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Panacea University - Cloud Busting Course -OT

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  • Panacea University - Cloud Busting Course -OT

    All Scientific circles, not to mention governments who have no previous experience in Orgonomy now have no significant reason to ignore these findings. The public must be informed. Records show that:

    1. The experimental evidence was gathered, not by one, but by several well-qualified scientists of unquestionable integrity.
    2. The results showed a fully consistent picture of subjective effects, objective biological effects, and measurements employing several physical instruments.
    3. Observations of each kind were many and repeated.
    4. The results are completely inexplicable in terms of traditional physics.
    5. All of these effects can be reproduced TODAY.

    The suppressed science of Orgonomy has many beneficial applications for humanity. These include Orgone biophysics, therapy, child raising, social and political theories. Simply put; Orgonomy needs a public face.TODAY there is no justification for ANY institution to deny these findings. There is no justification to continue to refuse to investigate these findings for both an alliance and the therapeutic application of Orgonomy to benefit the public. Orgonomy is much more than cloud busting alone. It can be considered to be more related to a part of biology than of physics.

    The term “orgone” was coined by Wilhelm Reich in the early 1940s to describe a form of universal background “radiation” or “energy” that he had discovered. Over the next 14 years he made many significant discoveries of how it functioned in nature and the human body. One of these, in 1952, was his invention of a device he called a "cloud buster". This device was able to drain off stale toxic forms of Orgone (Called deadly Orgone energy or DOR) from the atmosphere and restore normal meteorological behavior to areas afflicted with droughts and other atmospheric problems.Cloud busting is the use of an instrument originally invented by Wilhelm Reich which utilizes “Orgone” energy to facilitate these detectable changes in the weather.

    If cloud busting is to be done properly and as originally intended, it must be done only to repair a damaged atmospheric energy field, not to simply independently "make rain". It is not wrong to simply restore the climate to normal (due to counterproductive human activity) and then let nature take its natural course. That is the way cloud busting is intended to be done. Reich wrote about this concept, calling it "atmospheric self-regulation".

    Quote- Cloud busting cannot and SHOULD NOT be used to "make rain"; it CAN and SHOULD be used to heal a sick and damaged atmosphere and restore a stagnated atmospheric energy field to normal pulsation. If that is done, rain will happen on its' own. Nobody has to "make" it. -Anon

    The intent of cloud busting is to RESTORE NORMAL WEATHER CONDITIONS, not to break rain records. The understanding is that climate deterioration is caused by a build-up of DOR (more information on DOR can be found in the faculty section below). The proper way to do cloud busting is to remove DOR and let the atmosphere return to its normal behavior. The goal of any well-done cloud buster operation is the re-establishment of atmospheric SELF-REGULATION which has been obstructed by DOR. Any other use of cloud busting is malpractice and only adds to the problem of the disruption of normal weather patterns.

    Panacea has an interest in validating the SCIENCE of orgonomy in cloud busting to the MAINSTREAM ethos, and to help make faculties and the general public AWARE of the benefit from Reich's original teachings. Our test are only being done to substantiate the teachings SCIENTIFICALLY of Reich,towards a MAINSTREAM AUDIENCE. Main thing is to get it on public record. Reich wanted his research COMPLETELY known.Its time for that moment.

    Guys we have collaborated with some genuine cloud busting operators to get the information and tests underway Video's and tests are coming from the Panacea farm.

    The course does not make the plans for cloud busting available to any one, if you wish to acquire this SPECIFIC information, you have to show a transparent intent and be QUALIFIED and be able to use the information objectively to benefit the whole movement or heal the atmosphere (it can be dangerous). We will however make the DATA available to ALL.

    Panacea University
    Cloud Busting (PDF) - added July 23 2009
    An Educational method for atmospheric self-regulation using the original teachings of Willhelm Reich Orgone energy discovery. This method is a clean non chemical way to treat drought affected areas plus clear smog and pollution. This document is made available for research purposes only.

    Ps, credits are given to Peter for his work and are included in there


  • #2
    What i found interesting,given to me by an individual who has spoken to to Trevor constable. (un tested)

    "Tuning the pipes can help out a lot to increase efficiency. If you have a sensitive and do muscle testing with them for getting the tuning right, is one method Trevor used. Some basic ratios Trevor found generally useful, were 1 to 45 and harmonics of that, 1 to 22.5, 1 to 12.5. He also found multiples of the Golden Mean useful in building devices. "

    Last edited by ashtweth; 07-24-2009, 12:09 AM.


