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Hubbard Coil

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  • #76
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post

    So given this equation, can you solve it such that frequency A
    is the faster frequency, frequency B is 1.618 slower, and the resulting BEAT frequency, frequency C is 1.618 slower than B?
    I think that there is no control over the beat frequency.
    It is the subtraction of the two main frequencies.

    i.e. If you compare the sound from two frequencies which are
    256Hz and 259Hz, then the beat frequency will be 3Hz.


    • #77
      no control?

      Originally posted by wrtner View Post
      I think that there is no control over the beat frequency.
      It is the subtraction of the two main frequencies.

      i.e. If you compare the sound from two frequencies which are
      256Hz and 259Hz, then the beat frequency will be 3Hz.
      So you are missing the idea here a bit.

      The interesting thing about PHI ratio frequencies is that they FIT better when the beat. Yes you can beat together any two arbitrary frequencies and end up with a resulting wave pattern that is "pretty" or "ugly" depending upon your choices. PHI is better than "pretty". It is pure beauty. I liken it to having two mirrors facing each other. You look in and see infinite reflections. You bend one mirror ever so slightly and the angles spiral off into infinity in a very fractal way.

      Take two PHI ratio frequencies and beat them together and you have a new thing that is also a PHI ratio of the previous two.

      So this is a MATH problem. Can it be shown that ONLY PHI provides this property? I would predict YES, although I haven't solved the equations myself.

      One misleading thing when you look at the Hubbard material is there is this table that starts with 2.8Ghz and then shows various frequencies derived by dividing 2.8Ghz by 2^19, 2^18, 2^17, etc. I've puzzled over this and can't answer the question in my mind of WHY this is there.
      I reasoned that 2.8Ghz would be the NMR of IRON subject to a certain magnetic field. I think it was about .8 Teslas if I remember this correctly.
      But why? Why this value? It made no sense to me unless Hubbard was
      designing for this value specifically for some reason.
      The other misleading thing here is the power-of-two business.
      If you start thinking power-of-two, you are thinking INSIDE the box in terms of traditional oscillation where a signal at one frequency will help the frequency that is power-of-two up or down from that frequency.
      Is this table, therefore, a PSYOP to make you stay in the box and to think only power-of-two.

      We probably don't want to be thinking power-of-two.
      I think we DO need to be thinking power-of-PHI.

      If anyone has a theory about ths 2.8Ghz table, I'de be happy to hear it. This has be another one of the mysteries yet unsolved.



      • #78
        beat frequency calculator

        Enter in any two frequencies that have a PHI ratio:

        Beat Frequency Calculator - Make My Calculator

        Observe that the resulting frequency is also a PHI ratio with the lower of the two frequencies you've entered.



        • #79
          The math solution -- easy...

          Ok people. I've done the math and its quite easy.

          Let us have 3 frequences:
          f3 = the lowest frequency in the set
          f2 = X * f3 (where X is a ratio not known to us yet)
          f1 = X^2 * f3

          We also want this formula to be true:

          f3 = f1 - f2

          i.e. that f3 is the beat frequency derived by beating f1 against f2.
          Now with substitution, we have:

          f3 = X^2 * f3 - X * f3

          divide out f3 since it doesn't matter and rearrange the equation to be
          in the quadratic equation form, and we have:

          0 = X^2 - X - 1

          Quadratic equation, if you remember, is
          X = (-b +/- SQRT(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a
          We have
          Solving for X, we get:
          1.618 and -.618

          QED: The only answer is PHI.
          Last edited by morpher44; 01-06-2013, 07:36 AM.


          • #80
            Hubbard PHI video

            I've created a video to try to explain my recent epiphany that Hubbard was probably intentionally trying to beat two PHI ratio frequencies against each other to create a 3rd lower frequency also a PHI ratio, and so on, and so on...

            Hubbard Coil and PHI Ratio Frequencies - YouTube



            • #81

              check this out:

              Phi-heterodyning | Physics, Mathematics | INTERFERENCE


              • #82
                Morpher44 I think your on the right track bro
                watching your work with interest, keep posting

                When you add the iron to the system the magic will take place
                But building air core is helping to understand
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • #83
                  IRON & other stuff...

                  Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  Morpher44 I think your on the right track bro
                  watching your work with interest, keep posting

                  When you add the iron to the system the magic will take place
                  But building air core is helping to understand
                  Hi Dave,
                  My thoughts exactly. I was thinking of trying things with the air coils FIRST. The PHI relationship, I'm hoping, is what matters here, not the inductance. Magnetic fields in AIR are very FAST, short lived, however, and so it might be difficult to see with my lousy equipment. I have no spectrum analyzer -- shoe string budget.
                  I know many of you have really good equipment, so I'm hoping to encourage other experimenters with this.
                  It would be good if we can confirm the PHI ratio beat frequency theory.

