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Where is it?

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  • Where is it?

    Hello all,

    I dont like starting new threads basede on whims (which is what this is in a way )because it just adds to the clutter, but in this case i feel somewhat justified.

    As you may or may not know, i joined here about a month or so ago, having had an on & off interest in the whole 'field' ( no pun intended ).

    Ive watched countless videos, read endless texts, by people far mkore brilliant than myself, read texts expousing fantastically wonderfully logical ideas about how to get more out than put know the story right?

    So my question is.....

    Where is it?...... where is that one device, that one circuit......that we can all replicate reasonably easily, so we can all agree......"yes, im putting in one batterys worth here...and im getting 1.6 batteries worth out here.......or......1.78 batterys worth".........Where is it?

    Where is it? so we can all replicate it, agree to a reasonable degree of certainty on the results and then move on to improving it.

    I dont mean to sound harsh, or critical and i do appreciate and value the wonderfully free, open & sometimes brilliant minds in here.....but this just adds weight to my Question.......for all the brilliance..........Where is it?

    I do hope this post doesnt come across as harsh or sceptical, thats not what im trying to portray here, all i am simply doing is pointing out that, for all the brilliance, all the hard work, all the texts, all the videos, all the wonderful inventive experimenation (which i love )........

    Where is it?



  • #2



    • #3
      Bedini SG
      Just dont forget to put 5 Diodes in parallel or in Series for the Chargebatteries.
      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


      • #4
        COP approaching 1.0

        Everyone is so bent out of shape about COP > 1 being impossible.
        Certainly COP approaching 1 is exciting too.
        Imagine you are able to create a battery charger
        that has COP=1. All the energy from battery A could be fed
        over to battery B with 100% efficiency .. or close to it.
        So now, B is charged, A is dead. No problem, just reverse them?

        The "Tesla Switch" idea uses that notion with 4 batteries.
        Two arranged in series to produce 24v say to charge two
        others in parallel at 12v. The current flow from 24v to 12v.
        Now flip a switch to cause the reverse to happen. The first set
        is now arranged in parallel and the 2nd pair arranged in series.
        Current flows back.
        Do this switching 60 times per second, and you have an AC
        current at household frequencies.
        Put a low-resistance load in between such as CFLs,
        and you have light with very little energy expenditure.

        Add a few solar panels to re-fill the tiny bit of energy you use,
        and you have a very nice lighting system.

        So COP approaching 1 is interesting too.
        Last edited by morpher44; 07-12-2009, 12:23 AM. Reason: put in a URL


        • #5
          Originally posted by rave154 View Post
          Where is it?
          I don't know, I thought you had it.


          • #6
            Where is it?
            The same should be said in regards to Nuclear Fusion. Back it the 1950's, we were told that we would have it in about 30 years. By the 1980's, they had only begun to build the first viable plasma confinement device and we were again told it would be another 30 years. A few years ago they told us they had developed a method that would produce more than it consumed (overunity ) and we were told that with another 40 years of research we should have a viable device. Then what?

            We have wasted more than fifty years and ten of billions dollars trying to achieve a cheap, clean and abundant energy source using methods that are probably incorrect yet when people like us are spending years of our own time and money that not only would achieve the same thing but, in some cases, introduce us to new physical laws that could be used in other fields of science and engineering we are told that we are kooks. Yet it is the "kooks" of history that refused to accept that the earth was flat, that man could not create a heavier-than-air flying machine or manufacture a motor that used alternating current who achieved far more to the world than keeping in line with the paradigm of time.

            It is our refusal to keep in line with the current paradigm that will lead the world to a better place and not some government-funded white elephant.
            Last edited by phi1.62; 07-12-2009, 09:58 AM.


            • #7
              manhatan project

              Well said phi1.62.

              The notion of controlled chain reaction to produce energy should be something scalable down to the home ...
              I can put a cat in a spinning wheel/generator and set my dog to chase, and boom, almost free energy. Cat food & dog food cost.
              No one is harmed with radiation and my animals get exercise.
              No fancy particle physics involved. LOL


              • #8
                Resonance. Most OU devices use resonance in some aspect, and the tricky hard to replicate part is just that. Someone will remake something and use the wrong transistor or make it all out of wood instead of copper, or give it a funky waveform instead of what it needs. All the replications of OU or crazy-U devices I have seen have all not been to spec, and the ones built to spec usually worked. Like for example the joe cell's proportions are based on the golden ratio. I've seen people try to make tin foil abominations and call it joe. Or someone thinks they can make a Bedini wheel better then Bedini and then wonder why it wont even work now. its funny.

                That, and the magnet gang is out there breaking inventor's toys and threatening their familys. So, its really up to the small guy to take some information, weed the disinformation out of it, and remake the device their own, and report back to the collective what they did and how.

                One note with the tesla switch. You need to use very high frequencies to get the good stuff. 60 hz is way too slow. Thats why you need a really big SWITCH. optoisolators and transistors fail too often at those speeds, you need a reliable mechanical switch.