    • #3
      This is what I look forward to .

      Since cloud busting device rely on geometry, is there any attempt to see the connection with Viktor Grebenikov "Cavity Structure Effect" yet?

      Can you include the honey bee house and wasp house effect on health on the document too? I think it is related and should make people avoid pointing the copper pipe to him self. I suspect that the copper pipe I put in a plant pot is the one responsible of killing the seed in there.

      Attached Files
      Last edited by sucahyo; 07-23-2009, 05:27 AM.


      • #4
        ON / OFF Switch for CBers


        Please find out how to "turn off" or stop the geometry from acting when stored and not being actively used. We can build it but how short of destruction can we turn them OFF?



        • #5
          A cloudbuster is very simple to "turn off", just remove it's water connection and lay it down flat, or point it towards the ground. As an extra measure you can place copper endcaps on the pipes. If your pipes are made from a different material then use the same for the endcaps.

          Another thing is that during an orgone draw, if the cloudbuster (CB) is left in the same position for more than 10 minutes, the orgone stream becomes stagnate and the effectivness of the CB is much reduced.


          You can view my vids here


          • #6
            Originally posted by dambit View Post
            Another thing is that during an orgone draw, if the cloudbuster (CB) is left in the same position for more than 10 minutes, the orgone stream becomes stagnate and the effectivness of the CB is much reduced.
            We have to vibrate it when using?

            Also just thinking, I wonder if dissapearing clouds happen the same say as plant grow avoiding / died at wasp house path? Would hexagonal tube of honey bee house shape would collect clouds (healing properties) instead of making hole in sky?


            • #7
              You don't have to vibrate the Cloudbuster. When conducting a draw, every 5 minutes or so just adjust the direction by a few degerees. This isn't needed if you are simply dispersing a few local clouds as they are moving anyway.

              Not sure about the hexagonal shapes.


              You can view my vids here



              • #8
                Hi sucahyo, Steve et ALL.

                Well i see there is no need for a course here since every one already know's about it LOL. Thanks a lot for the input guys, ,sucahyo sure thing ill look into it. All of the research i have done has shown that it's "tricky" to turn it off and you have to ground out your self afterwards. This is why i think its best left to experts experienced and trained people like Peter, Trevor, Stan etc.


                • #9
                  Thanks Ash and sorry others, it seems real cool or whatever but it has a real effect and research in this needs to be interrelated/correlated on a planetary scale. Not from a hobbiest pov, it was in the past but not now.


                  • #10
                    This is an area that could have enormous potential - particularly for countries like OZ. However, it should be underlined that immediate contact with the equipment is not beneficial - it is best operated remotely!


                    • #11
                      Guys here is a new video production to support healing the atmosphere and the Weather engineers like Peter and Trevor.


                      YouTube - Panacea Cloud Buster Production (1 of 13)

                      A non profit educational production done to support Trevor James Constable, Wilhelm Reich, James Demeo and the Weather Rangers. There have been a vast amount of obstacles that have stopped this particular CLEAN and cheap weather engineering technology from complete public access. As a result of the government and universities neglecting to adopt this technology, serious situations and weather control have been not been managed to capacity. All of the individuals involved in operating this particular line of non conventional weather engineering devices have faltered trying to get this knowledge known publicly.

                      There is a uniform repeatable pattern having to do with rejection based on a pre-determined mindset which prevents it from progress. The suppression of this progress has profound implications for sustainability of this planet. It is the intent of this educational production to mobilize organization and use the technology out of a public trust to bridge this gap and get the ball rolling. Given the reports by the weather modification replicators thus far, it would appear that this technology is an invaluable life saving technology which the mainstream faculties must benefit from. As a safety device alone, this technology justifies (and needs) law for its mandatory implementation.

                      If you can support Trevor, James and / or the Weather Rangers, please contact Panacea -

                      Background information: Drought relief


                      • #12
                        Trevor Constable

                        Here is a compendium of Trevor Constable's work on
                        aetheric rain making technology. Much of the material
                        is released for the first time!

                        Trevor Constable
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13
                          What a whopper!, just spoke to Trevor about it, brilliant work, thanks for creating that Peter, waaay to cheap for such a cool package if you ask me

                          Will get a package from it to support the troops my friends.
                          Thanks Aaron.

                          EDIT -37$ for ALL that. Whooly XXXx....

                          Last edited by ashtweth; 09-20-2010, 07:21 AM.

