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  • #46
    The B-H curve in an Inductor - Charges in Caps

    Here are some thoughts on inductors and capacitors.

    The equations people use in electronics for resonance and reactance are for the steady-state - linear situation only.
    There is no accounting for START UP phenomenon. Nor is there a concern
    about mutual induction -- which makes the calculus a bit nasty.

    re: Inductors.
    If they have a ferromagnetic material in them, they will
    not be linear but will rather have a larger inductance
    subject to the material's B-H curve. That curve, however,
    is gotten again in a very steady-state, closed-system sort of way.
    The B-H curve is useless when MUTUAL induction is in the picture.

    If the inductor is subject to other flux fields from other magnetic
    field altering devices out there, your coil's inductance is a bit
    tricky to determine.

    MagAmp designers knew how to do this -- a lost art.

    Interestingly, when inductance increases, the resonance frequency
    changes as well (going lower). The power output is altered depending upon
    the input frequency. So in this way one can have a GAIN or a LOSS
    depending upon the flux set up in the coil from outside influences.
    With two COILs (or more), the mutual inductance can make things
    quite complicated ... almost like a chaos system with initial conditions
    resulting in bounded chaos.

    re: Capacitance

    C = Q/V

    Who is to say that a capacitor device MUST get its Q (charge)
    from ONLY the circuit. If C is to be held at a constant,
    if something outside the capacitor (and outside the circuit)
    was able to inject into the capacitor additional charge,
    the V value would need to rise proportional to Q to maintain a constant
    C. The capacitor has a physical limit as to how much charge
    it can hold -- a function of its geometry -- which will dictate how
    high the voltage can go (or how many Joules can be held in storage).

    One could imagine a capacitor that has the plate connections for the circuit, but also interfaces with a source of charge arriving to it from OUTSIDE the circuit -- charging it.

    If you have a large enough surface area, the particles from space will gradually charge your capacitor. This is well known.
    If you had a magnetic vortex that focused charges down to your plate, like a magnetic tornado, your capacitor should charge up faster.

    Enter the Coilpacitor

    Why not have the capacitor be INSIDE the coil?

    The coil is a nice source of spinning magnetic fields when operating.
    The capacitor can have plates that are exposed to these fields.
    These two devices seem made for each other and should be married.

    A coilpacitor would be a non-linear device. The more current you
    put in your coil, the larger the magnetic field, which could convey
    a larger charge into the capacitor.
    If they are used as a traditional tank circuit, the collection of
    charges by the capacitor, given to the coil, can help with the
    collection of more charges, and so on up to some equilibrium point.


    If such a coilpacitor tank circuit could be constructed with a very small resistance (superconductivity?), it would do more than RING forever.
    Its power would BUILD, regeneratively,
    because all charges collected would be added
    to the resonant wave -- building it in amplitude, larger and larger.

    Resistance is the LOSS of charges in the system due
    to heat or mechanical vibration or other energy expressions such
    as mutual inductive drag. If the charges entering the coilpacitor
    can be balanced with those being taken away to run a load
    and due to losses, the system reaches equilibrium w/o violating
    any laws of physics.

    Someone analyzing a circuit with a coilpacitor or other complex mutual inductances & charging in their system might conclude they have so called "negative resistance" -- as they try to think of the system using
    the MATH that assumes a more simpler-linear-steady-state system.


    • #47
      instability == good

      I found this bit to pass along from
      "Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Volume 4, 1916".
      On page 113 there is a discussion of instability which refers
      to the attached diagram.

      It discusses how in a magnetic amplifier if the voltage vs amp curve
      reaches a point where the alternator (input ac) part of the curve
      and the amplifier part of the curve become parallel -- instability
      occurs in the form of a self-excited oscillation.

      "This is a condition that must be avoided for telephone control.."