                  Also, in studying one of the pictures from the time, Hubbard appears to be using an 8-cylinder auto distributor and gear box and variac and probably a motor to turn the distributor -- with D.C. motor meter frequency control. Interesting that later in his life he goes on to make a sparc-plug-with-radium pattent -- but never pattents this coil.
                  So, was he wiring each of the 8 spark plugs (or spark gaps) to each of the 8 outer coils to fire them in turn around a circle? Or was he just creating 8 sparks that were all WIRE-ORed to the same cable. There is a discussion on some other websites about how he didn't have that many wires coming out of his coil. I haven't seen a circuit diagram with the distributor mentioned .. so how he wired things up is a mystery.

                  I think IRON in the coil doesn't really make sense if using radio signals. You have to SATURATE the iron which will take a bit of current, and so certainly he supplied this device with power -- probably from a battery.
                  However, I found another story where he connected 4 120 foot wires arranged each going the different directions of the compass. At the center of these 4 wires he connected a glass bulb with mercury -- to create the CHOPPER - make break -- connection to the antenna. This is very radio-ish.
                  This then went down to his coil. There is some speculation that he had this sort of setup in the woods nearby the LAKE where he powered his boat.
                  This would be his power transmitter -- unknown to the PRESS -- with a tuned coil. The boat would have a TUNED receiver coil to power the boat.
                  This article I read gave the impression that this was someones THEORY of what he did -- and provided no evidence. All we have in terms of evidence are the newspaper articles from the time ... which would be good to dig up for a better accurate account.
                  Certainly there were several aspects of his demonstration that need further explanation.

                  The achievement, even if radium was inside the coil, is pretty darn amazing.
                  I think a tiny bit of radium might ionize the coil and make it work better, but I have a feeling there is more to it than just that.

                  The boat had a 35 horse-power motor ... 26KWatts from a little 14 inch length coil. Yikes!!!

                  Oh, btw, one way to derive the magic 2.8Ghz number, which is another mystery I would like solved is by adding the 3 diamters:
                  30 mm + 49 mm + 30 mm
                  This would represent the total diameter of the coil all taped together.
                  This wavelength, is approx 2.752Ghz ... round up to 2.8Ghz say.
                  So this is the size of the fastest possible standing wave across the structure.
                  The image says "natural magnetic resonance frequency"..
                  Google searches for "Radium and 2.8" is not easy. APPLE!!! Argh!!!


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                    It would be good if we can confirm the PHI ratio beat frequency theory.

                    Hi Morpher44,

                    i still have not found the correct sized former for my coils (PHI relation).

                    But i did a quick setup using a diode to mix 2 PHI (related) frequencies and looking at them with my FFT option (spectrum) of my scope, see diagramm below.

                    I used 2 Function Generators set at the same output level and at different frequencies (PHI related).
                    I used both sine waves as square waves.

                    Frequencies used are:
                    100Khz and 61.8Khz
                    100Khz and 161.8Khz
                    2Mhz and 3.236Mhz

                    The spectrum clearly showed the both main frequencies and the harmonics.
                    However, when at or around the PHI relation frequencies, no obvious change in harmonics and/or amplitude levels where noted.

                    Regards Itsu
                    Attached Files


                    • #85
                      I wonder if a permanent magnet maintains this phi relationship as well.
                      It only makes sense that the frequency would change as the distance from the magnet increased or decreased.
                      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                      • #86
                        The Primer Fields Part 1 - YouTube
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • #87
                          is it the magnetic field?

                          Originally posted by Itsu View Post
                          Hi Morpher44,

                          i still have not found the correct sized former for my coils (PHI relation).

                          But i did a quick setup using a diode to mix 2 PHI (related) frequencies and looking at them with my FFT option (spectrum) of my scope, see diagramm below.

                          I used 2 Function Generators set at the same output level and at different frequencies (PHI related).
                          I used both sine waves as square waves.

                          Frequencies used are:
                          100Khz and 61.8Khz
                          100Khz and 161.8Khz
                          2Mhz and 3.236Mhz

                          The spectrum clearly showed the both main frequencies and the harmonics.
                          However, when at or around the PHI relation frequencies, no obvious change in harmonics and/or amplitude levels where noted.

