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Zero Friction <> All Gravity Wheel Designers Listen Up

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  • Zero Friction <> All Gravity Wheel Designers Listen Up

    Friction-Free, Reduced Contact Gravity Wheels

    I wanted to make sure everyone working on a gravity wheel sees this... so making a new thread may be the best way. One enemy defeating most gravity wheels is axle friction. There is a way to cheat axle friction => toilet bowl floats. Each end of the axle can have a ball floating in a small water tank. Preferably a ball that has a smooth surface, plastic or hard rubber +/- okay.

    You need to spray Pam cooking oil on the outside of the ball to make it shed-water slick. To attach the axle end could be done with a toy arrow suction tip attached , just insert the axle in place of the toy arrow... giving a fair perpendicular, courtesy of the arrow manufacturer's diligence to angles.

    Or just drill th' thing.
    One big leap for Gravity Wheels.
    July 25 2009 ~ CloudSeeder
    Last edited by CloudSeeder; 07-25-2009, 01:37 PM.

  • #2
    &quot;Effective Weightlessness&quot; &lt;&gt; Outer Space vacuum, just on earth

    I'm sorry. In my haste to make that post I forgot to add that, in effect, this brings the weightless condition found in Outer Space down to earth. Many of the gravity wheels have been having a "rebound effect" that is somewhat being generated by resistance.

    Upon removing 99.xx% of that resistance we should all enjoy a higher level of success.


    • #3
      The Crippler =&gt; Distance of Weights out from the hub:

      Back on June 10 this year I posted this one and it
      came extremely close to nonstop spinning =>

      It suffered the same flaw as everybody else's wheels => the farther
      the weights are out from the hub = the more difficult to maintain spin.
      The answer then is obvious => the weights have to be closer to the hub.


      • #4
        Post #1 Addition: Water tank connection + Axle Guides

        Regarding the float balls of Post #1:

        1. To maintain the water tanks at the same water level a tiny water line across would take care of that.

        2. Floating on water, the devices would need a pair of vertical guides to avoid wobble, possibly on each side of the axle having a little free-turning cymbal to restrict friction. Grease would also work fine because the guides are not load-bearing.


        • #5
          Remembering Johann Bessler

          Just in case anything was to befall me precautions have been put in place not to repeat Mr. Bessler's experience. A compressed picture containing my recent wheel (the fifth to be built) having its weights closer in to the hub was placed on my website two days ago. Anything happens to me -but NOT falling off a scaffold- the ideas in it are not lost.


          • #6
            I sell Gravity on other websites

            I sell the Gravity Wheels before getting them built because I know they will work, but I also sell other energies I've come up with besides gravity => Four important new Energy Source posts // Current

            A New Age of Energy Plenty has arrived.


            • #7
              I like low-friction designs. Even if each next step is going to offer smaller gains (smaller loss reductions), it's nice to work on.

              For gravity wheels though, I think friction is only a big deal to improve output at equilibrium speed. AFTER someone finally ets one to work.
              If friction is established to be KEY to making a gravity wheel work, one automatically sets the maximum power output in the milliwatt range per KG of dynamic weight.

              Bessler used wood, and maybe animal grease. History as told about his work is theneither a lie/fake, or it tells us that not only friction can be overcome, but useful work done by a gravity wheel.

              I'll make a bet. If someone manages to make a working gravity wheel with super low friction bearings, etc, I can design one on the same principle, using just wood and grease. My belief is that if there is OU to be had, it will be more than fraction-percents per rotation of the kineric energy in the revolving weights. A sub-perfect axle bearing is not going to hold it back.
              Ever spin a bicycle wheel in the wheelstand? If the OU product of 1kg in dynamic weight cannot overcome that, it's simply not OU.
              Last edited by Cloxxki; 07-28-2009, 07:44 PM.


              • #8
                I know &quot;they&quot; will all work

                I was meaning to say not only my designs but many the others: Inquorate, Marxist and the others on The Mechanical Engine. My ego hasn't gotten that big. I looked very closely at the principles in all the other gravity wheels and they all should make it if the negative rebound energy was reduced, or done away with. Rebound energy prevents gravity wheels from free wheeling as they should.

                Besides, not all of my wheels will work anyway. We all have failed designs.
                That's why "we" know we will prevail in this endeavor!


