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Help needed with fly-back transformer project

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  • #16
    BTW, start with the resistor under 1000 ohm and use 0.1uF. This should result in kHz range. Make sure that the duty cycle is low, maybe around 10%. I kill some 555 when I run it at low frequency.

    I think joined input and output leg on car coil is not the one at fault for damaging 555. It should only made my 3055 slightly warm and the 555 stay moderately cool. The resistor got very hot though. use 2 Watt version of resistor for the transistor / MOSFET.


    • #17
      Evil Genius Solid State Tesla Coil

      I had purchased all the parts and the project was just waiting for me,
      so tonight I thought I'de try it out.
      It was very easy to put together.
      I goofed with the MOSFETs, however, hooking up source/drain backwards,
      melting wires, causing > 10A thru the coil. Yikes.
      The schematic didn't label the MOSFET very well and I guessed wrong.
      Luckily, nothing appears to have been damaged except a few wires were melted (didn't use a fuse -- oops).

      Anyway, that was fun. This is a nice little circuit. Low cost. Low power.
      Easy. Fun for experimenting with a less dangerous Tesla Coil.

      YouTube - Evil Genius Solid State Tesla Coil Replication
      Last edited by morpher44; 08-08-2009, 08:00 AM. Reason: typo


      • #18
        fun with flyback and neodimium

        Fun things you can do once you get your flyback working

        YouTube - High Voltage Arc to Neodymium Magnet


        • #19
          I'm jealous

          I have yet to get my flyback producing such a good spark; and my sig gen died. Wah.
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • #20
            Bring it up Ben, We can scope it to see. Or if you like I can bring my portable one down to work tomorrow and check it out for you.

            Might be as simple as replacing the chip. Might not even be dead.
            "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


            • #21
              If wishes were fishes

              Thanks ren, I'll give you a call; going to try wishboarding a 555 first, but will still prob take you up on that.. Going in for surgery on my back possibly as soon as this friday so I want to get at least one Electret baked by then.

              Love and light
              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                Thanks ren, I'll give you a call; going to try wishboarding a 555 first, but will still prob take you up on that.. Going in for surgery on my back possibly as soon as this friday so I want to get at least one Electret baked by then.

                Love and light
                A surgery? I hope it is not a big problem. I pray that it went well.

                BTW, don't use coil on the first run of the sig gen. Use something else that can be driven like LED, speaker or motor.


                • #23
                  First run

                  Yeah, going to try switching a transistor to a bulb first..

                  YouTube - signal generator 555 timer based with 0 to 100% pulse width control

                  Surgery is to fix a disk that's heamhoraged into the spinal canal and pressing on nerves, now not until tuesday next week.

                  Love and light
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • #24
                    I wish you luck for the operation.

                    Remember not to use the frequency bellow 100Hz and definitely not at coil resonant frequency unless you can limit the current going to the coil (reducing spike power). Definitely not the frequency in your video if you don't use heatsink for the transistor.


                    • #25
                      Over excitement or spaming?

                      Originally posted by shubhamforme
                      need a simple,chea and effective osolar charger which can charge your car lead acid 8o amp battery with just 5 watts solar panel……then here it is….
                      this is one of the very best and simple yet very effective and cheap solid state self triggring radiant oscillator or charger...
                      please give me your feed feed back and views...
                      i had recently desulphated 3 of my 5 years old 12v 80amp lead acid car they hold a charger quite properly....
                      and i had simply use a 1amp 9v pus or power supply for input...
                      heres the link to circuit.....
                      download it and enjoy---
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                      Free File Hosting & Video Downloads, Free File Sharing, Online Friends Network - Ziddu
                      I'm pretty sure everyone got this message after you have posted on almost every thread. Personally I don't like visiting links which you posted for security reasons. I hope you've got moderators attention as well.


                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower


