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Hubbard Coil

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  • Hubbard Coil

    I've been reading all I can find about the so called
    "Hubbard Coil".

    Alfred M. Hubbard: Coil Generator

    Hubbard never got a patent, and yet we find
    these patents:

    Paul M. Brown - 4,835,433
    Spitting image of the Hubbard coil.
    Apparatus for direct conversion of ... - Google Patent Search
    Mr. Brown was killed in a car crash:
    Mike Kremer - The strange Legacy of Paul M. Brown Ph.D

    William N. Barbat - Self-Sustaining Electric-Power Generator Utilizing Electrons of Low Internal Mass to Magnify Inductive Energy
    Pub No. US2007/0007844 A1 Jan. 11, 2007
    Self-sustaining electric-power ... - Google Patent Search
    William Barbat: Self-Sustaining Electrical Generator; United States Patent Application # 0070007844

    Both of these and perhaps other seems to use Hubbard's
    coil as a nice 3-stage transformer design.

    Why do we in the real-world not see Hubbard's coil in working

    I would like to see some replications of Hubbard's coil, respecting
    his thoughts on golden ratios, etc.
    If I get some time, I'll attempt to replicate it myself.

    I think it may be true that this design has certain "optimum" characteristics
    that are useful ... even if you are using plane-ole vanilla AC currents
    (i.e. no radiation).

    Btw, Hubbard became one of the fathers of LSD.
    Alfred Matthew Hubbard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    -- morpher44
    Last edited by morpher44; 07-11-2009, 02:54 AM.

  • #2

    It does seem logical that if you had a round transformer, ala Hubbard,
    and if you could oscillate that sucker at resonance,
    creating a nuclear magnetic spin that exactly FIT in the radius you've built,
    that it would take very little energy to do so since the geometry lends
    itself nicely to resonating.


    • #3
      T.H. Moray discussion on ionization

      I was reading Moray's 2nd edition of
      "Radiant Energy, For Beyond the Light Rays
      Lies the Secret of the Universe
      The Evolution of Energy and Matter",
      compiled for the Layman, 1926

      In this paper he has some pretty technical discussions
      about methods to excite gas (ionize it).
      One in particular that caught my eye (no pun intended)

      "PhotoElectric ionization by ultraviolet light, X-Ray and other rays
      beyond the light rays as coming from the cosmos".

      It occurred to me that one could construct a
      "Hubbard Coil", and place inside it a UV light so as to
      create ionization inside the coil/transformer assembly.
      In this way you could create ionization w/o using
      radioactive materials, and possibly power the low-wattage
      UV light from the transformer itself.
      Interesting idea.


      • #4
        Your first idea was much more interesting. I don't know why so much people insist in using radioactive material.


        • #5
          Carter's Energy Generator circa 1971

          I hadn't found this one before.
          This looks similar to the Hubbard coil.

          The self sustaining electric generator


          • #6
            Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
            I hadn't found this one before.
            This looks similar to the Hubbard coil.

            The self sustaining electric generator
            been think this way for the earth battery top find
            thank you


            • #7
              cosmic golden section

              As Rodin has been saying, "everything is a coil".
              That is a pretty profound statement.

              Hubbard seemed to be tuned into this "golden section" notion
              and utilized it in his coil design.

              It occurs to me that a coil designed like a
              Nautilus shell (or other shell with golden section ratios),
              might be interesting.
              The "physic intuitive" discussed how the red people,
              which had reached a very high level of technology in the
              ancient past succeeded with their technologies by
              copying nature.
              They would build machines that operated in ways
              similar to the ways they observed plants, animals and the elements

              Tribolumineseense, for example, was discovered
              and utilized to make free energy lighting devices
              by the Ute Indians.

              Triboluminescence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              The cosmos is a coil, within a coil, within a coil.

              Why not build a gradually increasing radius coil that
              spirals around itself, creating a coil within a coil?

              Last edited by morpher44; 08-15-2009, 05:55 AM.


              • #8
                I think you want at last Control the Magentic Field, what is build up from the Coil.
                Not sure, what Field it will build, But the first Picture you do show is like,
                our electrical Waves actually looks like in 3D, not only up and down in 2d, like at a scope.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                  I hadn't found this one before.
                  This looks similar to the Hubbard coil.

