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  • Invisibility

    It was rumored that Tesla and others, worked on invisibility from radar,
    and achieved optical invisibility (project "Rainbow" was it?).
    These rumors swirl around the Philadelphia Experiment Legend.

    It appears that transparent aluminum effects are now being demonstrated in the lab:

    Transparent aluminium is 'new state of matter'
    Last edited by morpher44; 08-01-2009, 12:10 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    It was rumored that Tesla and others, worked on invisibility from radar,
    and achieved optical invisibility.
    These rumors swirl around the Philadelphia Experiment Legend.

    It appears that transparent aluminum effects are now being demonstrated in the lab:

    Transparent aluminium is 'new state of matter'
    I think if we can change the vibrational rate of the atomic structure of matter, invisibility would be possible. It might constitute a shift in dimensions, or perhaps a slightly altered time frame.
    UFO's seem to have this property. Many are caught on digital cameras which detect a higher range of ultraviolet light than we can see. David Sereda makes a good case for this property in his excellent video:
    YouTube - NASA STS-75 (Narration by David Sereda) Pt 1.




    • #3
      Just goes to show....


      Interesting post...before reading the article my mind immediately harkened back to that Star Trek Movie (going back in time to save the whales and using transparent aluminium to construct the tank LOL). Intriguing how in the timeline of things, mainstream science often imitates the imaginative realms of Science 'Fiction' (or HAS somebody accomplished it long ago??). Without jumping to conspiracy theories the mind can certainly boggle.

      Seem's it's early days for these researchers though. Nature has materials woven finely in such a intricate and binding thread that it is hard to rip that 'fabric' without consequence. The scientists working on the project were only able to achieve the affect for not even 'split second' and even then certainly using very exotic tools....indeed a long way from having a piece of the finished product in your hand, visible/barely visible in ambient light.

      It's how the scientific process starts though I guess...dream it, hammer it (your prototype) a million different ways until you find the simplest way to boil that egg.

      Thanks again.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
        I think if we can change the vibrational rate of the atomic structure of matter, invisibility would be possible. It might constitute a shift in dimensions, or perhaps a slightly altered time frame.
        UFO's seem to have this property. Many are caught on digital cameras which detect a higher range of ultraviolet light than we can see. David Sereda makes a good case for this property in his excellent video:
        YouTube - NASA STS-75 (Narration by David Sereda) Pt 1.


        hi I purchased a pair of aura glasses Aura Glasses by Cymaticized - Now anyone can see auras! on eBay (end time 16-Aug-09 18:25:27 BST)
        was looking at the sky this morning and i could see a dark area that after say 1minute disapeared, if it happens again will video it.


        • #5
          Hi Bodkins,

          Do the glasses work?


          You can view my vids here


          • #6

            YouTube - Invisibility a Reality?

            YouTube - An Invisible Breakthrough


            • #7
              Invisibility and Renewable Energy

              I guess its a bit of a stretch to have a discussion about invisibility
              under the "renewable energy" category.

              Imagine stacking "invisible" or transparent solar panels, like so many
              plates in a capacitor. If the light could travel thru but convey
              charge on to each layer as it goes, that would be a better
              use of real-estate/geometry and the light.

              One show-stopper for photovoltaic panels is they take up a lot of space.

              Perhaps there is another see-thru process that could be developed
              for collecting charges from light.
              Crystals respond to the piezoelectric effect -- pressure.
              Light can produce heat which can expand gasses and
              to produce pressure -- all invisible to the eye.

              Perhaps the GASSES should be gradually released into the
              shadier part of the collector. As the sun moves, the gasses
              would always seek the shade, slowly with a pressure release.
              Subtle vibrations in the gasses could RING the piezoelectric

              I have no idea if this would work.
              Any crystal experts want to chime in?


              • #8
                Originally posted by dambit View Post
                Hi Bodkins,

                Do the glasses work?


                Often ridiculed for his legendary short-sightedness, John Lennon refused to wear glasses when he played live. There is one notable exception to this, July 2 1966 when as part of a hastily arranged Japanese tour he wore a pair of his trademark gold rimmed glasses (as shown in a shot from the show).

                At the end of the tour John presented the glasses to the TV producer who had acted as their translator for the fab four on this trip. This authentic piece comes complete with a detailed note from the former Nippon TV Executive regarding the provenance and background to owning the sunglasses. He also explains how he removed the lenses, as he felt that after his death Lennon could see him [A traditional Japanese custom].
                what do you think? you see what you believe you can see?

