Traveling across the Atlantic Ocean on a yacht purely powered by renewable energy sources, mainly wind, should be possible in less than a week!
According to the concept, such a yacht would be powered
a) primarily by kites achieving high speed (planing) mode at strong winds,
b) additionally by electric engines supplied by (solar modules / generator charged) batteries, if there's no or little wind.
For a), kite control technology (e.g. as used by SkySails*-*Home en ) would be necessary.
You find all details at: Kite yacht
I would like to get your opinion about the concept and my draft calculation. (Feel free to download the .html, open it with e.g. Excel and play around on your own).
Any feedback will be highly appreciated!
Thanks and regards,

According to the concept, such a yacht would be powered
a) primarily by kites achieving high speed (planing) mode at strong winds,
b) additionally by electric engines supplied by (solar modules / generator charged) batteries, if there's no or little wind.
For a), kite control technology (e.g. as used by SkySails*-*Home en ) would be necessary.
You find all details at: Kite yacht
I would like to get your opinion about the concept and my draft calculation. (Feel free to download the .html, open it with e.g. Excel and play around on your own).
Any feedback will be highly appreciated!
Thanks and regards,