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parasite cleanse???

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  • parasite cleanse???

    Hi Aaron,
    I have a quick question. I have been watching Monsters Inside Me which is about parasites. Since you worked in a health food store what is your opinion on how to get rid of them? Thanks

  • #2
    Silver colloid will kill anything that is negatively charged. You can buy that at health stores.

    Keep in mind that there is a good bacteria and a bad bacteria.


    • #3
      I just learned something new. I knew it would get rid of bacteria and viruses. It only makes sense.

      Here's a link in case you wanna make your own on the cheap.
      Colloidal Silver Generators | "A Closer Look" by Peter Lindemann

      I've tried it and I got the gold colloidal silver that I hear people are after. Simple and effective.
      If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


      • #4
        You could find very interesting the videos of Dr. Beck (dr in physics).

        Suppressed Medical Discovery: Dr. Robert C. Beck ( Cancer,AIDS, anything viral)

        Another video of Dr. Beck: Dr. Beck - Blood Electrification Suppressed

        He created a protocol with 4 cures (one of them silver colloid) and cured cancer, aids (fictional disease), lupus, hepatitis C, etc.

        He gave all the information for free and sold nothing. Died of an "accident".
        Proposed to nobel of medicina by a mexican hospital.


        • #5
          May I also point out the use of chlorine dioxide. But remember this is an oxidizer so anti oxidants such as vit C area big no when you use this. There's much more info found online about it.


          • #6
            PARA Response

            Originally posted by vegasscorpion View Post
            Hi Aaron,
            I have a quick question. I have been watching Monsters Inside Me which is about parasites. Since you worked in a health food store what is your opinion on how to get rid of them? Thanks
            Dear VegasScorpion,

            Since Aaron hasn't chimed in, I thought I would. My wife has just gone through a parasite cleanse that worked very well. She says she definitely saw worms leaving in her stools and that her bowels are working better now than they have for the last 20 years.

            The exact product she used is Mother's Cupboard brand PARA Response. Here is a link the that exact product, on-line:

            PARA Response - Mother's Cupboard

            This product is based on the herbs Wormwood, the green hulls from Black Walnut, Clove, and four others. Its a two month process, and you need about 6 bottles of the product to do the full cleanse.

            Also, I have never seen Colloidal Silver get rid of the larger parasites, like worms and flukes.

            Good luck,

            Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 07-25-2009, 04:24 PM.
            Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

            Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
            Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
            Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


            • #7
              I can attest from personal experience that this product Colonix Colon Cleanse Official Site by Dr Natura works exceptionally well and will cleanse the colon as well as remove parasites.