                • #9
                  Cloxxki: Yeah, that's right. Bigger weights taking smaller bites out of the apple. Very perceptive!


                  • #10
                    Zero Friction!

                    Use maglev bearings at the ends of the shaft...magnets that are self centering in a pair, floating axle, zero anyone considering this?


                    • #11
                      Tron: We consider everything. I guess you could use a magnetized axle and put a reverse polarity underneath it to accomplish levitation. Perhaps a toroid magnet around the axle? Most here don't have access to a lab or limitless funds... so a low cost float bowl ball at the ends would accomplish close to that.

                      It's like Cloxxki said though, that if the design is right it should be able to overcome the remaining friction. Once we get some of our designs running and can show them publicly, I would imagine people with money for maglev and labs might be forthcoming.

                      At the present moment we operate on shoestrings and have to fabricate parts. Your idea is good, just a bit ahead of the game. If you have the money you're more than welcome to try it!


                      • #12
                        TRON: I was thinking about using strong natural magnets for magnetic levitation, one at 11 o'clock the other at 1 pm. But if the gravity wheel was being asked to produce enough power to run an artificial electromagnet levitation that's a ways in the future also. We're still in the beginning stages trying to match enough moving parts. Trying to match a changing spinning bunch of weights with a magnet is a higher level of physics to be attempting right now.

                        Once the science is proved I imagine any number of researchers and hobbyists might do what you suggest... unless of course we do it so good there's no need for it. There are some very talented people in these forums.


                        • #13
                          Gravity Wheel #5 Mounting and Rod Assembly

                          The black bolts serve as the axle (hub). They are right perfectly aligned with
                          the dowel rod by the plastic thingys from the hardware store plumbing section.
                          The black bolt axles will be put through metal sleeves in the two uprights
                          for an extremely friction-free spinning.

                          This particular gravity wheel design is unique of all others because it will be both
                          pushing in the direction of spin and pulling in the spin direction at the same time
                          (when completed of course). It does that by using leverage.


                          • #14
                            Improvement: better uprights system &lt;&gt; Open Top Faster Mount &amp; Dismount Times

                            Making multiple uprights per each design has been a time waster <> have now switched to open top... trying new designs at a much faster pace, less time on building new platforms and uprights, maximizing Time, Effort and $$$.

                            The last design I came up with is outstanding but the one last night is unbelievable. It pulls on the top as it drops pendulum-style and then delivers a hit to the bottom of the hub, so it essentially has a triple hit as it drops one time. This new one has moved to the #1 position, working on it right now.

                            Projects are ahead of schedule for 8/31 release. Fill the pens with ink. Wait. 8/31 is a yuck Monday. I'll do my best to beat that.
                            Last edited by CloudSeeder; 08-12-2009, 01:36 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by CloudSeeder View Post
                              Making multiple uprights per each design has been a time waster <> have now switched to open top... trying new designs at a much faster pace, less time on building new platforms and uprights, maximizing Time, Effort and $$$.

                              The last design I came up with is outstanding but the one last night is unbelievable. It pulls on the top as it drops pendulum-style and then delivers a hit to the bottom of the hub, so it essentially has a triple hit as it drops one time. This new one has moved to the #1 position, working on it right now.

                              Projects are ahead of schedule for 8/31 release. Fill the pens with ink. Wait. 8/31 is a yuck Monday. I'll do my best to beat that.
                              Sounds like your latest design is tapping into the first or even second derivative of speed? On a pendulum, acceleration maxes out on the vertical axle at each extreme position. Horizontal maximum acceleration, errr, not so easy to guess. 1/4 and 3/4 of the angular way perhaps.
                              I've always wondered if a speedometer could be pressed upon to get more speed, or whether acceleration could be expressed mechanically, and then resisted or urged, rather than trying to accelerate an object itself.

                              My strong hunch is that whichever gravity engine will prove to work (I like to believe we'll manage this sooner or later), it will be due to tricking mother nature, with a smart combination of speed, time, and distance. Something twice as fast can raise itself twice the height before hitting full vertical stop. 10m/s horizontal equals 5m vertical in one second, and 20m/s equals 10m in the first second, 5m in the second. Someone smarter than me will find a way to use this. Speed and momentum will proove to be the key, not leverage.

                              Looking forward to the 31st! And, I actually give it a chance that you'll get it working, or at least come up with some good research to help the cause a good step further. Seems the past years it's been babysteps.

