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Zero Friction <> All Gravity Wheel Designers Listen Up

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  • #31
    Hi Joit. Yeah, it doesn't work in Firefox but Internet Explorer will open up the Media Player and run it. We had a very nice day here yesterday and the sky was nice, a great opportunity to test my new camcorder. I got it from QVC just $30 a month. Learning how to use it now, all the buttons and selections. It will serve me well when the wheel is running.

    Using Virtual Dub (.org) I can convert into many different formats. Apparently .avi wasn't a good choice.


    • #32
      Joit: You can download it now. I zipped it for you => It is an excellent picture. I'm very happy with the quality of this camera but it sure is a lot to learn to operate it => MoviePix HD 720p Digital Video Camcorder w/ 2.7"LCD Display Instruction Manual Codes as Pix Pics Pictures for someone who's never had one before.


      • #33
        Hi, and thanks, i do use IE6, but it didnt open, but Firefox did download it.
        You can do make a account at youtube too for free. and upload, i guess, *.flv files there,
        then you dont need store it elsewehre.
        It only are clouds, lol, did you seed them ?
        But we got some nice few Days last Days too, i enjoy them too, before it goes cold again.
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • #34
          My account on YouTube is "peacepipe4" but I've never uploaded anything. Yeah, I took the picture from my 3rd floor apartment balcony. I face south. I get the sunrise and I get the Moon rise too. I'll try some Moon flicks sometime soon. They'll probably be dark but I might be able to lighten them up in PhotoShop.

          Yeah, I did seed them. We moved here when there was a 2-year drought. After we moved in it came lots of rain. That was partly why I chose the name CloudSeeder. You're a very good guesser. Me and clouds... we're like that, partners.
          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 08-31-2009, 09:41 PM.


          • #35
            Speaking of clouds... I made a google profile about myself. Yep, I decided to come out of the closet on August 31 2009 => Woodrow Riley - Google Profile <> I cover some good information, stuff I'm into recently.


            • #36
              Health Tonic reveals Microwave Energy of Yellow Onions:

              Health Tonic 4-page pdf released 9/6/2009 =>



              • #37
                Every Trick in my Health Bag:

                @All who want Great Health I've put the rest of my health insights on this post => Prospector's Health Tonic Tricks (they didn't have no vaccines) // Current <> It's all you need to know, and a lot of stuff our great-grandparents knew and used.

                We just lost the information.
                Last edited by CloudSeeder; 09-07-2009, 05:55 PM. Reason:


                • #38
                  Major Advances!

                  Made a couple really MAJOR advances the past few days y'all. There's a few sticky issues remaining but I'll lasso them and drop them just like I dropped these toughies. Whew, you guys are gonna be blown away <> hey, I'm blown away too =>

                  Knockin' em down men. I know what else needs done.
                  Aiming for September 22 video, hopefully sooner!
                  The camcorder works great pics

                  Check out this sample of quality => (.avi)
                  (pre-screened for viruses, read-only attribute set to help prevent node infection too.)


                  • #39
                    A Gravity Wheel has to both Snap &amp; Pass the Ball:

                    The problem with gravity is it's too slow, sluggish, like a timed-release or slow motion energy. It's a powderpuff unless you fall or crash a plane. So the trick is to convert it into something with a bit more snap in it. Like when the team is on the line and the center snaps the ball back.

                    A spinning wheel affords that opportunity.

                    I just realized how my wheel is going to produce that snap. Snap alone is not the full answer. You need snap but you also need a big slow follow through => the Pass. The Pass represents continuous motion, like the ball hanging in the air. By accident of invention -coupled with blessings of insight- my wheel does the snap at the top followed by the Pass starting midway down through the bottom.

                    Just like we all figured too, beginning on one side + continuing down same side while hugging the other side on the return trip.
                    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 09-18-2009, 12:46 PM. Reason: Just like we all figured => beginning on one side + continuing down same side while hugging the other side on the return trip


                    • #40
                      Fighting a [sluggish] fire with more [sluggish] fire:

                      Everyone of us knows how sluggish gravity is. But when we get an idea how to overcome it we have a tendency to want to implement it too fast! That's where -sometimes- we end up defeating our own designs => fast implementation elicits the negative rebound energy, a backwards bounce.

