There is a cause to the waves. Take the moon out of the equation and you loose the waves. We do not understand the back ground causes and effects and what it would do to suck in mass from the effect. You ever heard of feed back?
Even, that the Moon is not the Cause for the Waves.
Take a Geysir for example, when it explode, and you stand beside,
do you really think there is a Feedback to the Source?
Maybe your Body, what slowly dies, is feed back to the Source, yes,
but the Geysir wont care, if there is something outside, when it explodes.
At last, you maybe wanny tell us, how healthy the conventional Way of Physic is, and Free Energie cannot exist and Peoples stop looking for it.
Yeah, we all see, how good you are, destroy the Enviroment systematically,
mostly lead into the wrong way, and
found any 10 Years a new Science, how Things are now, and the old Insights are outdatet.
But wait, one more Chance for you, seems you mess the Term Free Energy
with something, what is new created or just there, what someone need to catch.
It is not, its plain said, the Energy, what you can create without someone will put a Meter on it.
Not like you Guys almost think, its something new, mystically.
Else, its not worth to discuss further with you, because you turn the Points,
how you like, that they serve you.