Someone with the alias "pequaide" has been promoting this concept for over 2 years now but he hasn't been getting the attention it deserves. The concept is very simple to understand and experiment with so I don't know what the deal is with the lack of support.
I made this thread to help spread the concept as there's not a single thread that mentions it on here.
The concept is rather simple. The system is able to transfer momentum from a large mass to a small mass completely. If this is done energy would be created. Here's a small example:
100kg moving at 1m/s has 100 Units of Momentum (UoM) and 50 Units of Energy (UoE).
Now if all that momentum was transfered to a 1kg mass then that mass would end up moving at 100m/s and have 5000 UoE.
As you can see conservation of momentum leads to a 100x increase in energy in that particular case.
This also works the other way around. You might be familiar with the ballistic pendulum. Where a small mass transfers its momentum to a big mass.
Ballistic Pendulum
If we then have a 1kg mass traveling at 100m/s with 100 UoM and 5000 UoE transferring all its momentum to a 100kg mass. Then that mass would end up moving at 1m/s with 50 UoE. So we end up with 1% of the initial energy we started with.
Since the physics books tells us energy can't be created nor destroyed then that means 99% of that energy must have turned into something else than kinetic energy. Heat and sound are the most favorable excuses. But I leave it up to you to believe the ridiculous fact that 99% of the energy is turned into heat/sound (regardless of material choice or the fact its performed in a vacuum) or that energy is not a conserved quantity.
My view is simple. The ballistic pendulum destroys energy in order to conserve momentum. Newton also recognized he couldn't find the correct final velocity of a ballistic pendulum setup if he used energy conservation. But using conservation of momentum always lead to the correct result. He said "'if instead of conserving energy you conserve momentum, you will get the right answer, for momentum is not convertible to any other form." That last statement is very important. Momentum or inertia as some like to call it has NO OTHER FORM than mass multiplied by the amount of velocity it has.
So far there's not a single known experiment where momentum gets destroyed or created in one single cycle. If a certain mass has a decreasing momentum (force) caused soley by the interaction of another mass then that mass has no choice than to transfer all its momentum to the mass causing the decreasing momentum. Regardless of setup or type of inertaction.
The main question now of course is how is this done? What is the concept or apparatus that transfers momentum from a big mass to a small mass completely?
The concept is rather simple. You take a flat laid heavy fly wheel and attach a rod on its rim which has a certain small mass at its end. You give the setup an initial spin and then release the small mass. Due to the centripetal and centrifugal force the movement of the mass will cause the heavy flywheel to stop. Since motion/inertia of the flywheel can't be destroyed the only option left would be that the small mass has gained all the momentum that was in the flywheel.
Here's a video showing an animation of one such concept:
YouTube - Momentum transfer device.
3d animation:

Both setups are rotated initially and then the small weights are released and move outwards on their own causing the big setup to decelerate. Since motion has to be conserved the quantity of motion is thus transfered completely to the small weights and as the simple math example above energy can be created by orders of magnitude than what you started with.
Now as far as I know pequaide has been the only person who experimented with a different concept using tethers and found excess energy. But his experiments are very limited and so is the support. We need more people involved and bigger setups to be experimented with.
Anyone with the tools or machine shop can build the experimental setup to prove energy creation. If enough have proved it, more will contribute ideas to building a simple and efficient self sustaining concept. This would be open source collaboration at its best.
I'm sure I haven't said everything that had to be said, but this should be enough to get your minds started. There are some small details concerning the animated concept but those can be addressed as this thread progresses.
I made this thread to help spread the concept as there's not a single thread that mentions it on here.
The concept is rather simple. The system is able to transfer momentum from a large mass to a small mass completely. If this is done energy would be created. Here's a small example:
100kg moving at 1m/s has 100 Units of Momentum (UoM) and 50 Units of Energy (UoE).
Now if all that momentum was transfered to a 1kg mass then that mass would end up moving at 100m/s and have 5000 UoE.
As you can see conservation of momentum leads to a 100x increase in energy in that particular case.
This also works the other way around. You might be familiar with the ballistic pendulum. Where a small mass transfers its momentum to a big mass.
Ballistic Pendulum
If we then have a 1kg mass traveling at 100m/s with 100 UoM and 5000 UoE transferring all its momentum to a 100kg mass. Then that mass would end up moving at 1m/s with 50 UoE. So we end up with 1% of the initial energy we started with.
Since the physics books tells us energy can't be created nor destroyed then that means 99% of that energy must have turned into something else than kinetic energy. Heat and sound are the most favorable excuses. But I leave it up to you to believe the ridiculous fact that 99% of the energy is turned into heat/sound (regardless of material choice or the fact its performed in a vacuum) or that energy is not a conserved quantity.
My view is simple. The ballistic pendulum destroys energy in order to conserve momentum. Newton also recognized he couldn't find the correct final velocity of a ballistic pendulum setup if he used energy conservation. But using conservation of momentum always lead to the correct result. He said "'if instead of conserving energy you conserve momentum, you will get the right answer, for momentum is not convertible to any other form." That last statement is very important. Momentum or inertia as some like to call it has NO OTHER FORM than mass multiplied by the amount of velocity it has.
So far there's not a single known experiment where momentum gets destroyed or created in one single cycle. If a certain mass has a decreasing momentum (force) caused soley by the interaction of another mass then that mass has no choice than to transfer all its momentum to the mass causing the decreasing momentum. Regardless of setup or type of inertaction.
The main question now of course is how is this done? What is the concept or apparatus that transfers momentum from a big mass to a small mass completely?
The concept is rather simple. You take a flat laid heavy fly wheel and attach a rod on its rim which has a certain small mass at its end. You give the setup an initial spin and then release the small mass. Due to the centripetal and centrifugal force the movement of the mass will cause the heavy flywheel to stop. Since motion/inertia of the flywheel can't be destroyed the only option left would be that the small mass has gained all the momentum that was in the flywheel.
Here's a video showing an animation of one such concept:
YouTube - Momentum transfer device.
3d animation:

Both setups are rotated initially and then the small weights are released and move outwards on their own causing the big setup to decelerate. Since motion has to be conserved the quantity of motion is thus transfered completely to the small weights and as the simple math example above energy can be created by orders of magnitude than what you started with.
Now as far as I know pequaide has been the only person who experimented with a different concept using tethers and found excess energy. But his experiments are very limited and so is the support. We need more people involved and bigger setups to be experimented with.
Anyone with the tools or machine shop can build the experimental setup to prove energy creation. If enough have proved it, more will contribute ideas to building a simple and efficient self sustaining concept. This would be open source collaboration at its best.
I'm sure I haven't said everything that had to be said, but this should be enough to get your minds started. There are some small details concerning the animated concept but those can be addressed as this thread progresses.