                  The self sustaining electric generator
                  If you look at this carefully it is the same as the Searl effect, but he uses magnets to make the magnetic field.



                  • #10

                    Hubbard was assuming power-of-two harmonics.
                    This I glean from material on the web about Hubbard's coil.
                    This dump below is just the frequencies that range from 2^7 to
                    2^26. Those in the am band are marked so.
                    Hubbard didn't assume 60hz I don't think.

                    2.8Ghz (if NMR is assumed) implies his coil would produce a magnetic
                    field of about .1 Tesla. That is a believable number ... but I'm not
                    sure how Hubbard came to that. Perhaps he measured it when
                    making a prototype ... and then refined his coil.
                    It also assumes a certain current.... which would vary with load ...
                    so this may be a worse-case field.

                    Power-of-two makes sense in terms of multiple "paired" cycles
                    into the same time period.

                    Enter frequency (Ghz) > 2.8
                    2^7 = 21875000.000000 hz
                    2^8 = 10937500.000000 hz
                    2^9 = 5468750.000000 hz
                    2^10 = 2734375.000000 hz
                    2^11 = 1367187.500000 hz am band
                    2^12 = 683593.750000 hz am band
                    2^13 = 341796.875000 hz
                    2^14 = 170898.437500 hz
                    2^15 = 85449.218750 hz
                    2^16 = 42724.609375 hz
                    2^17 = 21362.304688 hz
                    2^18 = 10681.152344 hz
                    2^19 = 5340.576172 hz
                    2^20 = 2670.288086 hz
                    2^21 = 1335.144043 hz
                    2^22 = 667.572021 hz
                    2^23 = 333.786011 hz
                    2^24 = 166.893005 hz
                    2^25 = 83.446503 hz
                    2^26 = 41.723251 hz


                    • #11
                      the boat ride


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          1200 feet

                          "Hubbard ran wires North, South East and West, 1200 feet in each direction from his coil generator in the center. These wires passed over 18 of the Earth's square poles in each direction and ended connected to a steel tube with some mercury in it, in the center of the 19th pole in each direction."

                          1200 feet is approx 365.8 meters. If we think of
                          each of these as a quarter wave, that antenna
                          would be for 200Khz or so.

                          But I had another thought regarding this 1200 foot length.
                          In reading about the Schumann frequency

                          Schumann resonances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          I see that the Schumann resonance electric field is approx.
                          ~300 microVolts/m.
                          With 365.8 meter, that works out to a voltage of about
                          110 volts (which is an interesting number).

                          Lightning strikes around the planet produce very large spikes
                          at resonance, but there is not much signal above 100Khz.

                          I think if you did construct an antenna with 4 1200 foot
                          long wires, each going N, S, E & W, that you could
                          derive quite a hefty voltage.

                          Hubbard then used a mercury filled device to create the
                          make-break pulse he needed to enter his coil.

                          btw, 1200 feet is 3.333 american football fields.
                          or 3.48 soccer fields.
                          Last edited by morpher44; 11-06-2009, 11:14 PM.


                          • #14
                            why PHI?

                            I just realized one reason PHI appears in Hubbard's coil
                            diameter relationships.

                            Its because he selected to put 8 cylinder coils around his central coil.
                            Starting from the center of each of these 8, if you draw a line
                            to the center of the coil, you have a distance that can be derived
                            by dividing the circle up into 8 equal angles - 45 degrees.
                            Then using algebra, you can find the inner core diameter
                            relative to those outer coil diameters.
                            The ratio works out to be 1.613 ... which is very close to PHI.

                            Had Hubbard selected to put only 6 coils around his central
                            cylinder, I think that central cylinder would need to have
                            the SAME diameter as the outer cylinders.

                            PHI may be significant here for another reason, but it make
                            sense for it to appear here due to the simple fact that he
                            selected to use 8 coils around his core.


                            • #15
                              Hubbard-like coil experiment...

                              I've made a Hubbard-like coil with 7 wooden dowels and 20 AWG wire. The dowels measure 7 inches in height and about .75 inch diameter. I used 91 turns for each of the 7 and arranged them in the Hubbard style. Placing it nearby an ignition coil driven by a Joule Thief circuit, I see an unusual mutually inductive pickup that is regenerative and then damped.

                              YouTube - Hubbard In the Sky With Diamonds

