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Gray Technology For Everyone To Share

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  • Gray Technology For Everyone To Share

    This thread is intended to be about using the same effects that E.V. Gray used, but in different circuits, thats why I start a new thread

    But first let me cite D.SC. Peter Lindemann for his large efforts leading to this knowledge. From the preface of his book:

    The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity (December 2000)

    Ever since I first encountered the work of Edwin Gray more than a quarter of a century ago, I have attempted to unravel the mystery of how he produced free energy. Only recently has sufficient information emerged to enable me to finally piece all of the clues together and reach a definitive conclusion. In "The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity," I share this 27-year odyssey and the knowledge that has evolved along the way.
    Peter, thank you so much

    Aaron has put a large effort in helping to explain this effect, as can be seen in the thread:
    Gray tube replication

    From post #1661 on page 56
    I hope that this helps anyone that has any interest in this technology anymore. It should be obvious how this concept can be applied to virtually everything from the Bedini circuits to you name it.

    Anyway, I don't think I have much more to add other than I hope to see other replications on this very specific concept that many people have wondered about for years. How to mix high voltage low current source with a low voltage high current source.

    We have already been doing it. This is called unconscious competence. We didn't even know we already knew how to do it. I hope this sheds light on the topic and makes it easy to see many possibilities.
    Don't miss the explanation in post #1660

    Aaron, thank you so much

    Also a thank you very much DrStiffler for teaching your research.

    IMHO the knowledge on how to tune the coils for the GRAY tube can be learned from Doc's videos in "High Voltage from Thin Air". The frequencies of a single pulse depends upon the pulse width.

    So now it's time to find uses of the effect.
    I welcome all of the members of this super educational forum,
    please "twist" your brains to come up with a lot of examples on how to use the principle in other circuits, and show your results here.


    I have seen something that looks to me like the "Gray Effect".
    If I'm fooled in this experiment, at least it looked convincing. SEC replicators: I hope some of you will try the simple replication of the circuit shown in this video:

    YouTube - EVGray+SEC Effects

    Please note the effect can be hard for the 1N4148 diodes (I fried several 1N4148 diodes), so keep the exciter supply voltage in the low operating end.

    The diode from the AV plug to the positive supply must be connected inside the filter right at the decoupling capacitor near the MPSA06.


  • #2
    Originally posted by PArAd0X
    The modulation of force is the key in almost all overunity circuits. Edwin Gray did this with electrostatics, but it can also be done more easily with magnetics and even possibly with gravitaics.

    Picking a ball up from the ground takes energy, and dropping it releases what you've put in, leaving you with nothing. Imagine if you found a way to turn the force of gravity off for a brief moment while picking up the ball, and then turning it back on before you release it. Now you get something for nothing. Many free energy circuits including Gray's does this in its own unique way, using either electrostatic force, electromagnetic force etc.

    If we study Gray's device we see that it is able to accelerate electrons towards a charged surface. When this mass of electrons collides with the charged surface it "turns off", by means of a diode. Now you are left with a high momentum charged mass of electrons ready to do free work for you. It's just like dropping the ball to earth, but not having to pay to pick it up again because we are able to turn the force on and off at will. The Gray circuit is tricky and requires a lot of tuning, that is why it has not been remastered yet.

    The principal of the Gray circuit can easily be incorporated in magnetics and I have already designed a dead-simple magnetic concept recently that could easily be built into a motor that will power itself.

    These 3 papers contain all the answers you may be looking for:
    Frolov on resonant tuning and the Avramenko plug
    Frolovs 'Power from Nothing'
    work of potential field to get the power in load
    Thank you for a very enlightening post

    "The Gray circuit is tricky and requires a lot of tuning, that is why it has not been remastered yet."

    Is it possible, that the difficulty is making pulses of stable duration, so it can hit the resonance of the load coil circuit every time ?

    If I were to build the circuit, I would make some stable supplies for HV and LV. Then make a precise switch for the LV rod, study the pulse durations so the frequency can be determined. Next ensure the load circuit resonates at this frequency.