                          Regards Itsu
                          Thank you very much for doing this experiment.
                          I had been thinking about this possibility and I have one more "hopeful" idea.
                          Perhaps the magnetic fields are important here. My reasoning is as follows.
                          To "push/pull" extra energy in and out of your system, you need NMR effects. You can only get those NMR effects when the magnetic fields get strong enough. Hence, the PHI ratio frequencies expressed as vibrating magnetic fields might yield some sort of negative resistance and/or positive feedback.
                          Geometry of the fields create may matter as well. Certainly a vortex shape is ideal since particles will SPIN down into the vortex and be attracted to a smaller surface area. You can pick up radiant energy on a simple plate. The problem is ... you need a really really large plate since small plates don't expose enough surface area to get much. But with a magnetic field shaped just right, and I'm betting this conical PHI ratio shape is optimum, the particles can spiral down to a tinier surface area.
                          That is how I imagine it. It will take some inventive tinkering to prove such a thing.

                          It is interesting that Otis Car and Walter Russel seemed to want to do things with conical cones. Tesla as well, originally used conical air coils for his device.
                          The pyramids seem to be expressions in STONE of the inverse-square-law with a CIRCLE (the standing wave on an antenna), squared by the physical pyramid structure.

                          Yesterday in searching google some more for PHI ratio frequencies, I found some interesting UFO stuff -- such as rumors that UFO audio has been recorded and found to have many PHI ratio harmonics... And other websites where detailed technical information is given discussion PHI ratio harmonics. Harmonics are probably not the correct word -- since PHI is not an integer. Overtone isn't the correct word either. We need a new sort of word for this.



                          • #88
                            more thinking out loud...

                            Suppose Hubbard's original idea was to create a "pickup coil" for background radiation using this PHI ratio "trick".

                            You could build this thing and see certain results ... and then be encouraged to investigate various ways of optimizing the effects.

                            Certainly it would be concluded that if you had a better source of radiation, the coil would do better ... which could have pushed Hubbard toward the Radium approach.

                            It stands to reason, however, that as a "pickup coil", you could optimize it instead to do a better job picking up background radiation, if that were your goal. So in thinking about this, HOW would you get all the background radiation in the immediate area to AIM itself at your little coil?
                            Answer: A great big magnetic field shaped as a vortex...


                            • #89

                              So one way to create ionization in the immediate area is to have a radioactive material.

                              Another way, more human friendly, is to have an oscillating magnetic field. As these fields swish back and forth, they excite the ions floating around -- like rubbing a balloon, and CHARGE up the air. As you have these ionic charging going on, your ANTENNA, in the area, does better at receiving.
                              Ham radio operators know this. They will sometimes CHARGE up their antennas to BOOST gain.

                              Also, Tesla, while at Colorado Springs had great big JARs filled with salt water. He probably used this material for two purposes; (A) to create salt water capacitors and (B) to allow the salt water to evaporate in the Sun, and ionize the air around his antenna.

                              Last edited by morpher44; 01-08-2013, 07:40 PM.


                              • #90
                                inverse square law

                                Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                                I wonder if a permanent magnet maintains this phi relationship as well.
                                It only makes sense that the frequency would change as the distance from the magnet increased or decreased.
                                The magnet just sitting their has I suppose that Torus shaped field around it. As you navigate around the Torus, there are vortex shapes at the N or S pole. At those places, NMR occurs and stuff can SPIN toward the magnet... like a paper clip and its atoms.
                                Whether or not that magnetic field expresses itself PERFECTLY using the PHI ratios for the spiral, I suppose is subject to debate. Certainly we know the inverse-square-law which shows that there is a fall off with distance ... and one would be tempted to use some CONSTANT here. But the math is more likely NOT a constant, but a function, like this:

                                intensity ~ function(distance,any many other variables, including stuff in the way, etc.) * 1/(distance^2)

                                In other words, function(distance) needs to take into account the so called NEAR field and FAR field. When NEAR, your experiments work as if function is a constant. Near field stuff is WACKY... Far field is more predictable, except for WEATHER, things in the way, attenuation, etc.

                                I found this quote: "In this reactive region (NEAR FIELD), not only is an electromagnetic wave being radiated outward into far-space but there is a "reactive" component to the electromagnetic field, meaning that the nature of the field around the antenna is sensitive to, and reacts to, EM absorption in this region (this is not true for absorption far from the antenna, which has no effect on the transmitter or antenna near-field)."

                                A magnet, I suppose, is a sort of transmitter of fields around it.
                                A solenoid is more interesting in terms of making the fields OSCILLATE to create effects.
                                Last edited by morpher44; 01-08-2013, 08:51 PM.