      However, for power, it might be very desirable to get oscillations
      with minimal input. What I find interesting is that the curve
      remains parallel -- in the instability zone -- with a high current
      and low voltage.
      Attached Files


      • #48
        Magnet Tuning - Make-and-Break Generator

        This experiment was inspired by MJH's helpful recollection that the BAR was near or attached to the solenoids, not the horseshoe magnet.
        If the magnetic LOOP, created by the bar and solenoids is a "make-and-break" magnetic generator, that would be one way to create power using the horseshoe magnet. It would also create an oscillating magnetic field for the coil-capacitors to respond to due to mutual induction.

        YouTube - Magnetic Tuning (Hendershot Fuelless Generator)


        • #49
          good stuff again morpher , keep goin


          • #50
            Usual when you turn the Poles from the Horseshoe magnet, Amperage should raise for Voltage Drop.
            Maybe you can switch to measure Ampere.

            I love your Vids too, lol a lot of interesting Stuff in there.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • #51
              measuring amperage

              Originally posted by Joit View Post
              Usual when you turn the Poles from the Horseshoe magnet, Amperage should raise for Voltage Drop.
              Maybe you can switch to measure Ampere.
              I was measuring AC voltage btw across a 15ohm resistor. So you can
              derive current I=V/R.
              I also tried what you suggested .. to measure the current ... and see the same
              rising of current (as the voltage was rising) and opposite in the opposite polarity.
              The oscillating BAR is producing current in the coils.
              Last edited by morpher44; 08-02-2009, 06:22 PM.


              • #52
                Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                I was measuring AC voltage btw across a 15ohm resistor. So you can
                derive current I=V/R.
                I also tried what you suggested .. to measure the current ... and see the same
                rising of current (as the voltage was rising) and opposite in the opposite polarity.
                The oscillating BAR is producing current in the coils.
                Thats pretty nice, Thanks for doing that.
                What i found out mostly was, that Voltage OR Current goes up, just not both.
                It pretty looks like as a gap, to get aditional Power out.
                Another guessing from me is, that the right distance from the Magnet to the Coils can make a Different. Right Placed, it seems to have a sweet spot.

                Btw, there is another Doc from W. Thurner, he did investigate Colers Apparatus something.

                I only can give you the Links, and a crude google translation, i didnt translate it all now.

                Google Übersetzer

                You need to look the Pictures, and read the Text from the translated Version or it doenst make sense.
                Anyhow, i could not copy it to here proper.
                At the translated Version you see right Side Top the Page Number,
                and you can compare the Pictures with the Text.

                Interesting there, that he says, the Permanent Magnet Rod acts like a Conductor, and interacting with the Coil will cause a Point charge, which cause further an avalanche Effect.

                And anyhow, it looks like, you are pretty close to this Point with the Magnet.
                Last edited by Joit; 08-02-2009, 10:47 PM.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • #53
                  Hans Coler

                  Originally posted by Joit View Post
                  Btw, there is another Doc from W. Thurner, he did investigate Colers Apparatus something.
                  Thank you for the links.
                  I found this one which is in English.

                  Hans Coler « South Tyrol

                  I hadn't heard of Hans Color. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


                  • #54
                    Hi all,

                    You will find the Hans Coler report on rexresearch also:
                    Hans Coler's "Magnetstromapparat" & "Stromzeuger" (British Intelligence Objectives SubCommittee Report #1043

                    And my first attempt at replicating on overunity:
                    Captain Hans Coler (Kohler) Magnetstromapparat (Magnet Power Apparatus)

                    The second attempt will be this fall and will get more out of it with better parts and much info I got from the first model.

                    Take care,



                    • #55
                      Make-Break Power Generation

                      I found this video useful

                      YouTube - Permanent magnet generator with no relative motion between magnet and coil


                      • #56
                        I did see now rebuilds from Coler, but seems all cant get something out from it.
                        Anyhow there must be something else there, even his carefully adjusting seems to be hard.
                        But i think i would take Magnet rods as Core, but one is about 30€, kinda expensive just for a Try. when i need 6.
                        Maybe i will find once a Way to make Magnets by my own.
                        But it is an interesting Device anyway, i played once only with 2 Magnets around and could get 0,1V over Time out, when i faced same Poles to eachother and fixed them, to stay close to eachother.

