can try it.

      At everyone: One thing that is a must is to be able to adjust the pulse duration in order to only charge the coil to give out a good kickback, anything more on the on period will just be wasted energy since it is not the on pulse that does the work here but the quality of the switch off kickback from what my test are showing. It can do much more work if a permanent magnet is used. The stronger the magnet the stronger the work output.



      • #18
        Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
        Hi folks, Hi gotoluc, great work you are doing and i've watched almost all your vids. You are keeping things simple which i feel nature actually is simple. Not sure if you noticed but these current experiments your doing are very similar to the Rosemary Ainslie thread where she is also routing the collapsing magnetic field back through the original circuit. Great stuff, of course im running tests myself and all your experiments have merit. Thane Heins and his perpetia generator are very similar also, since he short circuits his coils which is basically what your doing and others as well. Keep it up the great work, the universe is watching.
        peace love light
        Hi SkyWatcher,

        thanks for your positive post I did look at the Rosemary Ainslie thread and hope something good will come from it. It's interesting you mentioned that because some days after I found the effect I noticed some heat buildup at certain frequencies and then came across her thread. I now see that she has joined and am hopeful she will lead us to economical heating for this winter.

        As for Thane Heins,... he is full of it... just kidding ... I have known him for 10 years and have worked with him at Ottawa University lab for some months. He is a good man and I'm quite sure his perpetia generator technology will be used with the Inductive Kickback Motor that I will build to demonstrate that a powerful motor can be built using this usually wasted energy.



        • #19
          Im not entirely sure if this is good or bad or neutral news, however it may be worth consideration.

          In a squirrel cage motor or other similar device, the secondary (rotor windings) is shorted. Because of the way inductive time constants work, the lower your resistance, the longer it takes for the energy to dissipate. Thus a shorted winding means lowest possible resistance for the coil in question, meaning the magnetic field takes a bit longer to dissipate, and it can effectively push off of the primary for a longer portion of the stroke.

          What you have done here is short the primary coil into itself, and have a similar effect. This causes the field to take longer to collapse which may have a more visible effect on the magnet. It is a new twist on an older idea.

          As always, great work Gotoluc.


          • #20
            Hi Armagdn03,

            thanks for dropping in and as usual posting some good comments and considerations.

            Since I have your attention I have something that I don't quite understand ... if we are elongating the coils pulse by recirculating the inductive kickback then why am I not seeing that on my scope shot in test 2 video?... we see the on off with kickback but when I flip the switch to recirculate the kickback it gets consumed but we see no extending of the wave form!... why is this and what is giving the extra push on the magnet that the scope can't pickup?

            Thanks for taking the time to share.

            Last edited by gotoluc; 07-05-2009, 05:42 AM.


            • #21
              Collapsing one coil into another

              I've been wondering what would happen if we put the collapsing field into a second coil; will the second coil do real work with the 'fluffy' voltage, and how would it look on a scope?

              Also it would provide a differential between a shorted coil and one energized with radiant..
              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • #22
                this thread is getting VERY interesting :-)


                • #23
                  colliding magnetic fields

                  Hi Gotoluc

                  It seems to me that there could be a standing residual magnetic field from the initial short pulse input. Then the magnetic field of the bemf rapidly collapses into this standing field. The result is like two like poles of magnets being forced together, which squirts the magnetic fields out the ends of the magnets. The speed of collapse is faster than the standing wave builds. So, in effect, you have built a magnetic amplifier. The lines of force streaming out the coil ends levitate the heavy magnet.

                  There is a Bedini motor design somewhere that uses two like poles glued together forming a single rotor pole. This will result in a lase- like magnetic beam hitting the stator coil. This is supposed to have higher flux density than attraction mode?

                  If your coil was a bi-filar, you would have more options like maybe this example: Scroll down to fig. 19


                  The above link is a good tutorial for people like me who have trouble with circuits.



                  • #24
                    Great work !

                    Hi gotoluc

                    I have been a lurker of your work for some time.

                    IMHO you have the gift of trying new stuff, observing and asking questions, and not the least doing presentations for the rest of us.

                    The opposite is the ones judging others work from "knowledge" based on brainwashing education, and though no experiments are done, posts are flowing from their keyboards continuously. Sorry for this observation seen in other threads, no one mentioned, no one forgotten.

                    Maybe your work here is not new for some, but anyway you do a great job doing these experiments and composing your videos to present the findings in an easy understandable way. You are excellent doing your video presentations.