                If your looking for overunity, a 1=2 situation, it wont happen (unless your part deity. Jesus had overunity fish at his sermon. So it is possible... ). Understand nature, learn about energy and matter. Learn about fluids. Electricity is a fluid. Contemplate the magnet and what it is. Then meditate and ask collective unconscious what IT thinks. Maybe you'll figure something out.

                Maybe you don't need to find overunity. Maybe you don't need to use electricity for heat, use the sun! One man-sized fresnel lens (40$ ebay) can BURN concrete and MELT glass in SECONDS! Good luck getting the watts you need to do that with a circuit. You don't need to use washing machines and dryers for clothing, do em by hand! Take all your conveniences away and whats left? Just use what you have the way its supposed to be used. Garden of Eden style.

                You will find "it" when you know what "it" is I suppose.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                  Well said phi1.62.

                  The notion of controlled chain reaction to produce energy should be something scalable down to the home ...
                  I can put a cat in a spinning wheel/generator and set my dog to chase, and boom, almost free energy. Cat food & dog food cost.
                  No one is harmed with radiation and my animals get exercise.
                  No fancy particle physics involved. LOL
                  I had an idea like that...

                  "High Voltage Hamster"

                  Its just a van-de-graff generator with a hamster cage at the bottom and the wheel for him to run on turns the belt. To keep the animal safe you will have to keep it away from the ground wire. Mice might actually work better, but hamsters are funnier


                  • #10
                    To answer the original question... It's still coming. People love to create hype, but at the end of the day it's only going to solve our problems if we can close the loop or power our cities from 1 button cell battery and most of all if anyone has access to it.

                    I believe we're very close with all these wonderful inventors and ideas, and it's only a matter of time before we ALL are able to break the COP > 1 barrier, but until then it's a very emotional subject.


                    • #11
                      "It" might be a combination of devices that are together self running.

                      For example I imagine the Stan Meyer system (as close as we've been able to reproduce it) benefiting from the GEET/Pantone system and/or water spark plug and/or Recirculating BEMF to coil.

                      Energeticforum is positively a goldmine for open source information. The object of the threads is mainly to explore minute effects to better understand the universal laws. This information can then be used to make the system that gives you unlimited power from the universe around you.

                      The people on this site are the hardworking dreamers who are donating their effort to start the free energy chain reaction that will cover the world. We are paying the cost in time and effort to create machinery to attach to the "very wheelwork of nature." This is where the apple moves its 20 cm.

                      It is often overlooked that there are many systems that already have COP>1. Solar, wind, and heat pumps are fine and well accepted if well overlooked OPEN systems that, on a small scale, are attached to some of the gearing of nature.

                      The focus of most of the threads is the learning of how, when, and why the limitless energy that constantly surrounds us can be tapped into, and what the characteristics of this energy are.

                      Once the rules are known and understood the end-all be-all free energy device can be made and everyone can have one in his or her back pocket to power all of their possessions. I'm not saying any device already made is not the larval stage of the perfect free energy machine, but understand that most of the contributors have obligations on their time and money that keep them from creating the Holy Grail in an afternoon.

                      There are so many good ideas on this site, if you took the time to search, you probably could already make many COP>1 devices from the ones that are not already over 1.

                      We should not be limited to utilizing one discipline of research to reach the goal. There are thousands of puzzle pieces to be picked up and put together. You might be surprised what fits. Who knows what masterpiece mosaic can be made from the different views of the world presented here.

                      Every one is valid and can give insight, even if only into ones self.

                      Just my 2 cents. I'll go lurk some more.


                      • #12
                        In my opinion there is no real over unity. If you took Sweets work with cold electricity and generated 400 amps then thats free energy but not over unity. You can take a 9 volt battery and produce 17,000 volts. Is that over unity? Nope! There are so many forces both externally and internally that arent known about, so how can you put an absolute equation on it. We need to find out how to produce current without heat or make our devices like ac,stoves etc: work on voltage. Lighting is not a problem its the motor driven devices. Create a motor with enough torque to drive a generator to supply just 200 amps with Voltage,and its Nobel Prize here I come!


                        • #13
                          supressed technology

                          Where is it?

                          Suppressed of course.

                          There are economic interests at play.
                          There is military industrial complex secrecy.
                          There is a desire to prevent enemy nations
                          from having access to cheap energy.
                          This of course leaves all of us out of it as well.

                          YET, nature is for all of us to discover on our own
                          and no one individual can claim rights to processes
                          created for all of us to share.

                          It is really time now for some of the suppression to end.
                          This will rattle some feathers and rustle some cages,
                          but change is always like that.

                          It is more dangerous, in my opinion, to have nation states
                          that are NOT replete with cheap energy.
                          If energy is too expensive, this will create revolutions,
                          wars, etc., just as lack of water or food would.

                          Solve the energy crisis world wide, and you have one less
                          thing for nations to fight over.

                          I do agree, however, that it should not be dangerous -- like
                          STUPID Nuclear power!! I'de rather not have grand children that glow
                          unless of course its because they've improved their auras through good deeds.


                          • #14
                            I am Dragging this thread back to the top for a reason,

                            to ask again...."where is it?"


                            David. D


                            • #15
                              Where is it?


                              It's a culmination of many of the principals we've been practicing with and building so far

                              Love and light
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

