anonymous comments
And you name is Jbigness? Do you have the confidence to put your face and your name to anything you are saying whatsoever?
The principle I have shared is ACCURATE and if you don't get it, it is because you choose not to understand it and not because the principle is flawed.
My view has to broaden?
Your view is a dime a dozen and is nothing is simply the conventional viewpoint, which is known to be completely flawed.
The open system and systems I describe ARE open systems and if you deny that, you are seriously misinformed and it is only your own viewpoint that needs to be broadened.
You can believe in the delusional view that something lifted against gravity at any height is "STORING" energy if you want but that just proves you have the conventional viewpoint of what potential is, which is absolutely and completely flawed as a matter of fact.
Your potential that is stored is an IMAGINARY concept, which dosen't exist in the physical world and you cannot show any change in the intrinsic property of an apple at an increased height.
If an apple is lying on the ground and I dig a hole next to it 10 feet deep, relative to the apple resting on the ground level, the conventional viewpoint would suddenly manifest a fictitious and delusional amount of potential that is suddenly supposed to be stored in that apple.
I mean, anyone that believes that is seriously committed to self deception.
What changed in the apple by having 10 feet of depth suddenly manifest next to the apple lying on the ground? Not a single thing! That is because there is NO SUCH THING as storing potential. You can only create a potential difference that allows potential to be tapped and put to work.
The apple resting at any height has no stored potential from it being raised. That is ridiculous. If I hold it in my hand completely still at 6 feet above ground, there is no sudden amount of increased potential in that apple compared to it lying on the ground period. There is NO POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE that the apple sees while it is completely still at that height. ONLY when I let go is there a potential difference, gravity imparts a push on the apple and the apple hits the ground and produces work (and also produced work moving against air resistance)...that work added to what was necessary to lift the apple is MORE than what I had to provide.
You can say the hand holding the apple to begin with is the originating system, that is fine - the very moment the apple is let go of and gravitational potential is then able to be tapped by the apple, at that point, the system GROWS and GROWS and GROWS until the apple is at a dead rest.
Each time the system GROWS, more work is able to be extracted by the free potential and all that cumulative work is added together and is MORE than what was necessary to get the system started.
Again, a BOUNCING BALL IS OVER 1.0 COP whether you like it or not.
And you name is Jbigness? Do you have the confidence to put your face and your name to anything you are saying whatsoever?
The principle I have shared is ACCURATE and if you don't get it, it is because you choose not to understand it and not because the principle is flawed.
My view has to broaden?
Your view is a dime a dozen and is nothing is simply the conventional viewpoint, which is known to be completely flawed.
The open system and systems I describe ARE open systems and if you deny that, you are seriously misinformed and it is only your own viewpoint that needs to be broadened.
You can believe in the delusional view that something lifted against gravity at any height is "STORING" energy if you want but that just proves you have the conventional viewpoint of what potential is, which is absolutely and completely flawed as a matter of fact.
Your potential that is stored is an IMAGINARY concept, which dosen't exist in the physical world and you cannot show any change in the intrinsic property of an apple at an increased height.
If an apple is lying on the ground and I dig a hole next to it 10 feet deep, relative to the apple resting on the ground level, the conventional viewpoint would suddenly manifest a fictitious and delusional amount of potential that is suddenly supposed to be stored in that apple.

What changed in the apple by having 10 feet of depth suddenly manifest next to the apple lying on the ground? Not a single thing! That is because there is NO SUCH THING as storing potential. You can only create a potential difference that allows potential to be tapped and put to work.
The apple resting at any height has no stored potential from it being raised. That is ridiculous. If I hold it in my hand completely still at 6 feet above ground, there is no sudden amount of increased potential in that apple compared to it lying on the ground period. There is NO POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE that the apple sees while it is completely still at that height. ONLY when I let go is there a potential difference, gravity imparts a push on the apple and the apple hits the ground and produces work (and also produced work moving against air resistance)...that work added to what was necessary to lift the apple is MORE than what I had to provide.
You can say the hand holding the apple to begin with is the originating system, that is fine - the very moment the apple is let go of and gravitational potential is then able to be tapped by the apple, at that point, the system GROWS and GROWS and GROWS until the apple is at a dead rest.
Each time the system GROWS, more work is able to be extracted by the free potential and all that cumulative work is added together and is MORE than what was necessary to get the system started.
Again, a BOUNCING BALL IS OVER 1.0 COP whether you like it or not.