I've been looking really hard at solar heat for cooling.
The least complex is just water/ammonia and just add heat, but the high pressure is too dangerous.
Refrigerator Uses Solar Energy
Crosley IcyBall
RV propane refrigerator is Too complex, 3 working fluids,
but could not this be driven by solar oven?
How does one lower the operating pressure?
If a low temp fluid can be found, a compost pile can create up to 130+ F
temps to delivery 24/7 output.
This document about composting dead birds, getting 135 F to 150 F compost..
Can not the use of activated carbon lower the operating pressure?
Using zeolite/water requires pulling a vacuum after heating,
Does using activated carbon with a working fluid: Acetone, methanol, etc
lower the operating pressure?
This device is fantastic, working at a very low temp of 104 F, but it does not
say what the working fluid(s) are.
Solar Ice Maker: No Moving Parts, No Electricity @greenUPGRADER
Heatpipes could be used to transfer a large area solar heat collection via flat panels.
MUST SEE VIDEOS about composting for 18 months of hot water and methane.
Jean Pain: France's King of Green Gold By Nicolas Poulain
(From: Reader's Digest -- November 1981 -- pages 76-81)
I've come to a dead end and was looking for feedback.
The least complex is just water/ammonia and just add heat, but the high pressure is too dangerous.
Refrigerator Uses Solar Energy
Crosley IcyBall
RV propane refrigerator is Too complex, 3 working fluids,
but could not this be driven by solar oven?
How does one lower the operating pressure?
If a low temp fluid can be found, a compost pile can create up to 130+ F
temps to delivery 24/7 output.
This document about composting dead birds, getting 135 F to 150 F compost..
Can not the use of activated carbon lower the operating pressure?
Using zeolite/water requires pulling a vacuum after heating,
Does using activated carbon with a working fluid: Acetone, methanol, etc
lower the operating pressure?
This device is fantastic, working at a very low temp of 104 F, but it does not
say what the working fluid(s) are.
Solar Ice Maker: No Moving Parts, No Electricity @greenUPGRADER
Heatpipes could be used to transfer a large area solar heat collection via flat panels.
MUST SEE VIDEOS about composting for 18 months of hot water and methane.
Jean Pain: France's King of Green Gold By Nicolas Poulain
(From: Reader's Digest -- November 1981 -- pages 76-81)
I've come to a dead end and was looking for feedback.