                      Once we figure ways to ease into the positions we know will work, instead of slapping them like a hockey puck, we will overcome one day.


                      • #41
                        How UFO's Work:

                        How UFO's Work is over on the CloudSeeder on Fire thread =>


                        • #42
                          10/09/2009 Update =&gt; The Team of Five Horsemen Ready to Run:

                          In June 2009 was the date of the drawing below. The picture is dated (old) because recently I have made 5 important additional changes to the simple design. Gravity is in motion, still in the back field, perhaps looking stalled but I assure you, it is not. The changes take it from being a mere spinning children's toy to being a home generator-spinning workhorse.

                          Pendulums are at a severe disadvantage because they are anchored in one spot. One change I've made is to make a slide, so that the weight begins sliding before passing 12 o'clock => imparting into the weight some forward motion building long before it enters into being a swinging motion hammer. Just like I posted months ago on the other CloudSeeder on Fire thread => like a Tilt-A-Whirl action, except instead of horizontal it is vertical. With Gravity Wheels you have to locate & use every edge you can creak out. The drawing above even w/out the 5 improvements came very close to continuous spin.
                          Last edited by CloudSeeder; 10-09-2009, 08:14 PM. Reason: Pendulums are at a severe disadvantage because they are anchored in one spot. I've changed that!


                          • #43
                            Ya good addition.
                            I have taken mine to a machine shop to get a shaft mounted in the center and will now start looking at adding a slide component - in the mix


                            • #44
                              Yes I am considering Perm Mags to reduce friction.
                              The motor mags sold by The Magnet Master should work well they have a curved surface and their are two sizes, where one will fit into the other.
                              This is a link for a set of 4 ea N-in & S-in You will need "2 Groups"
                              Use N-in on one side ans S-in on the other
                              4 Pairs Neodymium MOTOR Magnets 2"ODx1.75"IDx1"L N40SH - eBay (item 370274107375 end time Oct-19-09 14:00:06 PDT)

                              Then this is the inner set
                              Neodymium MOTOR Magnets 1.5" OD x 1.25" ID x 0.75" L - eBay (item 320136323294 end time Oct-26-09 15:33:25 PDT)

                              I will also use Pillow blocks also on the shaft to aline in all directions and the Water floats to add additional suspension that is adjustable to need.
                              Face it if it wont overcome the friction its not going to generate additional power.
                              This is alot of fun aint it.

                              Originally posted by TRON View Post
                              Use maglev bearings at the ends of the shaft...magnets that are self centering in a pair, floating axle, zero anyone considering this?


                              • #45
                                Here's another concept I'm working on.
                                A wheel with multiple two plate capacitors around the rim with the posative plates in the same direction.
                                Sense its known that the cap looses 10% of its dielectric weight when charged with high Voltage (in the 25kv range).
                                Wouldn't this cause spin force????????
                                I perceive Glass as the best dielectric w Aluminum foil as the plates.
                                If a wooden ring holding coils and two stationary sets of magnets on eather side of the wheel all oreanted the same s-n direction. wouldent the coils conected through diodes build a charge to the caps????

                                Originally posted by FrozenWaterLab View Post
                                Yes I am considering Perm Mags to reduce friction.
                                The motor mags sold by The Magnet Master should work well they have a curved surface and their are two sizes, where one will fit into the other.
                                This is a link for a set of 4 ea N-in & S-in You will need "2 Groups"
                                Use N-in on one side ans S-in on the other
                                4 Pairs Neodymium MOTOR Magnets 2"ODx1.75"IDx1"L N40SH - eBay (item 370274107375 end time Oct-19-09 14:00:06 PDT)

                                Then this is the inner set
                                Neodymium MOTOR Magnets 1.5" OD x 1.25" ID x 0.75" L - eBay (item 320136323294 end time Oct-26-09 15:33:25 PDT)

                                I will also use Pillow blocks also on the shaft to aline in all directions and the Water floats to add additional suspension that is adjustable to need.
                                Face it if it wont overcome the friction its not going to generate additional power.
                                This is alot of fun aint it.