                        This last Video here is a simple Fluxgenerator, and anyhow i am not sure, how much Energy you can get out from it, just light up a Led isnt that much.
                        Even when i compare with that Size of the Coil and the Magnet.
                        The most Current comes out, when the Magnet is very close at the Wires.

                        But maybe the Fluxpath works better with something like Flynns Parallel path,
                        but this even reminds very hard at Ed Leedscalin and his Permanent Magnet Holder.
                        And he said beside, when a Northpole chase a Southpole, you can have unlimited Energy.
                        The PMH actually works, just give a pulse of Current into the 2 Coils, and you get a temporary Magnet, till you take the Parts apart.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • #57
                          Hi joit,

                          If you read the book "Daniel Davis Jr - Manual of Magnetism 1842", you will see a mention of the PMH where it is said that once you remove the source energizing the coils on the magnetic holder, you are only left with 1/3 to 1/2 of the magnetic pull (dependent on the construction) on the holder. This PMH was known and studied long before Ed Leedskalnin was born and there are no miracle to it.

                          By the way, my version 1 of the Hans Kohler Magnetstromapparat was the first in 55 years to have shown any output, low or high.

                          Take care,



                          • #58
                            Hi Michelinho,
                            I did not read the Book, but will do, i did download it now.
                            Well the Miracle at the PMH is, that the Magnetism stays there, till its broken.
                            Usual, you dont get this teached. and most Peoples are astounded, when you show it someone, and it s actually unlogical after all the conventional Theories.
                            And i still wonder, why it is not more used in certain Configurations, i am pretty sure, there would be an use for it.
                            And right, E.L. i think, did tell a lot of Stuff, what he did read and only did adding a bit more to it.
                            But i think too, it would be still usefull, when you would know all, what he did know.

                            It seems quite a bit more Energy into this Circulation as only the Half or 1/3,
                            once, i placed 2 PHM one above the other with identical Coils and Ironcores, did lead it back into the first 2 coils, used another Cap to buff the Energy.
                            It was only a bit to less, that it did selfsubstaining when i fired itup with a 9V Block, i did hear the both Horseshoe Irons whistle higher and higher, what did means, frequency did go up, and it lost slowly the Power.
                            After that my Plan was, to make something similar to the Parallelpath, and try again, but Time is passing by to fast all time.

                            But, tell more about your Coler, i guess you mentioned once something about 1 V or something?
                            Right now, i am guessing anyhow, it depends at the Load for the coils, i had some godd Results there with a proper Load.
                            But i think, its in this case the Aircoils, what maybe need to moved Right, beside adjusting the Magnetcoils well, lol.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • #59
                              Hi joit,

                              I have downloaded quite a few old books on magnetism and electricity from and the one I am reading now is called: "Magnetic induction in iron and other metals (1900)" by J. A. Ewing. Very nice read so far.

                              From that read, the PMH would work like a circular magnet up until you break off the keeper and the iron returns to its non magnetized state. That would also implies that the magnetic flux is equal everywhere so the amount of pull on the keeper would be just how well the U and the keeper saturate.

                              For the Magnetstromapparat, I can tell you that it gives its best output when oriented from South to North and its lowest oriented from East to West. So far, I was able to extract 0.112V from it but that is just the crappy version 1 with a few tweaks. I want to reach 1.0V with the version 2 and that should be an easy reach. I am looking for hints in those old books because Kohler's idea came from previous knowledge for sure just like Leedskalnin.

                              Take care,



                              • #60
                                Hendershot meets Leedskalnin

                                I've been considering the idea that Hendershot was using an idea simimlar to the Leedskalnin perpetual motion holder.
                                Hendershot has a horseshoe magnet - solenoid device that likely serves as generator in his fuelless generator. But how?

                                Watch some of my latest experiments along these lines:

                                YouTube - Hendershot meets Leedskalnin (Perpetual Clapper)