                    You said you tried the Bedini motor, but what about trying this also:

                    Just 2 magnets on a spring loaded arm and adding your coil to see what happens.

                    I have the ambition to build an electric motor bottom up, so besides doing experiments from other threads I watch the good ideas popping up. When I'm ready I will join those ideas to some of my own. Right now I'm subject to 24/7 on other stuff.

                    Please continue doing your excellent work, although feeling alone sometimes because of lurkers like me



                    • #25
                      Hi Luc
                      I like your comment one having the shortest pos.pulse,just long enough for the current to rise to max.then off to get the kick back,I prob.don,t know what I talking about,but what if a pulse motor was fed with the above,in other words,the pulse fed to the coil was also pulsed,so as to have many kick backs per pulse,then we could get back nearly the all energy used,plus the energy from the machine,maybe some Mr T type coils around the rotor.
                      Anyway,good luck all.


                      • #26
                        Hi folks, Hi Gotoluc, I as well noticed the conversation in the other forum and almost seems he is making a strawman argument. Luc could you try and power your coil without the diode using pulses as you are now, but apply enough power to give the same levitation as you now have, then that would give us a comparison on the power needed to levitate that huge magnet without the collapsed field being used. Man that's a big magnet, lol.
                        peace love light


                        • #27
                          gotoluc@ great work on the reeds switching Im guessing it tool some time to get the right
                          I have alot of experence with reed myself but to come at it from the direction you are is fantastic!

                          But one thing Im hoping you may try is a negative of the powering battery connected to ground, you see i think the shuttering of the reed may give you the option of charging cap from the movement of energy!
                          this is very simple to do and will get you a energy collection for free, well i hope for free but I need someone of your skill to look at it.

                          heres is a link to the setup two diodes and one cap thats it, I use 1200v 2uf cap and tigger a scr with a neon to dump it in to another battery to charge,you can used 250v caps.


                          Im useing another setup but it should work.
                          YouTube - Mutli Cap Singlewire Charging Tesla

                          YouTube - One Wire charging off a pickup Coil

                          gotoluc it would take you 2 minute to try it and the result maybe very postive!
                          love and light


                          • #28
                            Vid # 2 seemed to have sliped past my watchful eye. Im glad you quashed my theory into the ground! gives me something to think about, being wrong is an opportunity.

                            As for why the magnet levitates, the waveform you showed speaks volumes. With the switch off, you have a reverse polarity region after the off portion of your cycle. With your switch on, this is no longer there. So in one instance you have a push, then a pull against the magnet, no net gain on "levitation", and in the second instance you have no reversal, and so it is continually pushing.

                            Very interesting, and thanks again for sharing.

                            Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                            Hi Armagdn03,

                            thanks for dropping in and as usual posting some good comments and considerations.

                            Since I have your attention I have something that I don't quite understand ... if we are elongating the coils pulse by recirculating the inductive kickback then why am I not seeing that on my scope shot in test 2 video?... we see the on off with kickback but when I flip the switch to recirculate the kickback it gets consumed but we see no extending of the wave form!... why is this and what is giving the extra push on the magnet that the scope can't pickup?

                            Thanks for taking the time to share.



                            • #29
                              Excellent video Luc.

                              The ringing appears to be the high coil discharging into the supply battery. When the switch is closed, the coil discharge (not BEMF) is close looped, thus creating enough time duration and current to levitate the magnet. When the switch is open, the voltage across the switching mosfet will rise, as it does with the SG monopole motor, to light a neon connected across the collector / emitter junction of the switching transistor. With the switch open, the high voltage coil discharge will take the lowest resistance path to close the loop, which is the battery. This accounts for the slightly higher supply current being measured whilst the switch is open, as the battery terminal voltage is higher with the switch in this condition. The most efficient transfer of power through the system is whilst a low impedance load, is placed directly across the coil / inductor, in this case a virtual short circuit via a 'freewheel' diode.



                              • #30
                                Hi gotoluc,

                                In my opinion, the levitating magnet is as Armagdn03 described (post #28). It is also a common experiment done (Boyd Bushman).

                                Incorporate this to my understanding and different experiments I did. The explaination is described in my diagram below.

                                When the recirc line is open, it operate as a voltage spike. When it shut, it operates as mini voltge spikes and oscillating circuit mode. If you have the right frequency to this oscillating circuit mode, it is call resonant frequency and have effect as resonant circuit recieved resonant frequency. Hope this helps.
                                Attached Files