    Just my thoughts.

    "The principal of the Gray circuit can easily be incorporated in magnetics and I have already designed a dead-simple magnetic concept recently that could easily be built into a motor that will power itself."

    Are you willing to share ?

    By the way the generator invented by Peter Lindemann but known as the Ecklin-Brown generator was "replicated" by Hector 1982. Hector did neither use magnets nor electro magnets.

    Like a 3-phase induction motor can initiate generation from a weak remanence field, "self-excitation", so can this generator. Hector added a capacitor to one of the four "legs" to get a LC circuit, and when tuning the rpm to hit the resonant frequency it generates power from the 3 remaining "legs", COP 3.58.

    Hector considers this generator superior to the Cromrey converter.

    A few comments on the video.

    Its hard to see the scale, but its x10, so the numbers are 570Lux@9V,27mA, and 4030Lux@9V,45mA.

    My Weller soldering Iron goes crazy while the SEC exciter is on.

    The tuning has been tested with various configurations. I have always seen increased light, but the current has in some cases been reduced by 5 mA.

    The 8 LEDs are not destroying the 1N4148 diodes. My 64 LED board is not so nice to the diodes, but while working light is intense.

    By the way I have now made layouts for flat 1-layer PCB spiral coils from 17 turns to 40 turns in steps of one turn. They will be part of my coming "cube" exciter. I will make the first coils tomorrow.

    The previously published spiral coil resonated at approx. 2.6MHz. The new coil set will offer a wide range of resonant frequencies to choose from. They can even be tapped.

    @SEC exciter builders.
    Can it be true that not a single person tried adding a single diode to confirm or reject my finding ? A post here would be nice. Thanks in advance



    • #3
      Originally posted by PArAd0X
      My magnet concept is so simple that it's almost too good to be true, but the theory seems sound. Tell me what you think...
      Moving the plate from point 1 to 0 gives you energy because the iron plate is attracted to the magnet. Moving the plate from 0 to -1 takes the same amount of energy as you just gained because it is in symmetry. We can agree then that the iron plate took no energy to be moved, but it's movement is causing a changing field intensity on the coil, producing a free voltage

      I have already finalized my design and plan to build it this month.
      Thank you for one more link (not read it yet)

      Under the assumption you use laminated iron I agree. I have made a brake with solid plate disks capable of 1400Nm torque, that is a serious heat loss.

      I think Bedini has several variations on this principle, I remember a motor from #2 in the Energy from the vacuum series.

      I also saw another variation on the OU forum some time ago.

      If you insert several parallel to the field soft iron laminate plates between to magnetic poles, the plates themselves become magnets and repel each other.

      When using an electromagnet and always having the plates move inside the field, the magnetic conductivity is constant, so the energy of the electromagnet can be recovered almost 100%. I addition mechanical energy from the plates is available also.

      Did you notice this thread here some time ago, it looks very promishing also.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
        Under the assumption you use laminated iron I agree. I have made a brake with solid plate disks capable of 1400Nm torque, that is a serious heat loss.
        Yes thanks for bringing that point up, I will definitely consider using rotor blades made out of laminated iron rather than a solid iron plate.

        Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
        If you insert several parallel to the field soft iron laminate plates between to magnetic poles, the plates themselves become magnets and repel each other.
        Could you please elaborate a bit more on this, I don't quite understand what you mean...?


        • #5
          Consider the "." as whitespace (needed as spaces " " are removed when posting).

          You have a N-pole to the left and the S-pole to the right
          When thin laminate iron plates "======" are inserted between the poles with only small air gaps at the ends, they become magnetized, so the plates repel each other. You can test the considerable force yourself with 2 magnets and two plates between the magnets.

          If the poles of the outer magnets are created by an electromagnet, the plates only repel each other when current flows in the electromagnet.

          If the electromagnet is paralleled with a capacitor to a LC resonant circuit, and the plates are part of a mechanical resonant system, and the resonant frequency of the electromagnet matches the mechanical system, then magic happens in form of mechanical energy. Maybe this could even be used as the slider mechanism for your idea.

          As the plates never leaves the field lines in the closed magnetic circuit (only pole shoes shown) and the plates moves perpendicular (up-down in this drawing) to the horizontal field lines the magnetic conductivity is constant.

          ....N.....I......................I S

          Sorry for this crude explanation, but I don't think I could find the OU thread as quickly.

          Maybe it is worth trying the Hector version of the "Ecklin-Brown" generator as a starting point, it is a tested and well functioning embodiment of your idea. As said before Hector considers it superior to the Cromwell converter, no commutator rings and plenty of space to wind much larger coils. The "C" shape arms can be made from ordinary scrapped transformer cores. You just cut off the center leg and use it for the rotor laminations, the rest of the "E" core is now "C" shaped. Maybe even the magnet wire can be reused for the 4 coils to reduce costs.



          • #6
            work in versus work out

            Originally posted by PArAd0X
            Picking a ball up from the ground takes energy, and dropping it releases what you've put in, leaving you with nothing.
            Paradox, this is not consistent with non-equilibrium thermodynamics and therefore is untrue in these systems.

            Tecstatic, when you lift a ball, you expend work to do that. You know what you get out of that work? The lift! That is it. Your work is all dissipated at that point.

            When you let go of the ball, that is EXTERNAL gravitational potential that is now added to the ball on the decent and when it hits, that potential sees a potential difference in any resistance that is encountered that breaks the symmetry and causes that gravitational potential to do work.

            That work at that point is above and beyond the work we did to lift the ball.

            See the 1 joule Energy thread for clarification on this and how the notion that we get out of the lifted ball what we put in FALSE. That completely discounts the FACT that the LIFTING of the ball in and of itself IS what we get out of the work we put in.

            All the open electrical circuits work the exact same way - especially in coils.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              Paradox, this is not consistent with non-equilibrium thermodynamics and therefore is untrue in these systems.

              Tecstatic, when you lift a ball, you expend work to do that. You know what you get out of that work? The lift! That is it. Your work is all dissipated at that point.

              When you let go of the ball, that is EXTERNAL gravitational potential that is now added to the ball on the decent and when it hits, that potential sees a potential difference in any resistance that is encountered that breaks the symmetry and causes that gravitational potential to do work.
              The potential energy of the ball is converted to kinetic energy during the fall, and the total energy of the ball is constant as long as nothing interferes with its fall. It is then a matter how efficient it is stopped (symmetry broken), how high is the Q value. The higher the Q the more you get back. Again dare to accept what your eyes see in Peters video. The little wagon is pulled forward AND the ball regains most of its height. Its "mileage" is three times that of the simple fall. Yes, the friction losses overcome by work done are trippled.

              That work at that point is above and beyond the work we did to lift the ball.

              See the 1 joule Energy thread for clarification on this and how the notion that we get out of the lifted ball what we put in FALSE. That completely discounts the FACT that the LIFTING of the ball in and of itself IS what we get out of the work we put in.
              Aaron, I have skimmed the first three pages of your 1 man army crusade. I must say your PATH modules must be doing their purpose well.

              For my part I do not want to further join that discussion. Resonance is the key, just look at the video posted by Peter and dare to believe what you see.

              It is frighting how true Bedini is in the 2'nd vacuum video. Free from my memory Bedini states that even when the skeptic has a running machine in front of his eyes, he refuses to accept what he sees, "It can not work, that impossible".

              I'm part of an electric car group (Yes, I have tried a short trip in the small Tesla Motors sports car ). With a few exceptions the members of the group act like they were paid by big oil to stop the new technology, so I think I know the feeling. We live in a brainwashed society where nonsense TV programs eat up valuable time and passivates almost all the population.

              All the open electrical circuits work the exact same way - especially in coils.
              Yes indeed, IMHO be it Stifflers SEC exciter, Peters electric motor secrets, rotoverter, you name it. With a sufficiently fast scope the radient "spike" turns out to be a damped oscillation of high frequency.


